Novel Name : The Dark Side Of Fate

The Dark Side Of Fate Chapter 337

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Alpha Christian’s Opinion


Restlessly, I waited in my room, eagerly anticipating my father’s summons to his office. He had given

me his word that I could be present when he contacted Alpha Christain, and I anxiously awaited that

crucial call.

Harper had retreated to her room to freshen up, while I remained in mine, contemplating ways to assist.

The details of the situation still eluded me, but I hoped that clarity would soon prevail. Anxious thoughts

filled my mind, but I hesitated to confront the problem directly. If Sophia hadn’t confided in me about her

and her mother’s distress, perhaps I could have found some solace in the notion that time was on our

side. I knew her father would never harm her, which was precisely why he had sent them away initially.

However, I couldn’t extend the same assurance to the unidentified men who held her and her mother

captive on their vessel.

Marvin’s voice echoed in my mind, asking, “How did it go with your folks?”

It was frustrating that we weren’t living in the mansion alongside everyone else. I couldn’t help but

wonder why my parents had chosen to isolate themselves in this way. If it weren’t for the current issue

that had arisen, I would have requested to return to the Alpha’s wing of the mansion. I’d be lying if I

said growing up in the bungalow wasn’t enjoyable. It gave the surroundings a more welcoming and less

rigid atmosphere. But now, all I wanted was to be where everyone else was, especially after finding


“They won’t send us to Grizlo, but they’re assigning us to investigate that matter from Lucland under

Uncle Vino’s supervision,” I responded to Marvin, who remained silent for a moment.

“Alright, we should have a meeting after dinner. I’ll let everyone know. Maybe we can gather in the

beta’s lounge. My father never uses it, so it’s just going to waste. They’re always in the Alpha’s lounge,”

Marvin suggested, and I expressed my gratitude for the invitation, although I doubted it would be


“I’ll inform Harper,” I connected with him through our mind link and then severed the connection.

My brother Keith informed me that our mother had instructed us to gather at the mansion for dinner.

Naturally, we wouldn’t be dining in the bungalow. It was our first day back home, and my father would

expect a complete family gathering. I quickly got up and hastily dressed. Seeing everyone would

undoubtedly be wonderful, but I couldn’t fully embrace the moment. How could I be happy knowing that

Sophia was somewhere in danger?

As I reached the door, I encountered Harper on her way out. She had attempted to establish a mental

link with me, but I must have unintentionally blocked her off. It was a peculiar habit of mine, albeit


“How are you feeling?” she asked, her smile brightening the room as Joseph and Keith darted past us,

engaged in a race to the mansion. I knew the Lucland Academy would have its hands full when they


“I’m pushing through,” I replied, and she smiled in response.

“Hopefully, Alpha Christian has some fantastic news for us,” she said, and I smiled back,

acknowledging her efforts to uplift my spirits.

We strolled together towards the mansion, making our way to the grand dining hall. The seating

arrangement was always less than ideal. My father and his team would occupy one end, while my team

and I were relegated to the other, with both generations converging in the centre. Upon arriving at the

dining hall, we took our seats, but our parents had yet to make their entrance.

“Heard your father refused,” Charlotte linked me, her concerned expression drawing my attention. I

reassured her, urging her to remain calm.

Finally, our parents arrived, prompting us all to rise and pay our respects. My father and mother took

their seats first, followed by the rest of us. The tension in the room was palpable. What should have

been a joyous homecoming and a fresh chapter after graduation had taken on a sombre tone. I couldn’t

help but acknowledge my own responsibility in this, but how could I pretend that everything was fine

when my heart was filled with anguish?

We dined in silence for a while, until Uncle David and Dominic inquired about our lives and experiences

in Grizlo. Most of us responded politely, not wanting to come across as impolite. Once we had finished

eating, my father requested that I join him alone in his office, which meant Harper couldn’t accompany

me. Somehow, I longed for her presence. We were used to doing everything together, and I needed her

by my side during this time.

Leaving the dining room, I glanced at my twin, and she nodded, assuring me silently. Uncle Vino

appeared upset, so I purposely avoided looking in his direction. I knew it was due to our audacious

plan. However, I felt compelled to try, no matter the odds.

Stepping into my father’s office, I watched as he circled around and settled into his seat behind the

desk. He gestured for me to take the chair in front of him, and I sat down nervously. Leaning forward,

he locked eyes with me.

