Novel Name : Hunting for Love for 101 Times

Hunting for Love for 101 Times Chapter 368

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Chapter 368

"Not much." Lin Meng suddenly smiles and looks at Nan Xiu: "Nan Xiu, do you believe that Ye Si is dead?"

Nanxiu was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "of course, his funeral was broadcast live all over the world, and the autopsy report came out. At the beginning, even the body was exposed, how could it not be him?"

The smile in Lin Meng's eyes became more and more deep, but he didn't say a word: "nanxiu, I want to go to your house today, OK?"

Nanxiu said happily, "of course, do you know? I want to live in your house every day. "

"Oh, really? But won't your father dislike me? "

"Of course not. My father said that when Xiao Chi's affairs are settled, he will prepare for our wedding, but he said it himself."

Lin Meng didn't make a sound, just agreed with Nan Xiu and nodded.

When I got to Nanjia, nanzhentian happened to be there. When I saw Lin Meng coming, my expression was lukewarm: "a Meng is coming."

"Yes, uncle Nan, how are you? All right? I haven't come to see you for a long time. This is a gift I bought for you. I don't know if you like it or not. " Lin Meng has already bought in advance of the tonic personally handed to the South Zhentian, South Zhentian's face finally had a smile.

"I'm very good, but I've been a little busy recently. By the way, you work in the hospital. How's Gu Jinhan?"

Lin Meng truthfully replied: "I have been in a coma."

However, before Lin Meng as a nurse to Gu Jinhan injection of a drug, now it is estimated that it has been out of breath, think of this, Lin Meng heart sneer.

When the South earthquake day is about to leave, Lin Meng encourages South repair to call congshen's villa from South earthquake day.

Nan Zhentian was surprised and asked Nan Xiu what he wanted congshen's phone to do.

"Well, uncle, I was going to call Mrs. Cong to report Gu Jinhan's illness. At last, when I got off work, I suddenly forgot to call Mrs. Cong on the hospital phone. I just remembered." Lin Meng said euphemistically.

South Zhentian didn't care, told Lin Meng the telephone number, then left in a hurry.

After waiting for Nan Zhentian to leave, Lin Meng takes the phone number and goes to Nan Xiu's room in silence.

Nanxiu wants to go in. Lin Meng says it's about the patient's privacy and asks him to come in after he calls. Nanxiu always obeys Lin Meng's instructions, so he goes to the kitchen to make a big dinner for Lin Meng.

Diluoke places Gu Mei in a hotel to have a rest and takes Xia Nuan back to the villa. As soon as he returns to the villa, the newly hired servant tells Xia Nuan that someone is calling for her.

Summer warm feel curious, asked who is.

"She didn't say who it was, but she said that her wife had something to do with Mr. Gu." The servant gives the phone to Xia Nuan, who takes it.

"Hello? Hello.

"Mrs. Cong? I'll tell you something. Please don't tell others that I said it... " Over there, the voice of the woman is trembling, like fear.

The tone is also very dignified.

Summer warm heart not from of a sink, think of before servant say is with Gu Jin cold about, she is worried more: "you say."

"Well, I'm a nurse in the hospital. I overheard the conversation between Mr. Cong and the doctor. It seems that only Xiao Chi can give blood transfusion to the patient, but Mr. Cong didn't take the doctor's advice. Mr. Cong allowed Xiao chi to give blood transfusion to Gu Jinhan."

The other side seems to be speechless, but Xia Nuan still understands. Xiao Chi's blood type matches Gu Jinhan's. only Xiao Chi can give Gu Jinhan a blood transfusion, but yesishen doesn't allow it. Mr. Cong in the nurse's mouth is yesishen.

"In addition, Mr. Cong wants to take off Mr. Gu's respirator and is unwilling to save him. Now Mr. Gu is very dangerous. I really love him, so I have to call you. However, I beg you not to tell Mr. Cong that I told you."

"Well, I promise you, I will never tell anyone." Xia Nuan finished and hung up.

"Rock, I'm going to the hospital, right now." When Xia Nuan came back, she didn't even have time to take off her coat. Now she didn't need to take it off, but ran out of the living room.

Inverse madam and Ge Li hear the news to rush out, see summer warm fiery appearance, two people also can't help of Leng for a while.

"I don't know what happened." Inverse madam some don't understand of say.

Geli's concern seems to be different from Mrs. Ni's: "it's probably Gu Jinhan's business. Don't you see it, madam? What Xia Nuan cares about most is Gu Jinhan. "

She frowned and said nothing.

Geli is a little frustrated in her heart. She doesn't understand why the spirit and edge of Mrs. Ni's previous life were weakened immediately after being kidnapped once, and she even doesn't pursue Xia Nuan.

However, she did not dare to disobey his wife's idea, so she had to keep this stuffy breath in her heart.

South Zhentian mansion, Lin Meng hung up the phone, a face of pride.

