Novel Name : Guidebook for the Dark Duke

Guidebook for the Dark Duke Chapter 33 - A Sudden Incident

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Chapter 33 - A Sudden Incident

Duke Wilson’s face had an ugly expression so the manservant was in a dilemma and he stood there trembling, not knowing what to do with himself.

After a long time, Duke Wilson finally spoke again and this time, his tone was calm.

“Go to Mr Stewart, inform my bank that all checks are dishonoured and then, immediately go to the police station. I need to see Sheriff Chandler.”

The manservant did not see anything on the duke’s indifferent face. The duke involved the bank and the police station, which was really confusing for the servant.

“Yes, my lord.” The servant stepped back.

With a look of awe, Duke Wilson turned to look at Evan, “Mr Johnson did these things and we must do something. What will you do with the church?”

Evan’s expression had some subtleties. Since the duke has become involved at this time, it is not the bishop of a church that can solve it.

“Since it has reached this point, it is useless to hide it so let the police handle it.”

Evan knew that he had reached this point and it would be better to be a good friend to the duke.

Sure enough, when he heard this, Duke Wilson looked moved. He knows that the church is very conservative in this regard and sometimes, they would rather suffer losses than reveal or show the problems of the church to the public. He didn’t expect that Evan could be so kind and understanding of people. He will also bear a lot of pressure.

“Thank you for your understanding.” The duke’s eyes were warm.

Evan is very satisfied with this result. A Mr Johnson is nothing, it is the result he wants that can improve his score in front of the duke.

The person in charge of the bank arrived faster than Sheriff Chandler. After all, a big customer like Duke Wilson decided to refuse to pay for a check. The bank must know the reason or the bank’s credibility will be questioned.

It was Mr Stewart, Duke Wilson’s head of bank’s finances.

Mr Stewart, now in his 60s, looks very kind and his blue eyes look so soft that he does not look like a tax collector at all.

“Lord Duke, your request is very surprising. What’s the problem?” Mr Stewart was surprised by Evan’s tragic situation but he didn’t ask any questions.

Evan’s body was half leaning against the bed, the pain he felt made him feel a little dazed.

Duke Wilson glanced at Evan, he was actually very worried but he really didn’t want to exclude him from this matter. Duke Wilson hesitated for a moment and finally spoke, “I previously wrote a check to Mr Johnson but I just learned that he is not a trustworthy person, so I hope that the bank can do something about this check.”

Duke Wilson said this politely but Mr Stewart knew very well that the bank has no room for negotiation unless it is done.

“How could such a thing happen?” Mr Stewart was surprised. It was really courageous for a person to dare to deceive the duke.

Duke Wilson’s expression was very ugly. After all, such a thing was like playing on his intelligence.

Mr Stewart knew that this question was not very good after he asked. And when he saw Duke Wilson’s face, he felt bitter in his heart and knew it was a stupid question. Mr Stewart looked embarrassed.

“Can the bank meet my request?” The duke asked after a moment of silence.

At this time, Mr Stewart was cautious as he glanced at the duke and spoke, “Of course we can, you are our bank’s most honourable guest and the bank will certainly satisfy you with such a reasonable request.”

Duke Wilson nodded with a sullen look on his face. At this moment, a servant knocked on the door and came in.

“Sir.” The servant’s face was calm but the corners of his mouth revealed a trace of tension, “Sheriff Chandler is here.”

Servants are commoners after all and they still have a sense of awe for public powers like the police.

Duke Wilson frowned, “Let him in.”

The servant backed out and a few seconds after, Sheriff Chandler was led in.

Sheriff Chandler was still dazed. He followed the servant in confusion and saluted the duke while still confused. When he calmed down, he realised that Evan was on the bed and he saw Evan’s ugly expression.

“Reverend Bruce?” Sheriff Chandler didn’t have the same concerns Mr Stewart had at all and he asked directly, “What’s wrong with you? Are you injured? Who did it?”

Evan suddenly realised that the act of trying to assassinate the duke could not be revealed to the police.

Duke Wilson responded in a timely manner, “Reverend Bruce was injured while hunting yesterday.” This is an issue involving the royal family so it is better for the police to not intervene.

Sheriff Chandler’s frown grew deeper and he asked immediately, “How could this happen? What happened?”

Embarrassed, Evan smiled and glanced at the duke before speaking, “It was caused by my carelessness but fortunately, Mrs Sanders was afraid that I would be injured during the hunt so she helped me sew iron pieces into the clothes around my chest. This prevented a tragedy.”

