Novel Name : The Villain Loaded My System

The Villain Loaded My System Chapter 104

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Chapter 104

Bu Tianhan was feverish and delirious, but he could always feel that Gu Xiyu was by his side. Gu Xiyu had become a 12-hour babysitter these days. If there was any discomfort or abnormality in the night, he had to get up to check and take care of it, lest this guy attacks people because he was unhappy.

Fortunately, cultivators at the level of the original owner would not feel sleepy even if they did not rest for several days.

He would only go out to change the water, and after several days of care, the fever finally subsided. But just in case, he planned to wait a bit more to see how it would go.

When he returned to the room, the boy was still lying on the bed in the same position he had been in before he left. He put the wooden basin provided by the inn aside, took a clean cloth, drenched it in water, and wrung it out, then went to the bedside to skillfully wipe his face and hands.

It must be said that Bu Tianhan’s disguise was quite good, for a young man who had just started cultivating would always get dusty, sweaty, and dirty if he could not clean his body.

He wondered how he managed to get these details so well.

Gu Xiyu was about to leave the bed when the sleeping boy suddenly grabbed his hand with a troubled expression, as if he was caught in a nightmare. The boy’s strength was greater than what he should have had, Gu Xiyu tried to break free several times but instead caused the other person to sleep more restlessly, so he had to give up.

After all, he was the Great Demon. Even if this soul fragment was a bit rebellious, he could tolerate it at this time.

…… Anyway, they had already done what should and should not be done. From his attitude after leaving the secret realm a few days ago, it seems that he did not remember the experience in the stone pagoda in those few days.

Gu Xiyu felt lucky, because if Bu Tianhan did, he would not have stayed here so peacefully, and might have used it as blackmail to do something even more.

Although thinking about it, it seems that there is nothing more extreme than that.

When he thought back to those days, Gu Xiyu still felt a pain in his back and some discomfort somewhere. Bu Tianhan was the most difficult soul fragment to deal with, doing that when he was in a delirious state was simply the roughest he had ever experienced.

He used to think that the dog blood and abusive plots in dramas and books were just exaggerated descriptions.

He never begged Bu Tianhan for mercy even once, but after so many worlds, that was the first time he had ever shown some weakness during the act. The hateful thing was that he was in a cultivator’s body with strong vitality and endurance, so even though Bu Tianhan’s force was so heavy, he still felt pleasure in those days of ‘torture’, something that made Bu Tianhan gloat even more.

—“Gu Xiyu, your emotionless dao is nothing more than that.”

Gu Xiyu forcibly pulled himself back from his memories; his breathing was a little unsteady in the silence, and his eyes were a bit out of focus.

He was not Tai Ling, who truly practiced the Emotionless Dao.

He had been in a state of bewildered self-doubt, wondering if he had reacted that way because the person who had treated him that way was the Great Demon, or —was he masochistic?

Gu Xiyu felt extremely ashamed of himself for not being able to hold back his pleasure at that moment.

It was best if Bu Tianhan didn’t remember for the rest of his life.

Gu Xiyu watched Bu Tianhan non-stop for a few more days. Except for being unconscious, Bu Tianhan had no symptoms of discomfort, so he could lie down with him and rest.

Gu Xiyu was really tired today, plus he hadn’t been in the best of spirits lately, so he fell asleep not long after his head hit the pillow. On the contrary, the boy who had grabbed his hand opened his eyes the moment he fell asleep.

Not only did he not release him, but he took the opportunity to stuff himself into Gu Xiyu’s arms, wrapping his arms around his waist and slightly raising his head to rub against his neck a few times. It was only after their scents were mixed that he was finally satisfied.

‘With my smell, he is mine now,’ Bu Tianhan thought.

When Gu Xiyu got up the next day, he found little Bu Tianhan sticking to him in a very intimate position. He only thought Bu Tianhan got cold and searched for warmth, so he didn’t think too much of it. He got up and, as usual, started giving him medicine to stabilize his situation.