There was more jealousy in those eyes.She has long known that Cong Shen is yesishen. She also knows that the so-called Cong's wife is Xia Nuan. Yesishen and Xia Nuan are not dead. They come to country a anonymously. No one can recognize yesishen, but she can recognize that she has been infatuated with yesishen for almost ten years. She has been infatuated with him since primary school. He knows his every move, his clothes, his figure and his temperament She knew everything like the palm of her hand, so when she saw congshen for the first time, she thought of yesishen. At first, she was suspicious, but she turned her attention to Xia Nuan and found more doubts, which made her believe that congshen and his wife were yesishen and Xia Nuan.

The reason why she gives Gu Jinhan an injection of medicine is to alienate the feelings of yesishen and xianuan.

If she doesn't get the heavy night, she can't get the warm summer.

Lin Meng sneers again.

When nanxiu came in, he saw that his worry became more and more serious: "Meng, what's wrong with you? Or I'll take you to the psychiatric department. "

Lin Meng took away nanxiu's hand: "I'm ok, OK, nanxiu, don't treat me as a psychopath, OK? I'm normal. If you dislike me, we can break up. There's no need to do that! "

Lin Meng said, pushed away nanxiu, quickly to leave, nanxiu hugged Lin Meng from behind, do not allow her to leave.

"Lin Meng, how can I dislike you? I'm just worried about your health. It's too late for me to love you. " Nanxiu has both sound and emotion.

Lin Meng closed her eyes, tears flowing along the corner of her eyes, her mind is full of night Si Shen, she prompted this matter, night Si Shen if found out, certainly will not let her go.

She used to be his loyal fans and fans, but now because she loves him, she wants to oppose him, and she doesn't want to, but why doesn't yesishen want to accept her? She loves him so much!

Nanxiu thought that Lin Meng was crying because of what he said just now. He comforted Lin Meng: "we don't go to the psychiatric hospital. We don't go anywhere, OK?"

Lin Meng hugs Nan Xiu tightly and says nothing. His uneasiness seems to be alleviated a little.

Summer warm flurried rushed to the hospital, di Locke block failure, had to follow her.

Arriving at the hospital, Xia Nuan rushes to Gu Jinhan's ward. However, there is no one in the ICU. Once Xia Nuan's heart sinks, he catches a doctor and asks where Gu Jinhan has gone. The doctor tells Xia Nuan that Gu Jinhan is now in the operating room for emergency treatment.

Summer warm and anxious to go to the operating room.

Yesi Shen was there, too. He looked very heavy. On both sides stood Yesi Shen's subordinates.

Night Si Chen saw summer warm, the Mou color sinks to coagulate, stopped a footstep: "how did you come?"

"What happened to Gu Jinhan? You tell me Summer warm has not yet waited for night Si Shen to speak, step forward to question night Si Shen.

Night Si Shen will look at her, tone appears a little difficult: "he is in operation, you don't worry."

"Why did he have an operation? Everything was stable before I left. Why is it like this? " For the first time, Xia Nuan interrogates yesishen like a prisoner.

"Sorry, I didn't take care of him."

Just then, the door of the operating room opened.

"Mr. Cong, that kind of medicine has penetrated into his internal organs. It's necessary to clean his stomach!" Finish saying, Gu Jinhan pushed out from the operating room, in a hurry to another operating room.

Summer warm quickly chase past, but is stopped by night Si Shen from behind.

"He'll be fine. Don't be so excited." The night is heavy and the summer is warm.

The anger in Xia Nuan's eyes is burning rapidly in the black pupil. She turns around and gives Yesi a slap.

Yesi Shen's face was a little twisted.

"You want him to die. Xiao Chi Mingming can give Gu Jinhan a blood transfusion, but you stop him. You want him to die!" Summer warm gnashing teeth.

"What are you talking about?" Night Si Shen tightly pinches the wrist of summer warm, at the same time in the eye darts out the raging anger.

"Don't pretend. You send someone to inject poison into Gu Jinhan just to ask him to die? You never thought that Gu Jinhan had saved you! " Xia Nuan's anger has reached the extreme.

"Xia Nuan, if I really want him to die, I won't save him."

"It's just a show in front of me." Xia Nuan smiles coldly: "it's your selfishness."

"I said it wasn't the poison I injected. I'm looking into this matter, but Xia Nuan, don't treat me as a sinner before you make it clear, because I'm wronged. " Night Si Shen holds her hand, the strength is more and more deep.

Summer warm tottering looking at night Si Shen, eyes full of doubt.

"Also, how do you know Xiao Chi and Gu Jin's blood type match? Who told you?" The night is heavy, new doubt rises again.

Xia Nuan thought of the doctor who called and swallowed the words.

"Tell me." Yenshen pinched her shoulder.

"I don't believe you.""I'll find out." Yenshen let her go.

Gu Jinhan washed the stomach, was pushed out of the operating room again, for surgery, night Si Shen sent Xiao chi to the hospital, to Gu Jinhan blood transfusion.

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