Novel Name : Wolf President Hooks Up

Wolf President Hooks Up Chapter 524: Entertainment After Dinner

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Mafia was an underground organization, which originally appeared in Italy. Over the years of

development, its influence had penetrated both political and business circles. It was said that there

were over a hundred thousand Mafia members in Italy. The local government couldn’t do anything

about them as its impact was way too large and wide. Nowadays, Mafia was spread in different places

all over the world. The most influential ones including Mafia in Italy, Russia, America, and so on.

The Mafia in Italy was the most influential one worldwide. They were engaged in arms reselling, human

trafficking, sky-high assassinations, a large number of smuggling, and drug trading.

Cooperating with them would definitely enlarge ZH Clan’s influence. However, Kayden didn’t only want

to increase ZH Clan’s influence, but also he wanted to merge Mafia with all their businesses into ZH


Under this plan, the execution wasn’t that easy. Let alone Mafia had been quite influential in Italy and

covered so many businesses, their power had already been implemented in illegal and legal means.

They even have members working in the politician circle. Hence, Kayden must be extremely careful.

Juliana used to be one of the most likely candidates who could be in charge of the Mafia in the future.

However, she had sickness and stayed most of her time in bed. She seldom came out. There were

rumours that she had already died in the outside world, so a lot of members of the Mafia became

panicked. A large number of them even had different ideas.


Inside Mafia, a lot of people had different opinions against Juliana and her father. They wanted to kill

them so that to replace them.

Hence, Juliana's father, Thompson, the Mafia Boss, was eager to cooperate with ZH Clan so that he

could stabilize his power and status. Of course, he knew that Kayden came to him with an evil

intention, but he didn’t have other better ways. No matter what Kayden’s intention was, in Thompson’s

opinion, he couldn’t abandon such a partner.

Kayden walked into the lobby of the appointed hotel in a great state. People in the lobby were attracted

by his handsome and dignified manners. All his men were exclaimed inwardly that Mr. Kayden was way

too stylish.

Thompson was sitting in the high-end leather sofa in the lobby. Seeing Kayden entering handsomely,

he stood up slowly and put on an officially friendly smile.

“Hi, Mr. Kayden. Here you came finally. I’ve invited you in such a late night. I hope I didn’t disturb you.”

Although he mentioned that it was late at night, it was actually eight to nine in the evening. He didn’t

think Kayden would have slept so early.

Kayden smiled politely and faintly, quite official, “Not really. It’s our ZH Clan’s pleasure to receive your

invitation in person.”

Thompson nodded at him in satisfaction. He liked Kayden a lot as Kayden had a good manner, not too

humble nor too arrogant. Sure enough, Emmett’s trusted subordinates were all capable. Thompson felt

it was indeed a pity. If his daughter could have gained Emmett’s heart, Kayden would become one of

his men, wouldn’t he? Thompson heaved a sigh, wishing that only if Kayden would be his own son or

son-in-law. If Juliana could manage Mafia with him, their family business could reach a new peak.

“Mr. Kayden, I invited you tonight cover to discuss the trading of munitions in Sicily. I wonder if you are

interested in it,” Thompson said in a flat tone.

He tried to keep his aura as a superior man. Although he longed to work with ZH Clan on this trade

successful, he was the Mafia boss, after all, so he couldn’t be so enthusiastic to a junior. Otherwise, he

would bring shame to himself, and probably his men would also mock him.

Kayden reached out his hand gracefully and shook hand with Thompson, “Of course, I am,” he

answered simply and directly. His temperament instantly became stronger.

All the members from ZH Clan on the scene looked at Kayden with admiration. They exclaimed

inwardly that Mr. Kayden was way too overbearing. When facing the boss of the biggest gang in Italy,

he didn’t lose at all. His aura even covered the Mafia boss. Sure enough, they had followed the right

leader. Mr. Kayden would definitely bring them a lot of profits.

Kayden wasn’t a coward at all. He had been everywhere when following Mr. Smith, seen a lot of

people, and experienced all kinds of occasions. Even if he was in face of someone from the Central

Military Commission, he wouldn’t be afraid of anything and disgrace Mr. Smith. When looking at the

currently Mafia boss, who had been declining and would be replaced by him soon, of course, Kayden

wouldn’t feel timid at all, especially when he knew what was on the Mafia boss’s mind.

“Mr. Kayden, this way place.” The Mafia boss was a bit unhappy. He thought that Kayden was way too

arrogant and proud.

Kayden smiled. He clicked his fingers and his men stood up and took a few steps back in unison while

keeping absolute silence.

Thompson couldn’t help being startled. The members from ZH Clan acted in unison so obediently, so

he could tell that ZH Clan had an excellent way to train their members. Besides, Kayden was quite bold

as well. He seemed to leave all his men here in the lobby and follow him in alone. Thompson wondered

if Kayden had no fear that he would be killed. However, thinking about his fighting skills, Thompson

understood that Kayden had no reason to fear.

“Have a seat please, Mr. Kayden.” Thompson mentioned to him to sit down with a gesture. They were

now in a big private box, in which there was a round dining table that was enough for ten people.

Kayden slightly nodded and sat down gracefully. He pulled out a cigarette, and someone immediately lit

up the lighter. Kayden took a drag and exhaled a smoke circle. His face was hidden behind the smoke.