This medicine was something the main system had taught him. It was a mix of a variety of herbs based on data, saying that it would help Bu Tianhan control that power in his body in the shortest time possible. He had always believed in the words of the main system, but if this medicine was effective, why was Bu Tianhan, who should have recovered, still unconscious?

With doubts and a little concern, Gu Xiyu used the alchemy furnace in the room to make a new batch of medicine for Bu Tianhan. He boiled it in hot water before bringing it to the bedside. Although Bu Tianhan was not awake, he was still somewhat conscious, so he usually sat there and fed him spoon by spoon, which he always managed to swallow.

But today, he just couldn’t get the soup down, and it kept leaking out of the corner of his mouth. Gu Xiyu had no other choice but to do what Wei Chiyan had done for him in the previous world—he lowered his head and gently pried Bu Tianhan’s teeth with his mouth so that the soup could enter his stomach smoothly.

It was fine at first, but after a few times, Gu Xiyu suddenly felt his upper jaw being gently hooked by a wet softness that didn’t belong to him.

He stiffened suddenly and quickly understood and was inwardly a little embarrassed and angry.

This Bu Tianhan was such a big scum.

Gu Xiyu was so angry that the hand holding the bowl trembled slightly. He got up and left the bedside, slamming the medicine bowl on the table beside him and saying, “Since you are awake, get up and drink it yourself.”

The voice was cold and angry.

Bu Tianhan, who had been seen through, could only resign himself to getting up, but inwardly, he was not too calm as well.

He wanted to wake up this morning but was curious about how Gu Xiyu took care of him. He wanted to feel ‘special’ for a bit longer before making more trouble. He deliberately did not cooperate with Gu Xiyu when taking medicine, wanting to see his helpless and lost look. Unexpectedly, the person whose attitude was always so distant would feed him in such an intimate way.

When Bu Tianhan opened his eyes, Gu Xiyu, who was wearing a light blue robe, was standing at the table facing him, his eyes austere with anger. He wiped away the medicine stain left on his lips, but Bu Tianhan’s gaze could not resist following a light brown mark, watching it leave a charming trail on the other man’s somewhat seductive neck.

Unfortunately, it was quickly cleaned up.

The warmth that Gu Xiyu had left on his lips seemed to have not dissipated completely, and he swallowed soundlessly, the bitter taste of the medicine instantly melting away in his mouth and at his throat.

He couldn’t help but feel jealous of ‘Xie Xing’ again.

No matter how good Gu Xiyu was to him, no matter how uncritical the excessive contact between them was, it was still limited to Xie Xing. If he hadn’t disguised himself as this young man but had been more forceful in his attitude and taken him back to the Demon Palace, would he have been able to enjoy all this as Bu Tianhan?

Noticing that his emotions were starting to get abnormal again, Bu Tianhan immediately took a deep breath and pushed down the depression in his heart.

It didn’t matter if it was Bu Tianhan or Xie Xing, it was him after all.

Bu Tianhan, whom Gu Xiyu had mercilessly exposed, got out of bed in silence. His body didn’t feel weak, so he took a few steps to the table and picked up the bowl of medicine. He put it to his mouth and drank it all in one gulp, which made Gu Xiyu even angrier.

[[Target’s risk value -5; the current risk value is 55.]]

The timely automatic notification from the system gave him some comfort, and the anger he suffered from Bu Tianhan’s teasing subsided a little.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to deceive you.” Bu Tianhan said after putting down the medicine bowl, his voice sounding a little hoarse probably because he had just woken up.

On the contrary, Gu Xiyu’s voice had regained its previous clarity after recuperating over the past few days, and it didn’t sound as abnormal.

Gu Xiyu did not say anything in response to his apology but only said, in a light voice, “Since you are well, pack up and get ready to go back.”

“Why not go for a stroll since we’re already out?” Bu Tianan said as he stared at Gu Xiyu. The other party was dressed casually now that he wasn’t at the sect. He didn’t have a heavy cloak on, only a middle sheet, and his waist was outlined by the white jade-encrusted belt.

