Novel Name : The Villain Loaded My System

The Villain Loaded My System Chapter 83

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Chapter 83

Wei Chiyan never expected that a Yuchi Lan would appear and take the “Dayan Princess” before he did. Now, even though Gu Xiyu has come to the palace, he was not someone he could go and see at will without getting criticized.

Although Wei Chiyan did not care about gossip, he had to avoid making Yuchi Lan suspicious.

He was angry when he thought of Yuchi Lan. This prince was really cunning, he even suspected that Yuchi Lan had already planned something, waiting for him to cancel the marriage. The matter was a foregone conclusion, but suddenly, the person was taken back to the palace with great fanfare.

He pushed off this marriage at that time because he didn’t want Gu Xiyu to be with him as a woman and have to go out to meet people after disguising himself. He just wanted Gu Xiyu to have no worries. Only in this way could he feel comfortable staying by his side, and the possibility of feeling troubled or regretful in the future would be minimized.

Moreover, he wanted to marry him in a justified manner.

With Yuchi Lan’s disturbance, the road and plan he had paved were instantly dispersed, and he could not even go to the emperor to ask for the person back. It was he who resisted the emperor’s anger and said arrogantly and firmly that he liked men, and the emperor’s attitude showed that he had agreed. Now if he said that he regretted it, it would make the emperor suspicious and think that he deliberately wanted to oppose the crown prince.

Moreover, he couldn’t tell the emperor now that Gu Xiyu had replaced Murong Qingwan. Leave alone the fact that Gu Xiyu would not send his sister to the mouth of the tiger, they had deceived the emperor with their actions, which was enough to have them executed. If it were more serious, a war between the two kingdoms could break out…

He didn’t care about that, but it may be quite troublesome for Gu Xiyu.

When Wei Chiyan thought of this, he could only blame himself for ignoring Yuchi Lan. Although Yuchi Lan was already the crown prince, he would not be able to sit in that position if he were not capable. He was ambitious, and he wouldn’t ignore something that could help him stabilize the foundation of succession. For example, he was indifferent when the marriage for peace was first arranged, so it was surprising that he would suddenly change his mind.

It couldn’t really be the beauty of the princess!

“The wedding is half a month later, and I can’t send the heroine to him, but I think Yuchi Lan is just fooling around.” Gu Xiyu was naturally worried about the exposure of his identity after getting married.

Wei Chiyan listened with pursed lips and subconsciously refuted them.

[What fooling around? He obviously seems to like you.]

Gu Xiyu happened to be taken to the other courtyard that the emperor had prepared when he saw the system’s reply. The palace attendants in charge of watching and serving him were ready, and as he was led by the little eunuch to the depths of the other courtyard, he respectfully bent down to salute.

This superficial effort was done well, and he was not disrespectful because he was a ‘gift’ from a small kingdom.

He mentally replied to the system: “Really? You seem to know him quite well. ”

“Oh, by the way, tell me, how are the big demon’s bed techniques in this world? Can it make me as happy as the previous world?”

[……?] The intelligent system seemed to be shocked by his tiger-wolf words and even wondered whether the soul under his skin had changed.

Gu Xiyu didn’t say much to the intelligent system, but the main system suddenly sent him a message without a beginning or end topic.

{Phoenix fate.}

He quickly reacted: “You mean Murong Qingwan? Does she have a phoenix fate? ”

In ancient times, girls born with phoenix fates would be valued by the royal family because a woman with such a destiny could become an empress. And if she is fated to become the empress, her partner must be the emperor. So if a prince meets a girl with such a fate during the competition for the crown, he will consider marrying her. Whether the legend is true or not, a little more psychological comfort is good.

The main system teased him: {What if it’s not Murong Qingwan but you?}

Gu Xiyu was silent for a while, and his tone seemed to be inadvertent: “Speaking of this, I found that your autonomous consciousness has talked to me much more than before.”

It’s been a long time since the main system replied to him with something other than automatic answers like the deliberately cute ‘oh la’ or the wavy lines that were about to overflow the panel.

Without waiting for the main system to reply, he continued: “It’s good, this is better, I don’t like talking to machines.” ”


{As long as you like it.}

Gu Xiyu was not disturbed again after being led to the temporary palace. He casually found a place to sit in the hall, stared at the panel with the conversation with the main system, and suddenly chuckled: “Yes, I like it.”

“I don’t know if it’s because I’ve spent a long time with the mission target that I even think I’m talking to him whenever I talk to you.”

The main system did not reply to this sentence, but Gu Xiyu did not care, as if he was just lamenting casually.

{The side mission has been triggered. Please marry the mission target successfully. The success of the mission will reduce the target’s risk value by 20 points. }

“…… Are you sure you’re talking about the mission target and not the crown prince? ”

The main system responded quickly: {Of course, do you think I could let you marry someone who has nothing to do with the mission?” For some reason, the tone of this sentence sounded unhappy.

