Novel Name : Rejected Mate and Following Fate - Awakening Book

Rejected Mate and Following Fate - Awakening Book Chapter 57: It Won't Change A Thing

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“I... Umm. He’ll kill us if we don’t take …. umm. I don’t know what went down, but I have to see for

myself what Juan says about this.” Deacon is at a loss for words and I can feel every ounce of his

bravado slipping away. Deacon visibly swallows a look of confusion running over his face, as he

realizes, he just questioned his possible leader, and I swear, he almost sits on the ground such is the

way his legs seem to momentarily twitch.

“I’ll kill you if you touch her. So, there’s that.” Colton reiterates with a head nod and shrug, and I shake

my head at Deacon, disgusted in the weakness I see before me and smothered in confidence as my

own temper riles.

“Not so tough when you don’t have me disabled and stuck alone in a glass room, are you?” I snarl,

moving out fully from behind Colton, half expecting him to hush me and send me back, but he doesn’t.

He turns a slight way to me, catches my eyes with his glowing amber ones and then slides aside

slightly to encourage me to come closer. I guess because he knows Deacon is no real threat to me, he

relaxes a little, and much like a wild wolf would encourage his mate to participate in a hunt, or teach

her, he urges me to him. I mean, he just let his subs berate theirs, so I guess it’s my turn. My wolf

ignites at the invitation, eyes burning in my skull, and I know I must be glowing as red as Colton’s are

amber with the tension in the air around us.

“What the fuck.” Deacon almost trips backwards as he scrambles a step away and locks an alarmed

gawping set of normal human eyes on mine. Shocked at what he sees.

“Miss those pretties, huh. I guess probably because you were busy shooting her in the back!” Colton

teases cruelly, pulling me with a hand on my upper arm and slides me near, in front so I’m between

Deacon and him. Getting me close even though he wants me to stand up to this asshat, but he needs

to know he’s also keeping me safe.

“What the hell is wrong with her eyes?” Deacon can’t conceal his fear, and this time he does trip trying

to get away and lands on his ass. Scrambling as he thuds with a soft noise and tries to reel backwards

away from me.

“Nothing… I think their sexy. However, it does mean you had a lucky escape and had my Princessa

here not been more concerned about getting the fuck away from you, could have taken down your

entire team with minimal effort. Maybe I should let her rebalance the scales if you think you can take

her.” Colton slides his hand up my back and comes to beside me properly so his hip touches mine,

lazily lassoing his arm around my shoulders so it hangs about me casually, and adopts that teen boy

lounge of a guy taking the piss out of someone he deems inferior. Deacon hesitates, I can see the

questions forming in his head as he looks from Colton to me, and back, and scrambles to his feet,

backing away. It’s obvious he’s rattled, and he keeps gawping at me and then back at his pack as

though they’re linking. I see the unease as they too, all start to look to one another and shrink closer to

the vehicles, our own sub pack moving in and not giving them an inch.

“Why don’t we make it fun? If he can take you, his pack gets to leave. If he can’t, well…. we kill them.”

Colton turns to me with a dark expression, a wry smile, his words making the blood in my veins runs

cold, but his mind link kicks in immediately.

I won’t ever let anyone hurt you, it’s obvious he’ll not take that offer, so relax. He’s about ready to run.

I’m not really going to kill anyone…. Just messing with him, baby. Because it’s fun.

Colton is doing what a mate is meant to do. Teach, guide, instill confidence in his femme, and I can feel

him nudging me on to take back my power from Deacon and it ignites a fire in me that pulses through

my bones, and muscles, and nerve endings, and I can almost taste that thin veil coming at me without

trying. Maybe it’s the inner rage I felt from the second this asshole pulled up, or maybe it’s having

Colton by my side coaxing me, encouraging softly, being what I need, yet my knowing it can never be

that churns me up and empowers me insanely.

“I’m not in the mood for shredding my clothes so how about…. if he can get to his truck before I get to

him, I forget all about it. He can go, and we’re done.” I raise a brow, sarcasm oozing from every pore

and Colton smiles fully, looking to our prey. He knows I’m going to make Deacon run back to his truck

like a coward and humiliate him in front of everyone without even attempting to follow. I start to

understand why his subs like teasing and tormenting, it really gives me a power kick.