He did not notice that his eyes and tone were too different from what a young ‘Xie Xing’ should have. Gu Xiyu, who originally knew his identity, did not feel it was out of place and thought about his question seriously.

Indeed, they were outside, so he might as well take the opportunity to see what kind of scenery the so-called cultivation world had, look for any available material resources on the way, and bring something to Lu Cheng.

So Gu Xiyu did not refuse and acquiesced to Bu Tianhan’s wishes. They wandered around for another month before returning to the Tiansu Immortal Sect.

A month was a short time, and there were no major changes in the Tiansu Immortal Sect. Fortunately, Bu Tianan has been under his nose this whole time and hasn’t caused any trouble when he wasn’t looking, so Lin Wuhen didn’t look for him or torture him when he returned


As the male protagonist of this world, Lu Cheng’s talent was undoubtedly first-class, and his comprehension was extremely high, he could understand anything he put his mind to. Although his training was not in the Emotionless Dao and Lu Cheng’s was in the Sword Dao, it has been a smooth road during this training. If he encountered some hesitation or doubt while teaching him, he would turn to the main system or intelligent system. Both were in charge of relevant data about the world, and the intelligent system could answer whatever he wanted to know most of the time, and if not, he would contact the main system.

Moreover, Lu Cheng’s luck was really amazing, just by going out on a trip, he would have a great harvest. Even if Gu Xiyu had pushed him onto the sword dao early, all the related opportunities that he should have met at a later stage had been advanced.

As for Bu Tianhan, his teenage form grew into an adult as the days passed, and although his appearance was not as stunning as the original, he was still a handsome young man in the eyes of many. But probably because he followed Gu Xiyu, his temperament was particularly similar to his, and even though many tried to befriend him, he would coldly reject them.

Only Lu Cheng, who spent time with him every day, knew that this junior brother was naturally stubborn and arrogant. Moreover, he had a strong master-disciple complex. It got worse as they grew older, and three sentences out of five were about their master.

Lu Cheng got used to it and even thought it was good. Although they were fellow disciples, he could feel that his junior brother was hot-tempered and defensive. But, as time went on, under Gu Xiyu’s intentional and unintentional arrangements, he gradually developed a sense of brotherhood with him.

Whenever he came back from a trip, he would bring good things for their master, and after a while, he finally started to remember that he had a senior brother and would bring some things for him as well.

Unlike Lu Cheng, people had high expectations for him when they first found out that he was the disciple Tai Ling had chosen. However, Bu Tianan did not want to stand out in the Tianshu Immortal Sect, so his progress in cultivation was sloppy and not very good, while Lu Cheng gradually gained a foothold in the Immortal Sect through his strength.

Lu Cheng was quite protective of his shortcomings. Bu Tianhan accidentally heard other people in the Immortal Sect speak ill of him as a junior in front of Lu Cheng, and without caring who it was, Lu Cheng angrily retorted back. After spending some time with him, he found out that he was really a righteous and straightforward man, so Bu Tianhan put him in the category of ‘one of his’ for the time being.

This day, when he and Lu Cheng went to the main hall, they received a notice telling them to prepare and go out with Bu Mingfeng for a small training.

Lu Cheng returned to Gu Xiyu’s Immortal Peak and told him about it. Bu Mingfeng had not appeared before Gu Xiyu that often, so he didn’t say anything when he heard it. Besides, that was Lin Wuchen’s arrangement, so it was useless even if he had an opinion.

“Then you don’t need to do practice today; take a good rest, tell me what you need, and get it from me before you leave.”

Gu Xiyu was thinking that with Bu Tianhan around, Bu Mingfeng shouldn’t be able to make any trouble.

Lu Cheng obediently answered, but Bu Tianhan stood at the side without saying a word, staring down at the empty floor in contemplation.

