Novel Name : Isekai Yururi Kikou ~Raising Children While Being an Adventurer~

Isekai Yururi Kikou ~Raising Children While Being an Adventurer~ Chapter 39

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Chapter 39


「…… You are?」

「I’m Mirena of the mermaid tribe」


Seriously!? A mermaid she says!!

When I appraise her in a rush―――









Spearmanship | Water Magic

Dismantling | Night Vision | Detection

Swimming | Cultivation

Cooking | Singing

Mental Status Resistance



Uwaa~ it’s true . Her race is Mermaid .

This woman is without a doubt a mermaid . Only her upper body is visible, so I can only see an ordinary human woman .

As expected, diving under the sea to confirm would be rude, but does this woman has a tailfin as expected?

It’s a mermaid! I want to confirm right away, but patience . Patience……

「Why do you know about me?」

「I was informed about you by Water God’s retainer-sama」

Haa? From Water God’s retainer-sama?

First, I confirmed how does the mermaid woman know about me, but an unexpected answer has come back .

…… Just what is going on?

「Come again, the Water God’s retainer-sama has……」

「I have been advised that you would be able to solve a problem we are facing . Takumi-sama, could I request your assistance, please? 」

What’s with that…… just what did the Water God’s retainer-sama say to these people?

In addition to that, Mirena-sam must have been informed beforehand that we will come here .

「Umm…… an assistance you say……」

「For the details, we have to go to our village . Could we move there first?」

Mirena-san asks while deeply bowing her head .

If you ask me like that, there’s no way I could reject, but……

「No, no, wait a moment . Your village is definitely under the sea, right? Even if we can swim, we won’t be able to go there」

Because we won’t be able to breathe .

Rather, in the first place, can I swim? In the past…… of course, I could swim!

Well, I know the method of swimming itself so if it’s the present body I feel like I could do it . My motor nerves have exceptionally improved after all .

Regarding Allen and Elena, I think that they would immediately master swimming if shown . We are talking about those two after all……

But, even if they were able to swim, as expected it would not be possible for them to breathe underwater . No…… I have a feeling that they would be able to stay underwater for quite a lot of time because of an outrageous lung capacity……

But even that would not allow us to stay underwater for a longer period of time .

「I am prepared in regard of that」


「…… Please wait for a moment」

When I was lost in my thoughts, Mirena-san takes something out and presents it to me .

U~n…… what’s that?

Silver… I wonder? I can see a looped string-like thing sitting in Mirena-san’s palm, but…… I don’t know what that is .

Because we are at the water’s edge and Mirena-san in the sea, there’s a subtle distance between us .

When I tilt my head, Mirena-san lets the thing in her hand float on the sea’s surface . It gets jolted by the waves and slowly drifts to us little by little .

It didn’t feel like the waves were natural, was it manipulated by Water magic?

When I pick up the floating thing, it was a bracelet . With an engraved thin curious pattern . It feels hard on touch, but it’s not a mineral? What is it?

I thought it was silver, but it looks iridescent because of the reflections . A mysterious color .

I couldn’t figure anything out just by looking so I appraise it straight away .


【Mermaid Bracelet】

A bracelet made with the scales of a mermaid .

A magic tool that allows breathing under water .

In addition, it wraps entire body in a thin film, preventing clothes from getting wet .


Oo, a fantastic magic tool has appeared .

Certainly, with something like this, there won’t be any problems with breathing .

I had a feeling it’s not made from minerals like iron or gold, but the material were actually scales of a mermaid! Indeed, I didn’t expect that .

The mysterious color is related to mermaid scales . It’s convincing then .

「We will certainly be all right with this」


A delightful expression floats on Mirena-san’s face .

「I would like to see the Mermaid village, so I don’t mind going, but…… I may not be able to resolve your problem, you know?」

「That does not matter! Please come by all means!」

I’m not sure I can help because I didn’t hear the details .

Should I have asked first? But, she told she would explain in detail in the village so……

But, the Water God’s retainer-sama gave a seal of approval, so it’s probably not something too difficult . And even if I’m not successful, looking at Mirena-san’s reaction, I won’t get blamed either .

Following in itself is an introduction to the Water God’s retainer-sama . A person(?) who is worried about Allen and Elena . They wouldn’t let the twins approach something dangerous . There shouldn’t be any problem .

「Then, I will borrow this bracelet」

「No, I offer that to you . Please think of it as a fee for going to the village . Of course, if you have problem with that, we will prepare a different remuneration in the village」

「No, no, this is something precious, right!?」

「There are people engaged in magic tools in the village, so quite a number of them exist . To begin with, this magic tool is necessary in order to enter the village, so please accept it without reservation」

I thought it’s a valuable magic tool, but this bracelet apparently isn’t that valuable to the mermaids .

Because the material is the scales of mermaids, they probably don’t lack materials to make it……

Well, that . If she says to take it, I will take it .

I retrieve Joule and others who were guarding around the sandy beach to my shadow and put on the bracelets on Allen’s and Elena’s arms . Then, I put one on myself, hold the two’s hands and enter the sea .

When the depth of water reached my shin, I tried raising my leg from the water .

Oo, it really didn’t get wet . This is incredible!

My clothes and boots are totally dry . I’m deeply moved by the performance of this magic tool .

It allows breathing underwater, but there are no problems yet, so it’s possible to use it on the surface too? If I put it on a rainy day, I won’t get wet?

It looks like this magic tool can be used for something it wasn’t originally made for . I obtained something good~

When we reached a certain depth, I timidly tried to dive in a while holding Allen’s and Elena’s hands .


Iya~ how exciting~

Even though I know that I can breathe without problems, I can’t help it but be nervous about the first breath, right?

「Is everything all right?」

「Y, yes . Everything’s fine」

Breathing aside, talking underwater is also a strange feeling .

However, it’s so amusing!

My heart is throbbing experiencing something I never did before .

Allen and Elena also seem to be enjoying themselves underwater .

Breathing is alright, the next one would be swimming… . .

「Ah~ … Allen, Elena… are you okay?」


「I see……」

Un, there doesn’t seem to be a problem .

When I release their hands, the two are normally swimming .

I knew . This development is exactly as I imagined!

Still, isn’t this too fast!? They are already… smoothly swimming, you know!!

Ah~ Since the two are alright, I will try to swim too .

I position my body horizontally, extend my arms and flap with my legs .

Breaststroke? Crawl? I somehow know the form, but I never have done it before, though!

From time to time, I move my hands to paddle the water and move forward .

Oo, is this okay? I am swimming properly…… I think .

Umm…… like this? Then, like this…… oo? I am swimming?!

I tried breaststroke for a trial, I was able to do it . I wasn’t able to do it in the slightest in the past…… I’m a bit happy .

Ah! Right, the mermaid!

I was too absorbed in trying to swim so I did not check the thing about Mirena-san .

When I look at Mirena-san again, it was the same as the illustrations that appear in fantasy novels and manga, the upper body of a woman in a bikini and the lower body of a fish .

The scales of the lower part of body went from light red to dark red, it gets darker as you go from the waist to the tailfin, a beautiful gradation .

「Ah~… I have kept you waiting . Everything’s fine now」

Crap . While observing in a trance, my eyes matched Mirena-san’s .

Mirena-san was quietly watching over us while we were learning to swim…… she’s smiling for some reason……

I approached Mirena-san and told her that everything is fine now and we can move .

「I understand . Then, let’s depart」

「Ah, yes . Allen, Elena . Let’s go~」


We start swimming after Mirena-san who is guiding us to her village .

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