Novel Name : Inhuman Warlock

Inhuman Warlock Chapter 1020 Lost time

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Chapter 1020 Chapter 1020: Lost time

Lucifer wasn't sure how long his mind remained in that unfamiliar state where he couldn't feel the reality around him. However, the moment he came to his senses, his world was turned upside down.

Earth still loomed in the distance, but its once thriving beauty had faded away. The vibrant planet had transformed into a desolate wasteland, devoid of any signs of life. The ruination of Earth had left it as nothing more than a barren land.

Lucifer felt a pang of sorrow as he surveyed the bleak landscape. He had witnessed countless civilizations rise and fall, but the demise of Earth struck him in a different way.

The Earth was beyond recognition to the point that he even considered if this was earth in the first place, but everything else pointed to that being the case. The seas on earth had completely dried and all the greenery disappeared. Even the buildings weren't left intact.

Lucifer felt a strange sense of heartbreak. Had he failed in stopping the attack? Was it the attack that destroyed Earth? However, it seemed unlikely as well. If the attack had landed, the entire earth would have blown up. This felt more like something else.

He looked behind in the distance, trying to catch a glimpse of the Star Alliance Ship. No matter what, it was certainly that they were behind this attack. However, as he looked back, he only received more shock.

The Star Alliance ship that belonged to the Annihilated Squad wasn't in a better situation either. Its outer shell appeared rotten, decaying all around. Large scale cracks were also visible all around and strangely enough, he couldn't feel any life essence inside.

Ron's Ship also appeared to be in a similar situation. It was as if the same thing that targeted the Star Alliance ship targeted Ron's Ship and possibly earth as well.

Lucifer remained silent, his thoughts in a mess as to what just happened. His mind was completely blank.

His memories were missing from the point where he blocked the attack, to the moment when he woke up. It was as if his memories of the time in between were completely gone and he wasn't in his senses.

At the same time, a dreaded thought also crossed his mind. Was he the cause of it all? He wanted to rush straight to earth to check if his family had survived, but he knew that before that, he had to check something else.

He appeared inside Ron's Ship. With the Ship in ruin, there was no obstruction to Teleportation.

As he appeared inside the ship, he found the condition to be even worse than he imagined. All the systems were destroyed. The glasses that could even survive nuclear blasts were shattered and all the metal had rusted. The entire ship was left as nothing more than junk.

He tried to find Ron and others, but no one was inside. Even if there was someone when this happened, it was unlikely for them to survive. Lucifer knew that if something could destroy this ship to this extent, it was highly likely that not even ashes were going to be left behind if a human was caught in this.

No matter how much he searched, he didn't find anything. His mind felt even more chaotic. A strange fear gripped his heart. Was he really the one who caused this disaster? Was he the one who caused it all? The thought alone was frightening.

He tried calling out to Ron and the others. Unfortunately, he didn't get any response. Only a scary silence greeted him back.

Panic began to consume him as he stumbled through the wreckage, desperately hoping for signs of life. His thoughts raced, filled with regret.

Failing to find anyone alone, he truly felt like he was suffocating in the deep abyss of his own thoughts, something he hadn't felt for a long time.

"Arghh!" He wanted to blame himself, feeling he was the cause of it all, but he couldn't change anything.

The entire vessel trembled as Lucifer's powerful fist collided with the wall, causing a gaping hole in the ship's thick hull. He was certain now that everyone in the ship was dead. He himself had killed them, simply because he couldn't control himself.

He clutched his chest, a sense of weightiness overwhelming him. He even felt as if he was going crazy. His mind was filled with haunting thoughts about the scene where everyone was killed thanks to him.

Next he entered the Ship of the Annihilation Squad and it was the same scene there. Not a single sign of life was left there.

He felt scared about going back to earth. With this magnitude of destruction, he felt scared of seeing what his actions led earth to. He felt scared of how much he lost. He had already lost Ron and everyone else, and the thought of losing everyone back on earth as well was overwhelming.

Lucifer's eyes remained blank with no signs of life as he appeared where the Variant Uprising Headquarters used to be. Before him was a half destroyed building and the rest also felt as if it could come crashing at any moment.

The entire city which used to be filled with life appeared completely desolate. At times, Lucifer even thought that this wasn't the reality and just a nightmare. Unfortunately, he couldn't wake up from it even if it was.

Most of the earth was destroyed and what was left wasn't enough to sustain life either. At the entrance of the building, Lucifer saw a spear lying on the ground that belonged to the Guard who guarded this place.

Unfortunately, the other of the spear was missing, possibly dead.

As Lucifer picked up the spear, it turned to dust right in his hand, as if it was barely holding on until now.

With hesitant steps, Lucifer entered the building, walking through the corridors where he had walked multiple times in the past. Even though he hadn't been here in years, he still remembered every turn and which room belonged to who.

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