Novel Name : Isekai Yururi Kikou ~Raising Children While Being an Adventurer~

Isekai Yururi Kikou ~Raising Children While Being an Adventurer~ Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

Chapter 59 – Feudal Lord of Bailey

The next day .

After eating breakfast in the dining room of the inn, we were relaxing in the room .

Then, the sub master of the Adventurer’s Guild came to visit .

Apparently, they went to the dungeon overnight or early in the morning and seemed to have finished checking .

The dungeon is nearby after all . Just going to take a look shouldn’t take much time .

And they are on their way to report to the feudal lord now . It seems they have applied for an appointment yesterday and decided on meeting this morning .

So, we were told to go along . 「Why me as well?」when I asked,「What is the discoverer asking about!!」I was scolded .

No, I wasn’t aware I have to accompany you .

That being the case, we have arrived at the lord’s mansion .

Well, I really didn’t feel like resisting and thought that saying hello to the feudal lord might not be bad, so I went along obediently, though .

Thus, after being shown to a room and told to wait, a middle-aged man in his thirties along with an elderly man soon entered the room .

I have not used appraisal, but judging by the garments, the young man looks more like the Feudal Lord-sama . But this person, haven’t I seen him before somewhere……

「You are Takumi-san? How do you do? Cedric Risner is my name」

「Eh? …… Risner?」

Feudal Lord-sama speaks as if he knew about me .

I have not met him before, but his surname is Risner . And his silver hair and grayish blue eyes, perhaps……?

「Oya? Have you not heard from Isaac?」

「…… Acquaintances, only」

「That fellow again…… I’m really sorry for my younger brother . He surely kept silent to surprise you」

Younger brother!!

That means this Feudal Lord-sama is Shirin’s Knights Order’s Risner-sama’s oniisan!

Ah, I see . That’s why Risner-sama wrote me a letter of introduction when I told him that I’m going to Bailey~

I was a little bit surprised that Risner-sama was the one who wrote me the letter of introduction since Derrick-sama and Wald-sama who are of a high peerage rank, and the advisor of the order Callan-sama were there .

At that time, I simply thought that he was just writing to someone he knows .

I thought that Risner-sama had a good relationship with the Feudal Lord-sama of Bailey judging by his way of speech…… but, to think they were family……

If they are relatives, Risner-sama was the most suitable to write the letter of introduction, wasn’t he?

「In Shirin, Risner-sama…… I am indebted to Isaac-sama very much」

「No, no, it was in a letter, but I inquired about Takumi-san . You are Isaac’s lifesaver . Thank you very much for helping my brother」

「Ah, raise your head please!!」

I was surprised at him suddenly lowering his head right after greeting me . I hurry up and stop Oniisan .

「It is I who should thank Risner-sama…… ah~ I’m sorry . Is it alright to call you Cedric-sama?」

Ah~…… it would be confusing calling both brothers Risner-sama…… however, calling him by his name without permission would be impolite . First, let’s ask for permission……

「Yes, certainly . Honorifics are unnecessary too」

「No, that much is……」

「Then, let’s settle on “san . ” Of course, I don’t mind if you call Isaac that way as well . I give you permission as his elder brother」

「No, but……」

「Let’s get along」

He has a gentle smile, but an overbearing way of calling has been decided . Un, it doesn’t seem that I will be able to refuse .

But, it would be impossible without honorifics, so please forgive me for adding “san . ”

「I was under Isaac-san’s care . I had also received a letter of introduction when leaving Shirin . It’s a little late, but this is the letter」

It’s different from my plan, but I hand over the letter I got from Isaac-san to Cedric-san .

「That’s right, that! I’ve heard from Isaac that he gave you a letter of introduction, so when you arrived at this town, I thought you would immediately visit me, you know?」

「Are? He certainly asked me to visit you, but…… I didn’t have any plans on receiving a favor, you know?」

Just receiving aid would make me feel awkward and I had no plans on making things difficult for him .



Are we misunderstanding something……?

「…… Umm, let’s rely on him if something occurs…… is what you were thinking?」

「…… Well, you could say that」

I feel like I’m counting on the noble’s authority, but that’s really it when speaking frankly…… helping when in trouble . When there’s really, really no other way . I thought to ask for help only then .

「…… Isaac that fellow」

It seems that Isaac-san has told Cedric-san something different .

Isaac-san…… what have you told him……

「May I ask what Isaac-san has written in the letter?」

「Yes . About the happenings in Shirin, Takumi-san’s arrival to Bailey, and he asked me to lend you a hand . Those were the contents」

Indeed, those contents make it seems as if it has already been decided that I would come to visit the feudal lord .

…… Are? Perhaps…… did I mistake the meaning behind the letter of introduction?

Regardless of what I plan on doing, I should have visited here first, or something……?

Uwa~ have I done it……

「There was a report from the gatekeeper that Takumi-san has arrived, but that was the reason you weren’t coming, I see」

「…… Eh?」

Wait a minute!

While I was worried about the interpretation of the letter of introduction, Cedric-san said something that can’t be disregarded .

「Cedric-san, what do you mean by the gatekeeper’s report……」

「I had notified the gatekeepers to let me know when Takumi-san arrives in the town immediately」

Wow . Cedric-san, you have given such orders……

「That was futile as well, though」

「…… I’m sorry」

「No, no . I was selfishly waiting so don’t mind it . But that being the case, I would have been nice if you visited . Oh yeah, Takumi-san made a new bread in Shirin and spread it, right? Actually, it was also written in Isaac’s letter, and because a detailed recipe wasn’t necessary, it has already spread through our town」

「Ah, yes . I saw it selling in a shop」

It was only jam buns, and bread with dried fruit and nuts mixed in, but as fruits and nuts are abundant here, the variety definitely increased .

「Takumi-san . If possible, won’t you please tell me the recipes of the things called Cream bread and Anpan? Of course, I will reward you」

「I would like to ask about this . A reward is not necessary . It’s just, about the shops, but……」

「I heard from Isaac about this as well . If there’s no fuss about the store, I will introduce it to a wholesale store that sells bread to our house, the other stores will be properly supported by the Risner house」

Because Allen and Elena love Cream bread, I want to make it efficient to replenish . That’s why I intended to have it made in a shop somewhere .

Regarding the custard cream, I think I’m willing to publish the recipe, but that would make it difficult to Road-san, wouldn’t it~ I should take this proposal from Cedric-san and teach him how to manage the recipe safely, right?

As for the red bean paste, you just need to boil sweet red legume, so I thought it would appear in other shops even without the recipe, but…… that doesn’t seem to be the case .

「I’m fine with a store that Cedric-san recommends」

「Ayy~ I’m looking forward to it . Isaac boasted in the letter how delicious it is, so I was extremely interested, you know?」

Eeh!? It’s just a normal Cream bread and Anpan, you know? Isaac-san, why are you raising the hurdle that much!?

While Cedric-san and I are having such discusison――



The sub master who was left behind flusteredly raised voice .

Un, Cedric-san and I completely forgot the sub master’s existence .

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