“No matter what happens, remember that life goes on, Liam. I’ve yearned to witness you grow into a

man, to see you take charge, and I’m proud of the person you’ve become. Don’t let loss or heartbreak

hinder your progress towards greater heights. So, I implore you, my son. Promise me that no matter

the outcome, you’ll gather yourself and keep moving forward. Mike squandered his life and that of his

family due to his choices, and you mustn’t make your family pay for his sins. I know you care deeply for

Sophia, and I hope we can find her and save her. However, you must also prepare yourself for the

worst. If things don’t turn out as you wish, you must pick yourself up and move on. Life always

continues; time and seasons wait for no one. As long as we live, we must adapt and evolve with them.

Promise me you won’t remain stagnant,” he spoke with seriousness, studying my face intently. I knew

my father meant every word, so I nodded in agreement.

“I promise,” I replied, my words sincere. Though I meant what I said, I held onto hope that I wouldn’t

have to move on. I remained optimistic that we would find Sophia and that everything would eventually

be well.

My father dialled Alpha Christian’s number and activated the speakerphone. It took some time before

the Head Alpha answered, but eventually, he did.

“Good evening, your Majesty,” Alpha Christian greeted, causing my father to shift uncomfortably in his

chair. I knew he was doing this for my sake, and I felt grateful and hopeful in that moment.

“I am calling to inquire about the Maguire case,” my father stated, getting straight to the point. There

was a brief silence before Alpha Christian responded.

“I have it under control, your Majesty. I have been informed that your children are home. You have

nothing to worry about. We will apprehend the culprit soon,” Christian assured, as he should, given his

pursuit of the fugitives.

“Do you have any insight into his motives?” my father asked, preferring not to be so direct. I could

sense Christian’s sigh on the other end.

“There are too many theories to discern which one is accurate. I had planned to present the matter to

the council in three weeks, but that timeline seems lengthy now. The Delta and Gamma teams

mentioned that Mike had grievances with the Thompson, and they had embarked on a mission together

that fateful night. However, they have no knowledge as to why he snapped and committed the heinous

act of murdering the Alpha, Luna, and their daughter. It was a horrific scene, your Majesty. The

daughter had graduated last year and was about to begin her first assignment when he took her life

and that of her parents. Rest assured, he will face justice for his crimes,” Christian explained, and I

didn’t want to dwell on Mike’s actions, as they were gruesome to contemplate.

“What about Mike’s wife and daughter? Have you been able to locate them?” my father inquired


“Yes,” Alpha Christian replied, and a surge of elation washed over me.

“I’m not entirely certain, but it appears he sold them to some people on one of the islands. I’m still

working on identifying which specific island it might be, but the Delta team suggests focusing on the

islands closer to the eastern coast. I’ve been attempting to reach Lord Albert to request his assistance

in sending troops to Kaizen and Braile Islands. Unfortunately, he hasn’t responded to my calls yet. My

initial plan was to start the search there, but I have my doubts about finding them. It will require

extensive resources,” Christian explained, leaving me uncertain about how to feel. The news had

initially sparked hope, but now it seemed like a dead end.

“What do you suggest, then?” my father inquired, seeking guidance.

“I will continue the search, but I’m not optimistic about finding Mike. I can’t comprehend why he would

commit such actions unless something happened between him and the Alpha that only they were

aware of. It infuriates me. Mike had the opportunity to report his Alpha to me, unless he himself was at

fault, and Thompson attempted to intervene. The Delta and Gamma teams support this theory and are

determined to apprehend him. Honestly, Grizlo is a small, tranquil town; no one would have anticipated

such a tragedy taking place there,” Christian responded, prompting a weary sigh from my father.

“It’s disheartening to hear. I would like to request that you allow my son and his team to join you in the

investigation. They have shown a keen interest in the matter, and my son even asked me to assign him

as the Alpha of Grizlo for this purpose,” my father proposed, attempting to downplay the severity of the

situation and what it meant to me. Alpha Christian let out a chuckle in response.

“The prince has just graduated. He should be enjoying his newfound freedom,” Christian remarked,

causing my heart to sink.

“The issue is more complex than it seems, and I don’t believe it would be wise to send Prince Liam to

Grizlo. It appears as though Mike had planned everything meticulously, or there may be other parties

involved,” Christian explained, presenting an angle that would discourage my father from allowing me

to get involved.