No one could tell his emotion change.

“Mr. Kayden, about the trading I mentioned just now...”

Kayden was still expressionless. Suddenly, he faintly smiled, “We shall not start the discussion so

hurriedly. Let’s eat first. I’ve been to Italy several times, but I have never had a chance to taste your

food yet.”

He didn’t want Thompson to get straight to the point. He wanted to drag Thompson and deal with him

not hurriedly nor slowly. Hence, they would be forced to show their trump card eagerly.

As soon as Kayden changed the subject, Thompson immediately understood. Kayden was not a simple

man, who knew how to use the strategy calmly and gain mastery by striking only after the enemy had

struck. Thompson realized that he would be quite passive tonight.

“Haha... I’m sure you’ll enjoy it, Mr. Kayden.” Thompson smiled and clapped his hands.

Shortly after, the delicious food was served one after another.

Emmett had always been a negotiation expert. Kayden had been following him since childhood, so he

had learned a lot from Emmett. Of course, he was not so competent as Emmett was. However, except

for Mr. Smith, and the two arrogant women from the Jones family, Kayden had the confidence to win

against others when negotiating.

Right then, the Mafia boss forced him bit by bit, but Kayden still kept calm and beat around the bush

with him. When they talked about the cooperation, they carefully negotiated all kinds of details.

Thompson had been tolerating Kayden’s behaviours because he couldn’t afford to offend ZH Clan at

this moment.

Until past then, they had been eating for over two hours, but their negotiation had just started.

Thompson was extremely unhappy with the progress. He realized that Kayden was way too

sophisticated. Kayden was too shrewd for Thompson to deal with. Hence, Thompson decided to

arrange another activity for Kayden after dinner. The so-called table culture was also connected to wine

and women. Since they had finished eating and drinking, naturally, they should enjoy the beautiful

women. Thompson believed that all men like women. If almost twenty pretty women were surrounding

Kayden, Thompson didn’t think that Kayden would still keep calm and aloof.

“Mr. Kayden, you are not hurried to go home, are you?” the Mafia boss asked with a smile while they

were walking out of the box after dinner.

“Of course not. Mr. Thompson, do you have any other plans for tonight?” Kayden said as Thompson

had expected.

“Haha... Mr. Kayden, you are indeed smart. It’s still early. Why don’t we watch entertainment after

dinner to help digestion? What do you think?”

Kayden nodded in agreement and said, “Sure.”

Thompson smiled in satisfaction. He whispered to one of his men, “Get arranged and find some pretty

actresses and models, aged from eighteen to twenty. The prettier and younger the better.”

The man understood and went to arrange it.

Kayden naturally could guess what the next activity would be. In fact, he didn’t need to go. However, he

was still angry with Ellie and he wanted to relax now to calm down. Anyway, he was quite idle, so it

wasn’t bad for him to relax, take a bath, and enjoy the massage like a real man.


Their cars were parked in front of a high-end nightclub. The general manager had been waiting for

them with a group of people at the door. As soon as Kayden and others got off, they walked to him.

“Whoa... Mr. Kayden, welcome! It's our great honour to have you here tonight. Please come on in!” The

general manager was as enthusiastic as a woman running a brothel. Earlier, he had received the news

that someone important was coming to his nightclub, the big boss of ZH Clan. He was told that as long

as the boss of the ZH Clan could enjoy here, all the tradings in their nightclub in the future would be

safe because both Mafia and ZH Clan would protect them.

Kayden hummed and walked in gracefully. If others didn’t know, they would think that he was the Mafia

boss. He behaved way too arrogantly.

Kayden could lose anything but his dignity and esteem.

Looking at him, Thompson gritted his teeth in anger. In his opinion, Kayden liked showing off, more

arrogant than him when he was young. Thompson felt quite reluctantly. Meanwhile, he thought that if

Kayden wouldn’t be working for him, he would be a disaster in the future.

A large group of men followed Kayden into the nightclub, and all waiters and waitresses were stunned.

They couldn’t believe that the underground boss could be so handsome. They thought that Kayden

was just like a hero in the romance novel.

It was quiet in the nightclub, not so noisy as other clubs. After the general manager got the news, they

had cleaned up the place, sending out all guests including the politicians and business tycoons.

Nobody could compare Mr. Kayden from ZH Clan.

On the other hand, Ellie was woken up right after she fell asleep. On the other end of the line, the

director asked her if she would like to attend an occasion where she could meet some bigwigs.

Ellie asked him where was it and what she needed to do there.

The director stammered and told her that she could meet a lot of bigwigs from both legal and illegal

means, who were quite superior. However, the director didn’t know who they were either. If Ellie went

there, she only needed to sing songs for them and drink with them.

Upon hearing it, Ellie agreed without any hesitation. She was good at singing and drinking. Anyway,

she was quite annoyed, so she decided to go out for fun. If she could meet someone important, she

would be quite delighted.

In a hurry, she changed her clothes and waited at the hotel entrance.

Shortly after, the director drove to pick her up in person. When Ellie sat in, she saw her enemy.

Saniyah was also in the car.


Meanwhile, Kayden was soaking in an artificial spring with the Mafia boss right now, with two Italian

ladies on his sides. They were massaging his shoulders graciously.


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