Speaking of this, Gu Xiyu remembered the mission he had received when he was in the fortress before, and he frowned and asked the system: “The fortress master should have detected that something was wrong with Chen Wei, otherwise, he wouldn’t have acted abnormally before we separated. Doesn’t that mean that the previous side mission is completed? ”

He remembered that there were hidden rewards if he completed it.

The main system answered him as usual: {According to the data feedback, the fortress master has indeed discovered Chen Wei’s true identity, but the other party’s motives are still under investigation, and the identity has not yet been revealed in the fortress, so that mission is not completed.}

“?” Gu Xiyu paused, “So I still have to warn the fortress master?”


The main system was the same as the intelligent system, and after he goes back, he must report this matter to the bureau. Their systems were too imperfect.

With a new accommodation environment, Gu Xiyu, who had lived in the Royal Palace of the Dayan Kingdom for a while, would not feel unaccustomed. However, he refused to wear the warm clothes that Yuchi Lan had sent that night. So the cold wind blew all night, and he woke up the next day in poor spirits and pain.

After forcing himself to eat something to fill his stomach, someone suddenly came outside to report that someone was looking for him.

Gu Xiyu was curious about who was coming, and the little eunuch’s next words made him stunned: “It’s His Royal Highness the Third Prince.”

The Third Prince refers to Wei Chiyan, right?

Gu Xiyu smoothed the depression in his chest and said calmly: “Since it is the Third Highness, then you should not be neglectful, please invite him in.”

With their current status and relationship with the outside world, it should have been inconvenient to meet, and he wondered how Wei Chiyan persuaded the people outside.

When Gu Xiyu saw the legendary Third Prince, his thoughts broke off for a second.

The mask worn on the right half of the other party’s face and the blocked part on the eye reminded him of Ah Wen, whom he had met before. He chuckled inwardly and then carefully scanned the other party’s height, figure, and other exposed parts of the face.

Looking at it like this, he and Ah Wen seemed familiar.

It’s just that when he made eye contact with the other party, the feeling in Gu Xiyu’s heart was indescribably strange.

It was different from the other times he met the Great Demon’s soul fragments, but he couldn’t express the difference in words.

If he were to sum it up… In the past, there was always a little familiarity in the strange, but this time, there was only strangeness.

Gu Xiyu was a little disappointed.

The Third Prince in front of him did look a little similar to Ah Wen, but he quickly recognized them as two different people. First of all, there was a subtle difference in their auras, and second, there was a big difference in their facial features when he looked closely.

While Gu Xiyu looked at the Third Prince, the other party’s gaze also carried a little exploration, and there was even a little surprise and amazement that came from nowhere.

“Main system, are you sure that the mission target of this world is the Third Prince of the Yao Kingdom?” He asked the main system.

The main system’s answer was still very positive: {Yes.}

Wei Chiyan grew up in the palace and was able to freely walk around… It couldn’t be a disguise, right? He could deceive people outside the palace, but he had to face his relatives who had seen him grow up, how could they not recognize them?

He tried to dispel the illusion of preconceptions in his heart and maintain a calm expression. He took the initiative to speak after the Third Prince took his seat: “May I know why His Royal Highness has visited today?”

“It’s nothing important, it’s just that you were promised to me as a wife, but now the crown prince has taken you.” With that, he smiled slightly and said, “I have to come over and see what kind of person I missed.”

“The princess is indeed as beautiful as rumored.” After the Third Prince praised him unceremoniously, he added in a slow tone, “But the height is rather rare, I hope my royal brother can withstand it.” Perhaps his impression of Yuchi Lan was not very good, and the sarcasm in this tone was undisguised.

Gu Xiyu recalled that the man he saw in the imperial study yesterday was indeed not very tall, and was about 1.7 meters.

He didn’t make much judgment, just looking at the man at a tea table across from him. He wanted to say something, but felt unfamiliar with the other party and could only respond passively.

Later, he seemed to be a little dazed, and his always methodical and rational thoughts gradually shifted to chaos. He knew that the system and data were correct, but sometimes, other ideas emerged, such as the fact that this prince in the palace may be a fake; after all, there were too many similarities between the two people.

“…… Your Royal Highness?” It wasn’t until the Third Prince in front of him called him that he came back to his senses and realized that he had been in a trance for a long time.

He said apologetically: “The third prince can just call me Miss Murong. Now that I am in the palace of the Yao Kingdom, this honorific title may not be appropriate.”

The Wei Chiyan in front of him didn’t seem as bad as the outside said, and after this contact, he found that the man was quite patient when facing him. His personality seemed to be fine, and he did not get angry when he didn’t agree with him. Even though he unintentionally ignored so many things he said, after getting his euphemistic apology, the other party just smiled and didn’t care much, only saying: “It’s okay.”

Thinking about it this way, the neuropathy of the fortress master was closer to the image others had of the Third Prince.

