Novel Name : Pursuing My Ex-Wife Isn’t Easy

Pursuing My Ex-Wife Isn’t Easy Chapter 2071

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Todd had been living a good life in Merchant City, but his biggest secret was that he had helped Sirius kill

Colin Landry in the past.

Todd was terrified of someone else finding out about this. After all, the Landry family had become more

powerful and influential over the years, and if his past crimes were exposed, he would never be able to

survive in Merchant City anymore.

Therefore, Joshua was confident that Charlotte and Sirius must have known each other. Otherwise, Todd

would not have risked being exposed to help Charlotte kill Heather.

At least, Charlotte must have some information about what Todd had done for Sirius in the past, and she

must have used this to threaten him. This was why Todd had been forced to help her kill Heather at such

an absurdly low price.

Charlotte’s denial had indirectly confirmed Joshua’s guesses.

According to Charlotte’s personality, if she truly did not know who Sirius was, she would still have

dragged this man down with her by claiming that he had helped her commit most of her crimes.

That way, it would inadvertently reduce her involvement in all this and make her seem as though she was

not as bad as they had thought.

However, she did not do this. Instead, she denied Sirius’involvement in all her crimes, making it seem

like she was the sole mastermind in all this.

This was unusual.

Charlotte narrowed her eyes when she saw how confident Joshua was.

A split second later, she sneered and said, “Joshua, you must be investigating the truth about Lucy

Hamilton and Colin Landry’s deaths, aren’t you?

“If you can’t find out who Sirius is, you won’t be able to get to the bottom of what truly happened, and

therefore, you’ll never be able to resolve the vengeance between the Lynch and Landry families, but…”

Charlotte lifted her head to stare at Joshua coldly. “If you want to find Sirius, I’m afraid you have to do

this on your own. “I won’t become your secret weapon, nor will I give you any clues on who or where he

is. “Didn’t you say you wanted to send me to prison? Didn’t you say you wanted the justice system to

determine my punishment? Well, do it!

“I don’t want to waste more time talking to you here!”

With that, she struggled to release herself from the two guards holding her down and even shot them a

murderous glare. “Come on!” The two guards never thought that this woman, who just a few minutes ago

had been crying for Joshua to let her go, would suddenly become so obedient and even demand them to

take her away. The two of them turned to shoot Joshua a somewhat helpless look. Joshua furrowed his

brows slightly and lifted his hand to rub his brows. “Take her away. Charlotte had been trying desperately

to persuade them to let her go, but as soon as he brought up Sirius, she suddenly changed her mind and

wanted to be sent to prison instead.

Because of this, Joshua knew that he would not be able to get further information from Charlotte


With Joshua’s orders, the two bodyguards turned and brought Charlotte out of the room.

Luna remained motionless and watched as Charlotte got hauled away.

This time, Charlotte remained silent and did not even make a move to escape. Instead, she strode out of

the room so quickly that she dragged the guards behind her.

Clearly, she wanted nothing more than to get out of here. Luna furrowed her brows and turned to stare at

Joshua. “It seems like she does know who Sirius is.” Joshua nodded and pulled her close to him. “Don’t

worry. Even without Charlotte, we’ll be able to find this man.” The two of them fell silent for a long time in

each other’s arms. Finally, Luna opened her mouth to speak. “Let’s go home.” Joshua nodded and was

about to lead Luna away when his phone rang. “Charlotte has been kidnapped…by the Quinn family!”


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