He was naturally wary of Bu Mingfeng. He had seen him try to do evil things behind people’s backs many times during this period of time, and he had secretly obstructed him a few times. He had also instructed the people at the Demon Palace to keep an eye out for his movements. It wasn’t that he wanted to save the people of the immortal dao, he just didn’t want Bu Mingfeng’s cultivation path to go so smoothly.

Judging from his recent abnormal and anxious attitude, it was obvious that he was in a hurry to advance his cultivation.

Bu Tianhan withdrew his thoughts and smiled at Gu Xiyu in a carefree manner, “I don’t lack anything but Master; can Master let me take him away?”

Lu Cheng was used to this, while Gu Xiyu chose to ignore his teasing.

At night, Bu Tianhan came to Gu Xiyu’s house and skillfully unbolted the door to sneak in. He cast a sleeping spell over Gu Xiyu before slipping into bed in his original form.

Ever since ‘Xie Xing’ had come of age, Gu Xiyu had refused to let him sleep with him anymore, and had forcefully asked him to learn to be independent and return to his own hut. He agreed, but he would still come into his room from time to time, and whenever he was in a bad mood, he couldn’t help but lay his hands all over Gu Xiyu.

He felt that Gu Xiyu was a little more honest when he was asleep.

When awake, this man was an emotionless willow, no matter how much he was teased. But whenever he put him in a deeper sleep, Bu Tianhan wouldn’t block his consciousness, so he was still able to sense and react to external forces.

Bu Tianhan liked to take advantage of this time to kiss him, slowly nibbling down on his neck and other places when he felt like it. The room was quiet, and even though Gu Xiyu’s subconscious was as aloof as Tai Ling himself, he could still hear the uncontrollably soft sounds he made.

They were sounds of holding back.

Even if his body had honest reactions, Gu Xiyu never completely surrendered, and all his sounds were restrained. He was obviously at his mercy, but yet he held on stubbornly.

But Bu Tianhan liked seeing the subdued and restrained Gu Xiyu. Although he had many chances to deal with him these days, he did not do it after all.

The most excessive thing he had ever done was to try his finger.

Bu Tianhan sighed quietly.

Tomorrow, he had to go out with that cunning man, Bu Mingfeng, and he didn’t know how long it would be before he could see Gu Xiyu again, so in order to relieve his longing, he had to take advantage of tonight to collect more of his breath.


When Gu Xiyu woke up the next day, he was the only one left on the peak. He did not feel any physical discomfort and even felt refreshed, but he knew that Bu Tianhan had come last night.

He felt that he had spoiled the man too much ever since he insisted on sharing a bed with him. Later, he decided not to indulge in such behavior now that he was an adult, and to avoid causing gossip, he sent him away. But he also knew that if Bu Tianhan really wanted to do something, ten doors and ten boundaries would not be able to stop him.

Gu Xiyu has slept deeply almost every night since he arrived in this world and was hardly aware of what happened while he was asleep. The only way to confirm whether Bu Tianhan had sneaked into his room or not was to determine whether he had any strange, unspeakable scenes in his dreams at night.

If so, it was basically certain that he had come to him the night before and done those things to him.

Thinking of this, Gu Xiyu got up, walked to the cup of tea on the table, and smashed it to the ground.

Just thinking about last night made him gnash his teeth.

Gu Xiyu could only suffocate alone and let his anger subside slowly. With his two disciples away, he had nothing else to do and finally chose to go to the back of the mountain in seclusion. There had been times like this before, where he would use his disciples’ absence to go into seclusion and study and learn the two techniques of the Emotionless Dao.

He thought that this time was just a routine part of the plot in the small world. Moreover, he made a great achievement and finally raised his Absolute Calm, which had been stuck at a bottleneck, to the 17th level. It was now at the same level as cutting off emotions.

In this way, he was barely able to compete with the current Bu Tianhan.

But before he could revel in the good news, he received bad news from the other people in the Immortal Sect as soon as he came back.

Bu Tianhan, no, to be correct, Xie Xing’s identity – was exposed.

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