Novel Name : Wolf President Hooks Up

Wolf President Hooks Up Chapter 210: I Was Really Accepted

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Several buildings of Irvine University were built by the Tianyi Group. At the moment, they still had tens

of millions of engineering fees outstanding with the Tianyi Group. Not to mention, the Director of the

Tianyi Group was a person who controlled both the underworld and the legitimate business world!

“Oh hi, Mr. Smith! What made you call me?”

Emmett crossed his legs, “I do have something to ask of you.”

“Oh? Please go ahead.”

“My girlfriend…”

What Emmett mentioned shocked the University Dean.

Did Mr. Smith have a girlfriend? For a person like Mr. Smith to openly reveal that he had a girlfriend! No

one had ever heard of the master of ZH Clan having a girlfriend.

“Mr. Smith, just let me know whatever you need.” Even if the University Dean was Emmett’s elder, he

had to speak politely to Emmett. Apart from the fact that the University still owed the Tianyi Group so

much money, if he had offended Emmett in any way, he was bound to lose his position as the Dean of

the University.

Emmett rubbed his temples and said, “My girlfriend tried the entrance examination for your university

but was rejected because she was short of 3 points… this issue…”

“What?” The Dean was startled.

Firstly, the girlfriend of Mr. Smith was so young that she had just taken the University entrance


Secondly, to think that his University had rejected Mr. Smith’s girl. This was shooting himself in the foot!

“Oh my, I’m sure there must be a mistake somewhere. Mr. Smith’s girlfriend must be able to get in! We

are honored to have a talented student like Mr. Smith’s girlfriend!”

Emmett grinned, “Yeah, she is very upset now. Your school should be more efficient. If she is accepted,

then she should receive a call and inform her directly. It must be done soon. She is Elaine. I’ll send to

you her information afterward.”

“Okay, okay! Mr. Smith has a great point. We need to work more efficiently and serve the people! Mr.

Smith, rest assured that we will correct our misgivings. I will instruct someone to look into this


“Okay. Deal with it properly.”

Emmett ended the call and then laughed, “Precious little thing, I told you that I’ll definitely win. You

must prepare yourself now...”

Oliver quickly completed all the tasks that he had to do. “Oh, they are finally done and I can rest now!”

Oliver stretched his back and shook his head. He raised his wrist to look at his watch.

It was three in the afternoon and it was still early.

“It should be just nice to pick Elaine up. Heh heh.” Oliver braced up as soon as he thought about

Elaine. He dashed to the mirror to adjust his hair and then briskly left the office.

Several secretaries looked at Oliver’s elegant body leave and couldn’t help but said, “How strange,

now our director doesn’t remain at his office. He seems to be in a hurry to leave the office and does his

work haphazardly.”

“Is he in love?”

“Pfft! What do you know? Our director is a player and is always in love! He has plenty of women!”

“Oh yeah, rich men change their women like they change clothes.”

“But our director does seem to be more distracted nowadays.”

“It’s truly sad to be liked by such a playboy. You can’t be married to such a man.”

“Haha, anyone who is willing to marry our director must be after his money. If it was money that she’s

after, then she won’t be able to control his womanizing ways.”

Oliver drove his car in a hurry to where Elaine was training.

After Elaine left Emmett, she continued to murmur as she took the lift, “Really, how could Bad-bear

Smith force me to learn those things? He is a scoundrel, it’s so embarrassing and demeaning… I won’t

bother about him!”

How demeaning? Bad-bear Smith wanted her to dance seductively for him and do a strip dance!

Oh heavens. She will pass out from the embarrassment, not to mention about what Bad-bear Smith

expected her to perform in bed… Damn if she would do those embarrassing things! Elaine touched her

burning cheeks and walked into the large classroom for her training.

She looked around and didn’t spot Hazel. “Hmm? Where is that gal? Isn’t she here for training? Where

is she?”

Elaine pondered and sat at the rear. Elaine stretched out her head to look around for Hazel but she

couldn’t find her! That’s strange, where did Hazel go? Elaine was slightly disappointed and looked

outside. Hey, who was that? She looked familiar. Ah ah ah ah, that squirming woman, wasn’t that…

Hazel? Good lord! What was she doing?

Elaine’s eyes were wide open just as her mouth was and she was completely stunned. A mirror along

the corridor reflected the images of two tightly entangled persons. The woman being pressed against

the wall was Hazel.

A tall man pressed Hazel against the wall and kissed her voraciously. The way that man kissed was

exactly like the way Bad-bear Smith kissed her. It was the same overbearing, forcefully, demanding…

But of course, that man was clearly not Emmett, but…

Ah ah ah ah… it actually was… Lucas! “Oh lord… oh lord… are they in a relationship?” Elaine was

seeing stars.

Damn it, she actually became aroused as she looked at others behaving intimately.

Who was singing? And was singing rather well… heh heh… Elaine turned her head only to find out that

the lecturer and all the students were staring at her. Eh? Why were they looking at her? The person

who was outside kissing was Hazel and not her.

“Student, can you answer the call? It had been ringing for a while!” Someone from the front row glared

and said to her.


“Ah, oh, I’m so sorry!” Elaine quickly cut off the call and then tucked her head in shyly and laid on her

desk in shame. Oh my, how embarrassing to have been stared at by the entire class.

Damn it, who called at this time! But she also had herself to blame for not setting the phone to silent.

Elaine took out her phone to set it to vibrate.

“Oh lord! That person actually rejected our call! How dared her! We are the admission administration!”

Another middle-aged man retorted the other and said, “So what if you are the admission

administration? Who do you think you are? She is Emmett’s woman!”

“How impressive! This is the first time Emmett openly admitted he had a girlfriend!”

“Regardless, the Dean had said that by admitting this girl, she’ll become our sponsor! We’ll hope that

the Tianyi Group will also sponsor us! Stop with your blabbering, continue to call her. Oh yes,

remember that the Dean instructed you to speak to her politely and respectfully.”

The person in charge of making the call shrugged his shoulders, shook his head, and sighed, “I don’t

feel like an admission administrator but a servant. Now I have to invite a student to come like I’m

inviting a deity.”

Just as Elaine was fidgeting with her phone, it started to vibrate and startled her, causing her to almost

drop it. What happened today? Normally she wouldn’t receive many calls in a day. Her friends would

contact her via messages and they would seldom call each other. Now, she received several calls

within an hour.

Elaine hesitated and then answered the call, “Hello?”

“Hi, may I ask is that Ms. Elaine Jones?” Elaine was stunned. This was the first time anyone greeted

her so politely and formally.

“Oh, yes, I’m she. Sir, you are…” It was very awkward. Since the caller was so polite, she had to return

the gesture. Elaine said softly and ducked under the desk for fear that she will disturb the class. She

would definitely swear at the caller if it was some investment or insurance sales pitch.

“Oh, how are you doing? I’m the admission administrator of Irvine University…”

“Ah? Where?” Elaine’s eyes were wide open. Was she mistaken? It actually was… Irvine University?

“I’m the admission administrator of Irvine University. Due to some procedural error, you were

mistakenly left out in the automated notifications. You have been formally accepted to the University.

We are very sorry for this error and seek your understanding.”

Elaine’s mouth was opened and her mind was blank as if her mind had been shocked.

She suddenly yelled aloud, “What did you say? Are you kidding me? I had been admitted?”

She was so loud that she interrupted the entire class… The lecturer on the stage and the senior

managers all looked impatiently at Elaine.


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