Novel Name : A Demon Lord’s Tale: Dungeons, Monster Girls, and Heartwarming Bliss

A Demon Lord’s Tale: Dungeons, Monster Girls, and Heartwarming Bliss Chapter 446

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Chapter 446

Beginning of Life (2)

-The Primordial God seeks chaos. In chaos, all things develop.

Chaos…in other words, variety.

That was the power necessary for development.

Perhaps that may be true.

If everything was just facing in the same direction, nothing would move forward.

Being different from others was necessary for development.

Did Dominus, himself, want that to happen to this world?

-Love and conflict exist because of this. It is the nature of chaotic beings.


I see.

No two people were the same in this world, and that was why there was love and conflict.

I fought with Lefi every day, and I still loved her regardless… Hmm, well, that’s just the way it was.

As expected of a God, a good choice of words that get to the essence of the matter.

“…In other words, you also had a similar viewpoint, which is why you cooperated with the God of the Demons?”

Earlier, I was joking about being a rebel, but I guess that wasn’t the only reason.

Even this God believed in something so much that he risked his own life for it.

Lynn chuckled.

-All of this is far in the past. It is over. But now, it’s about the future.

“…About the future?”

Lynn nodded.

-You have been chosen… You have been chosen to be the heir to life.

“…What, explain?”

-You have been given the authority to access the Boxed Garden. You also have permission to manipulate and develop it.

“The Box Garden is…”

-Oh, ah, now you call it a dungeon.

My heart jumped at his words.

Even in this space, where I didn’t know whether it was real or not, my body started to sweat. It seemed I was nervous.

-The Boxed Garden is an Egg. The primordial god is the same as me. I am the same as you, and therefore inscribe your own mark.

The world itself bore its own mark.

His words reminded me of a thought I had in my previous life.

I think it was the Gaia Theory.

The world is a single life form.

Since this planet was also a life form, it would try to procreate like any normal life form, right?

In other words, this was…


Next I remembered the story of Shen, not Shendra, former emperor of the Rogard Empire.

[This world is all one dungeon, you know.]

[If we are keen to discover God, it seems to me that the shortest way is to study the dungeons.]

That was precisely what happened.

Dominus created the dungeon.

God was there at the end of the dungeon.

The God who created this world.

“Do I… now that I am the heir, do I have to do anything?”

-No. You have been chosen, but what you do is up to you to decide. Your life is free. What we desire is for you to live in freedom with your Boxed Garden.

To live was to be free.

So, you were telling me to do as I please.

“Why did you choose me?”

The skeleton laughed at my faint voice.

-Well, coincidence, or maybe divine guidance.

…So, in the end, everything was only known by God, huh?

Lynn continued to speak as I took a deep breath, exhaling loudly to regain my composure.

-And another thing, your weapon, the little Sword Girl.

“What about Enne?”

-She will soon reach a point where she will be able to reach me.

Lynn projected a shadow of what appeared to be Enne across the space.

Next, a path stretched in front of her, and eight weapons appeared at the end of the path.

Were you telling me… she may become a weapon that would bear the name of a God?

He seemed to be saying that if Enne continued to train like this, she would eventually become that powerful.

-Take good care of her. She is very rare.

“She’s like my daughter. I would do so even if you didn’t tell me to.”

No matter what, she was a member of my family whom I value more than my own life.

I had been thinking about this for a while now. This God’s presentations, or rather, shadow stories, were excellent. Even though he didn’t put it into words, it conveyed perfectly what he was trying to say.

Lynn nodded his head, as if he understood what I was implying.

-I’ve been practicing a lot, you know.

“You’ve practiced!”

I couldn’t help but be shocked, but Lynn shrugged his shoulders.

Hey, this God, he interrupted me with his little jokes.

This God was more like… well, it’s better than being stiff.

Lynn, still looking amused, continued.

-It was a pleasure talking to you. I’m sorry, but I have to leave now, and I can’t wait to talk to you again some other time.

His words caused me to scowl.

“Are you going to leave the spear?”

Lynn nodded.

-I am simply a remnant fire. I am already dead. It is against the rules for me to remain in this world.

“Wait, I have more questions…”

But my words were interrupted by Lynn, who turned his palm toward me.

-You yourself can find the answers. You are still alive.

“…Oh, right. Yeah. Thank you, I’m glad I got to talk to you like this.”

Lynn smiled kindly.

He had a look filled with compassion that was recognizable despite his skull for a face.

A moment later, the space fluctuated.

Everything white collapsed, and my vision became unfocused.

Finally, only his words remained in my ears.

-Let your life be fulfilling. Enjoy your life. That is the duty of those who live.


“What a wonderful God…if that’s his religion, I’ll join.”

I slowly opened my closed eyelids as I said this.

Hot, simmering magma greeted my vision.

In front of me, there was a blank stone monument with nothing written on it anymore.

The white space had already disappeared.


I could sense a bit of worried intent from my darling daughter, who remained in my grip.

“Hmm, Enne, how long has it been since I stopped moving?”

[…maybe a minute. You didn’t say anything, you just stayed still. You were acting a little strange.]

“Well… it didn’t seem that long.”

By my senses, I’d say I’d been talking to Lynn for about thirty minutes.

I looked at Enne in my right hand, then at the divine spear in my left hand.

The divine spear.

There was nothing in it anymore.

I could feel it.

When we parted, Lynn taught me how to use this spear.

Rather than teach, it was more like knowledge was directly implanted in me.

Now I knew how to use this spear that had been bothering me so much.

I raised the spear in front of me and said, “Claim thy life, O Spear of Mine“

It was at that moment the martial looking divine spear began to change and grow.

In a few seconds, it reached the second form I knew so well, and then went even further….

Normally, it sucked my magic to the limit, but now it didn’t even attempt to affect me at all.

It’s because Lynn had recognized me as the owner of the spear.

The magma rumbled, and the shrine in front of me began to glow faintly.

Then, the magic power that had been collected inside the spear was released, and the space violently fluctuated, and all that power was channeled towards me.

I see.

So, this weapon was like a [Key] and its role was to accumulate power when not in battle.

A key to help someone like me who would one day come here and open a door to that place.


“Whoa, whoa!”


I could hear three voices behind me in a bit of a panic.


“It’s okay. This is not a rejection.”

An overwhelming force flowed into my body, just as it did when I first came to this world and Lefi poured magic into me, but different from before, I didn’t feel like I was going to collapse.

Perhaps it was because the spear was channeling the power.

Eventually, the change was complete.

The enormous magical power that Lynn had collected until now had been transferred to me.

It became a part of my body, not something borrowed.

Then I checked my status.

Name: Yuki

Race: High Lord

Hm…race evolution… I see.

Lynn must have given me power.

T/L: Sorry for delay in posting. I was dealing with some real life issues including health one. I will try to make up for skipped postings in upcoming 2 or 3 days. Stay tuned. Thanks.

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