After thinking for a moment, the Third Prince said in a concerned tone: “You seem to have a lot of things on your mind, and your complexion is not very good, is it because you are not convinced?”

“It’s okay, maybe I spent too much time in the cold wind when I came over last night.” The topic should have ended there, but perhaps because the matter has been brewing in his mind for a long time, he subconsciously asked, “Are you really the third prince?”

He instantly regretted his words when he met the other party’s stunned eyes, and he even secretly cursed himself in his heart. How could he ask such an impolite question?

Unexpectedly, the third prince was not angry and suddenly laughed after a short period of surprise, sounding like he was amused by some interesting topic, and was quite happy.

“Sorry for the offense.” Gu Xiyu lowered his head slightly, but heard the other party reply, “It’s okay, it’s okay, I’m just… surprised. ”

The ‘Third Prince’ was still laughing, and that smile spread directly to the depths of his eyes: “For the first time in so many years, this is the first time I’ve heard someone ask this question. ”

Saying that, he muttered meaningfully: “He would definitely be interested in you if he got to know.” The voice was very small, and Gu Xiyu, who had better hearing, could only hear it vaguely.

Gu Xiyu pretended not to hear it and only asked again: “Before I entered the palace, I asked the fourth prince to bring you something, I wonder if you have received it?”

The third prince was slightly stunned when he heard this, and he coughed uncomfortably before replying: “No, I have been in the palace all this time, and my fourth brother often stays in his mansion outside the palace. I haven’t had a chance to meet him yet. What did you give him? ”

Gu Xiyu said: “You will know it when you see him.”

The legendary, unprovoked Wei Chiyan came in and sat here for about half an hour, chatting about his family. He also asked about Gu Xiyu’s time in the Dayan Kingdom, and after showing him some concern, he left.

He originally thought that the Third Prince had something important to tell him when he came, but it turned out that the other party had really come just to see him. He had a pleasant personality, which was different from the other Great Demons and Gu Xiyu suddenly didn’t understand how to start the mission.

Moreover, there were many spies from the emperor and Yuchi Yan in this palace. He could not directly say to Wei Chiyan:

Do you regret it?

In fact, I have a good impression of you. Do you want to reconsider getting married?

Positive execution was impossible. To sabotage his marriage with Yuchi Lan, he had to do it secretly. He should find an opportunity to let the palace people invite Murong Qingwan into the palace as his ‘personal maid’, and see if she and Yuchi Rong could help.

On the second day of his stay at the palace, no one else came to see him except for Wei Chiyan.

Fortunately, before leaving, Wei Chiyan left a sentence saying: “Although we can’t be husband and wife, it’s still good to make friends with you. I know that you are a little unaccustomed to life here, but don’t worry, I am also idle in the palace. If you don’t mind, I will come to you when I have time, and you can ask me any questions about the Yap Kingdom. ”

Although he didn’t have the familiarity from facing the Great Demon’s soul fragments, Gu Xiyu had a good impression of this Third Prince, and he was quite comfortable with him, so he nodded and replied, “Of course, I don’t mind.”

The care in the palace was naturally not as good as it was in the fortress and in the Fourth Prince’s Mansion. Gu Xiyu woke up with a headache and thought it would ease up, but unexpectedly, it got worse during the night. His head ached, and he was dizzy for a while. He closed his eyes and lay on the bed weakly, wanting to get up but not being able to, so he could only endure this pain, hoping to recover by sleeping.

Late at night, almost all the lights around the palace were turned off. Gu Xiyu frowned and slept very unsteadily, as if in a dream but not in a dream, and he smelled a faint medicinal fragrance.

It seemed to come from somewhere and gradually spread throughout the room, gently enveloping him like warm water, and not long after, it magically relieved the discomfort in his body and head. The sudden comfort, as well as the medicinal scent that made him feel peaceful, made his eyelids heavier, and the tiredness caused by the pain hit him heavily.

He always felt like there was someone in the room and some sounds. He wanted to open his eyes to investigate, but his consciousness sank even more, and he could only lie on the bed drowsily.

Perhaps it was because he thought too much during the day, causing him to go to bed at night and start dreaming. He dreamed that the Great Demon of this world had approached him, and he felt a familiar aura.

In his sleep, the temperature and the touch of another person kept coming to his lips, and one after another, something warm was brought to him, driving away the chill around him and warming all his internal organs. The discomfort of headache and dizziness slowly faded, as if it returned to the period when he was carefully cared for in the fortress and he could sleep until dawn.

Gu Xiyu couldn’t tell whether this was a dream or a reality, and he felt as if he had heard the voice of the Great Demon.

It seems to be the voice of the fortress master, low and deep, but very attractive. It seemed to be tinged with a shallow smile.

“You said that only Wei Chiyan could touch you, and now that I am him, you can’t be angry even if you find out later…”

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