Novel Name : Hunting for Love for 101 Times

Hunting for Love for 101 Times Chapter 380

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Chapter 380

Night Si Shen suddenly stopped the car slowly, looking at Xia Nuan, the deep eyes like a cold pool with a cold meaning: "is that right? Is this letter really from Gu Mei? "

Xia Nuan doesn't want to make yesishen misunderstand her and Gu Jinhan, and nods: "yes, it's Gu Mei who gave it to me. It was Gu Mei who confided to me because of some troubles, but she specially told me that this letter should not be seen by others. After all, it's against the law to read other people's letters. "

Night Si Shen but smile, pinch pinch summer warm chin: "you are deliberately looking for a reason not to let me see, right?"

"No, it's the privacy between women after all. There's nothing to see. Night, when did you become so curious?"

Summer warm holding night Si Shen's hand, soft tone in a trace of blame.

"That person is Gu Mei, Gu Jinhan's sister. This alone is enough to deepen my curiosity." Yesi Shen took away Xia Nuan's hand: "give me the letter. I want to see what she wrote to you. I'm your husband. I have the right to read these."

"Well, don't get me wrong. Anything will do." Summer warm some hesitant looking at night Si Shen.

Night Si Shen see her some reluctant, so, will take the bag in the past, will Gu Mei to summer warm letter out.

When Yesi Shen was about to open the envelope, Xia Nuan pressed his hand: "don't get me wrong, OK?"

"It depends on what's in the letter." Night Si Shen said.

Summer warm some worry said: "even if it is Gu Jin Han wrote, it is estimated that it is also some words, you really don't need to put it in mind."

Night Si sink in the next summer warm hand away, will take the letter in the hand, open.

The car is quiet, the needle can be heard, summer warm only heard each other's heartbeat.

Opened the letter, there was no envelope inside, only a CD. Summer warm feel a bit of surprise, and night Si Shen staring at the disc, began to lose consciousness.

He put the CD on the car and pressed play.

In the camera, Yesi Shen sees a couple embracing

Xia Nuan's head is buzzing, and her face is instantly white, because the man who hugs and kisses is Gu Jinhan and her!

She lies in Gu Jinhan's arms. Gu Jinhan kisses her affectionately, but she doesn't resist. She just can't see her whole face. She only sees her arms around Gu Jinhan's neck. Gu Jinhan turns her back to the camera and blocks her

"Night, it's not true!" Summer warm hand to turn off the monitor, night Si Shen but ruthlessly holding her hand, strength constantly increased.

"Xia Nuan, you are a bitch." The strength of Yesi's hand is almost embedded in her bone marrow.

"This woman is not me..."

Night Si Chen pinches her chin, summer warm pain is extreme, the heart is dripping blood..

"It's all in front of you. Are you still dead? Xia Nuan, when are you going to cheat me? " Night Si heavy eye pupil congestion, a word of interrogate her.

"I didn't lie to you. I don't know what's going on? I think the only ones who can prove my innocence are Gu Mei and Gu Jinhan. "

"They are in collusion with you. How can I believe them? Xia Nuan, I'm fed up with this kind of torture. I can let you go to Gu Jinhan. I don't want to be cheated by you any more. "

He released xianuan and started the engine.

Xia Nuan reluctantly hugged his neck and explained: "please believe me, OK? Night, you don't do this to me. I didn't have any contact with Gu Jinhan. I just said goodbye to him. Nothing happened to us. This video must have been made by Gu Mei maliciously with a computer. Her purpose is to separate us... "

"I can believe anything about you, but I don't believe that nothing happened between you and Gu Jinhan. You care about him. I can see it." Night Si Shen's eyes covered with a layer of sadness.

Summer warm looking at him, see he wrapped up with indifference, away from her farther and farther, her heart also a little bit of sink down.

"Summer warm, you say you want to repay, you go to repay, I won't stop you, we are so tired, I don't want to tie you."

"Are you going to break up with me?" Summer warm tearful eyes hazy looking at night Si Shen: "how can I prove my innocence? We misunderstood again and again, all because of suspicion and distrust! Well, don't worry about such feelings. I won't force it! " Summer warm finish saying, opened the car door, snatched the step to get off the car.

Night Si Shen see this, chase past. Summer warm desperately running, ignoring the night Si Shen behind the call, Monzo and several bodyguards also got out of the car, toward the night Si Shen that direction stride past.

Summer warm on the moon ran to the front of a river bank, night Si Shen to chase past, summer warm but sharp stop him.