Sheriff Chandler heaved a sigh of relief as if he had escaped a catastrophe. Duke Wilson’s expression changed. He had heard that the bullet was blocked by something, so it didn’t go deep. He was puzzled before but he understands now.

“That’s good. The Lord will take care of believers like you.” Although Sheriff Chandler is a parishioner, such words are rare.

Evan smiled but he looked uncomfortable. Duke Wilson watched from the side as his heart softened. In his eyes, people like Evan are the type who can’t lie at all. And he even lies for him this time.

“By the way, Lord Duke” Sheriff Chandler didn’t see this scene at all as he asked, “What’s the matter with you calling me here today?”

Duke Wilson paused slightly before answering, “Yes.” He glanced at Evan. Evan sighed and repeated everything he’d told the duke, his speculations, the conversation he had with Mr Johnson and finally, the duke explained his situation again.

When they finished speaking, Sheriff Chandler fell into deep thought. He obviously doesn’t appreciate characters like Mr Johnson so his tone was not very good.

“Mr Johnson’s behaviour is indeed suspicious, but do you have any concrete evidence?”

Sheriff Chandler habitually thought about the problem from the perspective of a policeman.

Duke Wilson had not thought about this before, he frowned and spoke in a cold voice, “Mr Johnson’s behaviour is too suspicious. Even if you can’t be sure that this is what he did, it’s not wrong to investigate first, right? Now the church is suspicious about it too. The accounting problem is already a certainty and there will be someone responsible.”

Sheriff Chandler looked at Duke Wilson’s ugly expression and he didn’t dare to refute anymore. Human rights are more important.

“You’re right.” Sheriff Chandler nodded without any hesitation. The levels of social status were carved into his bones.

“Then, I’ll find someone to check Mr Johnson’s house now.” After getting the duke’s approval, Sheriff Chandler turned and left the room.

Watching Sheriff Chandler walk away, the duke spoke to Mr Stewart, who was trembling on the side, “Go back and check my bank account for me. If someone withdraws money, you must not let the person go.”

Mr Stewart bowed and left.

When Evan and Duke Wilson were the only ones left in the room, Evan finally spoke, “Aren’t you going to tell the sheriff about the attack?”

Duke Wilson walked to Evan’s side and looked into his eyes with a soft look, “This time, your injury is all my fault, but please understand that this is not a problem that can be solved by the sheriff. For the tranquility of this town, it is better to be quiet about the matter. I will handle it well.”

Evan looked into the duke’s eyes, there was a kind of tenderness in his eyes that could not be concealed. Evan couldn’t help smiling, “You don’t need to apologise to me. Everything is the fault of the assassin, what does it have to do with you? Since you think you can handle this matter, then I will rest assured.”

Duke Wilson looked at Evan’s smile and he froze for a moment before he also smiled, “Thank you for your understanding.”

Evan has sat up for a long time and his body could not bear it. The duke helped him lie down and Evan fell into a deep sleep within a few minutes.

It was basically a state between a coma and deep sleep. Evan’s body was burning and his mind was very confused. He slept in a trance for a long time and when he woke up again, it was already late at night.

He was awakened by his thirst, there was a burning pain in his throat that he could not bear.

The room was very dark when he opened his eyes, only a candle was placed by the bedside and the dim light only illuminated the surrounding area while the other places were plunged into darkness.

Evan struggled to hold up half of his body. In a trance, he thought he could see someone sitting on the opposite chair. He stared for a long time only to realise that it looked like the silhouette of Duke Wilson.

Evan’s heart jumped and his tone was apprehensive, “Lord Duke?”

His voice was not loud but in the empty room, it was exceptionally clear.

The shadow in the darkness stirred and moved forward halfway. Evan could finally see the outline of the duke’s face clearly.

“Are you awake?” Duke Wilson’s voice was hoarse.

Evan suddenly felt uneasy and asked hastily, “Why are you here? What happened?”

When the duke heard this, a wry smile spread across his lips, he sighed and spoke in a low voice, “You’re really sensitive. Something has really happened.”

Evan opened his eyes wide in order to see the duke’s face clearly, but in the dim light, he failed.

“So, what’s wrong?” Evan struggled to get up.

Seeing him make such a dangerous move, the duke took the initiative to step forward and support the trembling Evan. He sighed, “Don’t get excited, it is Mr Johnson who is in trouble.”

Evan had a sinking feeling in his heart. He raised his head to look at the duke.

“He’s dead.” Duke Wilson looked down at Evan with a heavy look in his eyes.

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