Novel Name : Wolf President Hooks Up

Wolf President Hooks Up Chapter 62: Dare to Steal from Me

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Elaine immediately stuck out her tongue and shrunk her neck, “Me? I don’t dare to take it! What if I get

fired? It’s better for me to squeeze with you in these elevators.”

“Hahaha, Elaine, you’re different from us.”

Elaine couldn’t understand how she was different from the others.

“The elevator is here, get in quickly, Elaine!” Sophia has always had sharp eyes and agile hands. When

the elevator door opened, she was the first to rush in, even though she was the furthest.

That skill… Tsktsk, Elaine sighed again, with skill to rush into the lift, she could be considered a top-

notch master. When Elaine got in the elevator… “Beeeeeep---!” The alarm rang. Everyone stared at

Elaine with contempt.

Elaine stuck out her tongue, smiling uglier than when she cried, “Haha, it’s me that’s overweight.” She

stepped out very reluctantly, and the people inside, who were squeezed harsh, all breathed a sigh of


The elevator door wasn’t closed yet, and Emmett’s private elevator’s door opened. Jasper entered the

lift coolly, with one hand in his pocket, and his hair neat. He raised his eyes and saw Elaine, after

thinking about it, he waved at Elaine, “Hey, Elaine, come to this elevator!”

Hissed! Sophia and everyone in the lift took a cold breath! Vice-President Hall, who had the least

scandal record, took the initiative to invite Elaine to take the exclusive elevator! Vice-President Hall had

never invited anyone to take that elevator! Never! But today… Vice-President Hall actually waved to

Elaine, that girl… Waving… meant a favorable impression… And a favorable impression… was a

prerequisite for liking!

OMG! This Elaine was liked by so many hunks! Besides being President Smith’s little assistant with

some special meaning, it was rumored that she and President Smith were exchanging glances… Now,

even Vice-President Hall was involved with her again… It was too complicated! Therefore, a man does

not depend on his/her age! Despite Elaine’s young age, her methods were too formidable!

“Huh? Vice-President Hall?” Elaine raised her face and looked at Jasper in surprise. Heck, this

something Hall guy, the title-obsessed Hall, was actually so kind?

But what Jasper thought was, alas, no matter what, this Elaine was a woman of Emmett’s. And as a

buddy, he should always take care of her within the scope of his ability.

“Elaine, come here and take the elevator.” Jasper smiled at Elaine again.

Elaine stood outside of the elevator and looked at Jasper, who was inside, and said disbelievingly, “Can

I take this elevator too? Isn’t this exclusive to you and President Smith only?”

Jasper’s face was cramped. Was he too nosy? This girl has too many useless questions! She even had

questions when he asked her to take the elevator…

“Well, the elevators are here to service the company’s employees, and they can all use it. Come on.”

Jasper had weaved an impressive and diplomatic speech.

“Really? Haha, then I’m relieved. I thought only you and bad-bear Smith could use it.” Elaine smiled

and stepped into the elevator.

As soon as the elevator door closed, Jasper asked in surprise, “Who did you just say? Bad-bear

Smith? Who is that?” In fact, the smart Jasper had already almost guessed it.

“Ah!” Elaine immediately covered her mouth, and her face was full of remorse. Gosh, what was the

matter with her, her mouth needs to be locked. Bad-bear Smith has said that if he was to know that she

had called him the nickname behind his back again, he would deduct all her salary… She was

someone that loves money like her life!

“Vice-President Hall… I beg you, please don’t tell President Smith about this! I didn’t mean it, and I was

just talking nonsense. I swear I have absolutely no intention of insulting President Smith! I swear it!

Vice-President Hall, I beg you… Please don’t tell President Smith that I called him bad-bear Smith

behind his back!”

Jasper suppressed his laughter for a while and finally didn’t hold it back. He leaned against the

elevator’s wall and laughed out loud. This Elaine… was so hilarious when she spoke! Indeed, Emmett

was pitiful; he was actually given the honorary title of “Bad-bear Smith” by this girl behind his back.


Elaine’s face went dark. Damn, this Vice-President Hall was so crafty, why does he always laugh?

Villain! People who only laugh and not answer were all villains!

Elaine began to hate herself for not resisting temptation and got on the elevator. No matter what, she

would pester him all the way until Vice-President Hall promises her. If he were to really tell Emmett, she

would be dead.