My father looked at me, and I silently pleaded with him.

“Nevertheless, I still want him to assist you in the investigation, so he can gain firsthand experience of

the situation. He had a close relationship with the Maguire family, so it hits close to home for him,” my

father confessed, withholding the true reason for my genuine interest, which was to find and save

Sophia. Christian remained silent, contemplating my father’s request.

“Christian, I will ask you for a favour, and I hope you won’t refuse. You’ve come to my aid in the past,

and I am now asking for your assistance once again,” my father stated, acknowledging the difficulty in

making such a request. As a king, he shouldn’t owe anyone favours, yet here he was, willing to go the

extra mile for me.

“I am all ears, your Majesty,” Alpha Christian responded, and my father let out a sigh. I observed as he

clenched his fist, glanced at me, and then back at the phone.

“If you manage to locate Mike’s wife and daughter, could you find a way to spare their lives? I

understand the law, but we both know that punishing them for Mike’s crimes would be unjust. If we

continue to exact such retribution, our kind will face extinction. Despite what the law dictates, I firmly

believe that Mike alone should bear the consequences of his actions. His daughter and mate should

not be made to suffer for his sins,” my father proposed, his voice filled with conviction. Alpha Christian

let out a resigned sigh.

“I wish it were within my power to decide, your Majesty, but for such a decision to be made, it would

need to be brought before the council, and ultimately, Lord Albert would have the final say. Once his

decision is made to get involved, you can take over from there and decide their fate,” Christian

explained, expressing his willingness to support my father’s request. I felt a glimmer of hope, but the

realisation that the council meeting was scheduled for three weeks later dampened my spirits. A lot

could transpire in the interim.

“In the meantime?” my father inquired, seeking further guidance. Alpha Christian let out a sigh in


“Three weeks is a substantial amount of time, and much can unfold during that period. Let us hope that

we locate them before anyone else does. However, if we do manage to apprehend them prior to the

meeting, the Northern Alpha council will ultimately determine their fate,” Christian explained,

highlighting the reality of the situation. My father nodded, understanding that there wasn’t anything else

to say. Alpha Christian had been accommodating to our requests and had even provided a potential

solution. The only uncertainty lay in the hands of fate, which could tip the scales in any direction.

After concluding the call, my father looked at me, hoping I could glean something from the


“You heard what Alpha Christian said,” he remarked, and I nodded in agreement.

“He mentioned Kaizen and Braile,” I stated, but my father shook his head.

“The eastern region falls under the jurisdiction of your uncle. Any actions to be taken there must go

through him. I cannot simply give orders to him as I would to Alpha Christian or Alpha Devin. Leo has

chosen to show respect to me regardless, and our friendship plays a significant role. I cannot exploit it,”

my father explained, leaning forward.

“You heard Alpha Christian’s assessment. They don’t believe we will apprehend Mike or come across

his family easily. I suspect Mike has gone into hiding,” my father admitted, sighing in frustration. He ran

his fingers through his hair, displaying his exasperation, then leaned back in his chair and studied me


“You’ve just graduated, Liam. You’ve just returned home, and now all of this. Peace is a precious gift

that you should learn to cherish. Trust me, I’ve been in your shoes,” my father expressed, his voice

filled with understanding. I remained silent, realising that I had exhausted my words and arguments to

persuade him otherwise.

“I would hate to be the one holding you back, Liam. I would hate to be the one obstructing your dreams.

That’s why I’m pleading with you to listen to me on this,” he continued, his tone filled with earnestness.

“I, too, don’t want Sophia and Margret to suffer for a crime they didn’t commit. Therefore, I implore you

to conduct some investigations under Vino’s supervision. We will proceed with our plans to travel to the

east next week as scheduled while Christian continues his search. If, by that time, there are no

significant developments and they remain unfound, Christian will bring the matter to the council, and I

will take the necessary action,” my father proposed, his eyes reflecting hope as he awaited my

response. I realised that I had no other choice but to comply.

Read The Dark Side Of Fate

Novel The Dark Side Of Fate has been updated Chapter 337 with many climactic

developments What makes this series so special is the names of the characters ^^. If you

are a fan of the author Karima Sa'ad Usman, you will love reading it! I'm sure you won't be

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Reading Novel The Dark Side Of Fate Chapter 337

Chapter 337 novel The Dark Side Of Fate


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