"Yesishen, can I prove my innocence by jumping down? I am so unbearable in your eyes. If you can really wash away the dirt on me and make you no longer have suspicion and prejudice against me, I'd rather jump down. " Summer warm looking at the sparkling river, sad mouth.Night Si Shen's heart pulled into a ball: "you'd better make trouble! Go back with me first

But Xia Nuan shook his head: "what can I do when I go back? Can you change what you and Mrs. Ni think of me? You have already broken my heart by suspecting my child in my stomach and my unfaithfulness to you. I've had enough of this kind of life... "

"Ah Nuan, come on, I believe you..." Yesishen was afraid that she would jump down. As she got closer to the river, he was also in unprecedented panic.

He regretted what he had said to her before, extremely regretted that when she stepped forward, yesishen tried to catch her hand, she backed back and refused him.

"Only in this way can I prove that I am innocent, and only in this way can I wash my dirty body. Don't you always care about me and Yeen Shen?"

She said, resolutely jumped into the river.

"Ah Nuan!" Night Si Shen's tearing voice echoed in the night sky. He didn't expect that, but she jumped down without hesitation.

Night Si Shen looked at the cold river and jumped down with it.


Monzo came with a quick step. However, it was too late, and yeshishen had already jumped down.

Night Si Shen with coma summer warm swim on the shore, mengzuo has called the ambulance, night Si Shen in a hurry to hold summer warm, on the car, straight to the hospital.

Summer warm coma for a day and a night, finally wake up, open her eyes, she saw the face haggard night Si Shen. Before all sorts of unpleasant attack on the heart, she don't open the line of sight, don't go to see the night Si Shen.

Night Si Shen saw her wake up, that pair of gloomy eyes suddenly bloomed bright, like a resurgence, he held her hand tightly, a little excited.

"I'm sorry."

Xia Nuan tried to draw her hand, but she couldn't pull it away: "the night is heavy, why don't you let me die?"

"How can I live when you die?" Yesi's throat was choked.

Xia Nuan's tears also burst into his eyes: "you can tell me to leave, what does it have to do with you when I die?"

"What I said was angry. I was really confused at that time. I'm sorry, ah Nuan." Yeshishen put her hand on her face and kissed her.

Summer warm heart a soft, want to say and stop.

Summer warm jump in the river at the moment, night Si Shen finally understand, if he really and summer warm cut, summer warm will die, because she can't leave him.

Think of this, night Si Shen for before things have been regretting.

"Ah Nuan, I swear that I will not misunderstand you in the future. If I misunderstand you, slap me and wake me up. I just ask you not to do such stupid things. Do you want the child to have no mother? Are you really going to have an accident? Do you want me to live in guilt all my life? "

Summer warm watching night Si Shen, asked him: "night, I love you, you still love me?"

"Of course, I love you, very much." Yess gave her a kiss on the forehead. Summer warm injured heart is captured again, can't help holding night Si Shen.

Night Si Shen took her in his arms.

"Night, after we don't quarrel, I don't want to quarrel with you, I want to have a good relationship with you." Summer warm said.

Night Si Shen distressed hold looking at her face, silently nodded: "well, I promise you, we don't fight."

Summer warm tightly nestle in his arms, cry like a child, night Si Shen more heart pull, wipe tears for her.

Xia Nuan's hand unconsciously touched her abdomen, and then she remembered the fetus in her abdomen. Yesi saw that she was flustered, and immediately understood her mind. She couldn't help saying: "fortunately, I'll take you ashore in time, and the fetus in her stomach is OK, so you must consider the little guy in your stomach before you do something stupid next time You can't be reckless. "

Xia Nuan nodded.

Dillock and Monzo can't help laughing when they see the scene.

Two people finally and good as before, otherwise, night Si heavy mood and need a few days to suppress.

"Cough!" Yesishen coughed violently.

Xia Nuan patted his back: "what's the matter with you?"

"I'm all right. Lie down and watch out for a cold." Night Si Shen said to Xia Nuan.

Summer warm concern at night Si Shen, touch his hand, found his hand a little cold: "I'm worried if you catch cold, you go to do a check."

"Well, you have a good rest. I should be OK." Yesishen tucked her in.

At this time, Monzo knocked on the door and came in: "Sir, I'm on the phone with my wife."

"I'll be right here. I'll bring the baby with you. You should have a good rest." Night Si Shen before leaving, in the summer warm forehead kiss.

Summer warm nod: "I wait for you."

Night Si Shen smile, reluctant to leave.

Night Si Shen turned to leave, some uncomfortable frown, even some dizzy, in fact, he had a cold, just in front of the summer warm he has been strong support.

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