Hence, Elaine tugged on Jasper’s sleeves, and started nagging like she was chanting sutras, “Vice-

President Hall, please, promise me, I beg you, please promise me, huh, promise me.”

Jasper was still laughing at first but later realized something was wrong. This woman was actually

holding his arm! He hated physical contact with the opposite sex, and Jasper screamed secretly and

pushed Elaine outwards. He said in a panic, “You let me go, let me go!”

Elaine became more and more convinced that this bad guy really planned to snitch. Therefore, Elaine

grasped even tighter. Her whole body almost pounced on him, and she became unreasonable, “I don’t

care, Vice-President Hall, you have to promise me, if you don’t, I won’t let go! Promise me, promise


The two were pushing and shoving, and they had reached the twenty-ninth floor. Ting Dong! With a

sound, the elevator door opened. Jasper had only wanted to avoid Elaine’s approach and was glued to

the wall. When the door opened, he didn’t realize and lost his balance and fell backward.

“Ah…” Jasper exclaimed.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhh…” There was another person who shouted louder than him several times.

Elaine directly plunged into Jasper’s arm and weighed him down. While Jasper lay on his back, his

head was humming from the fall.

Jasper thought to himself, “Seriously? I can’t be that unlucky? If I fell and have a concussion, wouldn’t I

become fellow sufferers with Oliver?”

Both Jasper and Elaine fell senseless and maintained that funny posture for a long time. It was so

long… that Sophia made a sharp cry… It was so long… that all the secretaries gathered around and

stared at them with wide eyes. And it was so long… that Emmett had walked out from his office, his

face black, and stared at the two people who were close to each other with displeasure…

“Jasper Hall! What are you doing!!!” Emmett finally lost his temper. His voice was piercing with anger. It

went straight to the sky, and the whole building trembled following Emmett’s roar. This building does

not need 911 or earthquakes, and it will be over if it were to shake a few more times.

Jasper jumped up after being distressed by Emmett’s roar. Elaine lay on the ground, her face wrinkled

with pain. This Vice-President Hall was indeed a villain, and the heart of a villain was always cruel…

Before he got up, he could have helped her up first… Why did he flip so hard that he has gotten up, but

she was thrown to the floor?

“Get back to work! Too bored? If you’re too bored, go to the logistics department to move the boxes!!!”

Emmett broke into a rage at the secretaries in the secretary’s office.

Sophia was the first to react.She bowed, and hurriedly went back to her cubicle. The others also

quickly returned to their positions and dared not to look sideways. The boss was mad…

Jasper held on to his tie and ran to Emmett, stammering and wanting to explain, but Emmett stopped

him with his palm.

His glance moved to Elaine’s body, who was on the floor, gritted his teeth and roared, “Elaine, is the

floor your house? I’ll give you 10 seconds, if you don’t get up, I’ll deduct all of your following few month


Elaine wailed and got up in a daze. When she got up, she hadn’t distinguished her directions and

almost hit the wall. Damn it, deduct her salary for a few months? Deduct it! Deduct as much as you

want! She was only working for two months, and she shall see how he would deduct it!

Although Elaine’s heart was fierce, in reality, she was as timid as a mouse. She grabbed her messy

hair with her hands and ran to her desk in small steps.

Emmett’s cold and desolated eyes followed Elaine, and it was able to freeze people to death. Then he

said coldly to Jasper, “Vice-President Hall, come over.”

Vice-President Hall? Emmett actually called him that? Jasper suddenly felt a dangerous aura and

trembled all over. At the same time, his lips shook, and his face got flustered, and he entered Emmett’s


As soon as he entered the office, Emmett was so furious he had thrown his tie several meters away.

Jasper shrank his neck again in fright. It was over, this time, it was really over, Emmett was angry…

“Emmett… Listen to me…”

“What? You want to say how you seduced Elaine? Not bad, Jasper, you usually acted as if you wanted

to gauge your eyes when you see a woman’s body and looked innocent. Amazingly, you even dared to

steal from me! Why? Do you also think that Elaine’s very interesting? Do you think that your ability to

hook up with women is strong?”

Emmett took the chance to vent all his frustrations from the defeat he had in the morning with Elaine to



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