“I’m not against you shooting him in the back, baby. An eye for an eye.” He leans in and kisses me on

the temple, lingering a moment as Deacon continues glancing from him to me, and back again. Deacon

pales out visibly and starts to stammer and stutter. Raising his hands and looks about poised to go

running away, tripping over his own feet and falling epically to his knees in front of everyone. Colton

breaks into a laugh and completely ruins it. That proper hearty break of mood, as he lets out that

youthful, entertained, sweet melody of husky beauty.

“I’m sorry I can’t… it’s too funny. Fuck off, Deacon, none of you are welcome back here. This is where

my mom and my femme stay, and if we see you here again, I’ll happily rip your throat out. Take that as

a friendly warning and tell my father whatever the fuck you want. Just leave!” Colton doesn’t waste time

for an answer, but slides his arm from me and turns, instead pushing his hand into mine to get me to

follow him back to the manor and leave this idiot to get chased out by the subs. Colton is doing what I

asked, and making sure the vulnerable are not exposed to gruesome violence. He’s leaving before he

does something stupid to these idiots.

I’m slower to turn, catching Deacons eyes ignite from the corner of my eye and his left hand claws up

with sharp knife like talons as he lets that one part of him turn, before he lurches to his feet, extending

his hand and aims right for the back of Colton’s skull. With enough force, right at a wolf’s skull, it’s a

death stroke, and I impulsively yell out.

I throw my hand out to somehow stop him, forward aiming right for that son of a bitch in impulsive

reaction, with my palm stretched towards him. To shield my love, to save him from harm. Pure instinct

taking over with the way my heart leaps into my mouth and my whole body pauses in shock and

disbelief, my veins running cold.

I need to protect my fated mate against all costs, and I don’t think, or hesitate. My own instincts come

in to play. Colton is my soul mate and half of me, and I won’t let that piece of shit Deacon take a stab at

the back and end him in such a cowardly way.

Much like watching a wet baseball being thrown hard, losing its water content as it hurls at speed,

spewing traces in the air behind the spinning whizzing thing, I somehow send something that looks

much like a transparent orb at him, from my splayed hand. It travels fast, straight, and true, slowing

down time and space so I see it happening with almost timeless ease ,and get him right in the chest,

with so much force it makes an echoing thud that reverberates around the clearing. It has a similar

effect to that of the bear, only with less velocity and rage behind it, more shock, more focus of a smaller

area, reaction more than anything. Deacon goes from jumping towards Colton with intent, to rammed

harshly in the chest by my ‘orb’ and thrown the few feet behind him into the side of the vehicle, with

such force he body slams it to a shuddering halt and dents it like I just canon balled it with a steel


He completely stops dead, groaning in pain, the air silencing crazily around us as he slides down the

side of the truck clumsily, winded, gasping for air, and in utter shock as his own pack cower around,

watching this show of force. The air sizzles around us as everyone who just witnessed it, stares in utter

disbelief. Shocked.

“Well that’s a gift.” Meadow’s voice floats my way, breaking the silence, and the tension, as I inhale and

look around to see most eyes are on me. It’s only now I realize she’s only seven feet away to my left,

as she must have leaped to come to the defense of Colton too, and her eyes are glowing amber, ready

to take down that son of a bitch had he in fact struck her alpha.

Deacons pack waste no time in running, dragging Deacon with them, back into the two trucks and

speedily getting off the ground. Soon as they do, the trucks rev into life and back out at speed, gravel

spraying all around us in dramatic fashion at their fast and furious exit while Colton turns to me and

catches me off guard.

He picks me up in a wave of over enthusiasm, hauling me up in a sweep of weightlessness, grinning at

me proudly, and hoists my legs around my waist as he does so, pulling me down and kissing me right

on the lips as he yanks my body into his. I have no time to react, pulled in, held tight as his warm lips

press to mine and take my breath away completely. I hate that his kiss is still familiar, ignites feelings

inside, inviting, like finding the way home, and I have to stop myself from leaning in and letting him


“That’s my girl. Warrior queen protecting her man. Thank you, baby.” He moves his face back so we’re

no longer close enough to do it again, causing a little wave of disappointment within me that I chastise

myself for, my cheeks flushing with heat and embarrassment that he kissed me in front of everyone. So

breathless from his unexpected attention and aware every wolf out here is looking at us. I shouldn’t

untangle and get him to put me down while his pack watch us, it’ll make it uncomfortable for him. It’s

crazy disrespectful to humiliate the alpha and instead I slide my hands around his neck to steady

myself in this pretty weird position I find myself in, aware this is inappropriate for a marked wolf, but yet

allow him to carry my like this. Aware I still don’t see any sign of Carmen, and I’m sure I would have

heard her if she saw this. No way she wouldn’t be screeching me to deafness if she’s around. His

hands now under my ass to keep me lifted as he turns me around to the approaching sub pack, like

this is perfectly natural for him to carry me this way. They swarm in around us.

“What was that exactly?” It’s Cesar who comes out first as Colton bounces me a little and smiles

boyishly. He’s overcome with a weird joyful energy, and a strong sense of pride that’s almost

suffocating me as his emotions drown out mine.

“That was Lorey and part of what she is capable of doing…. Telekinesis possibly. I think she might be

an empath too. Jesus, that was impressive as fuck.” He spins me and I get a little jiggle before he

slides me down to the ground on my own feet, and tugged in against him, lassoed by that arm once

more and held lazily. I don’t know how to feel about what I did, as everything rushed me at once and it

was impulsive. The reaction, seeing what I managed to do again, and then this. I have to stop for a

moment and let my brain catch up to his words.

“What?” I turn to him and gawp, eyes widening at him. So many questions about where he just pulled

that from, and I have no idea what to think.

“The Shaman knows a lot about this shit and…. it’s common in vampires apparently. Absorption is her

wolf… this, it’s the other half. Alora is a hybrid of the two. And I am too, only, my mom’s a witch.”

Colton’s voice drops as he says it and I swear, the entire area drops deathly silent, unbearably so, as

the entire sub pack, and those beyond, who heard him, blanche, and stare at us with open mouths of

disbelief. He just outed us for the entire pack to hear and those who didn’t will know soon enough as

gossip spreads through the link. Colton clearly doesn’t want secrets the way his father did for years.

“Like us?” Remi finally butts in, breaking the tension and I stand stock still, my heart beating through

my chest at the fact he’s going to tell them everything, now, and I was so not prepared for this. My body

turns icy cold as fear overtakes me, my lungs almost shrivel up, and I sag a little, to cower in his arms

as they all move in on us, a sea of faces, endless questioning looks. Colton seems completely serious

in the moment and I can feel his own hesitation in what he’s doing. That ingrained fear his own family

bonded pack will reject us and send us into exile, or worse. A pack has a right to kill intruders, or any

they deem a threat, and I guess I’m definitely in that category.

“Kind of…. I think you all need to let me bond project so you can see what Alora and I know.” Colton

looks around them and I inhale quickly. Waiting, poised, but none of the sub pack seem to have any

kind of dramatic reaction. There’s confusion, a couple of questioning glances between them, but

overall, they just nod. I didn’t know packs could project to one another in a group, but I guess it makes

sense. If you made a chain and passed memory to memory. I just thought it was something only

imprinted or mated could do.

Meadow turns and stares out at the wolves in the clearing, I can tell she’s linking. Within seconds they

all turn tail and head back to wherever they came from, clearing the area and giving us space and

quiet. They heard, and I don’t doubt they will be given answers after the sub pack get them. Our

secrets, who we are, Juan’s whole lie in life, is about to become public knowledge and I couldn’t be any

more terrified. No more secrets within this pack, no more hiding what I am. What we are.

Meadow steps up first and lifts Colton’s hand to her temple, adding mine to the other side of her face

and smiles encouragingly, so much faith and love in that one little nod.

“We’re your pack, show us the truth. It won’t change a thing about what we are to you.”


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