Novel Name : Pursuing My Ex-Wife Isn’t Easy

Pursuing My Ex-Wife Isn’t Easy Chapter 2652

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When Luna finished texting Joshua, Gwen and Yannie had just left the sauna. The three women

continued to enjoy their time and talked until it was time for lunch. They had their meal provided by the

resort in a buffet.

Gwen and Luna did not prefer the lunch provided. After a discussion, they left the resort and were

going to find a restaurant to have their lunch.

As they left the resort in their car, a black Pursche stopped at the entrance of the resort. The door

opened, and Steven got down from the car elegantly. He walked to the other side of the car and

opened the door.

“Thank you for bringing me to enjoy the hot spring, darling.”

Kate, getting out of the car, grabbed Steven‘s arm with a happy look on her face. She mentioned how

she felt like going to a hot spring this morning during breakfast, and Steven remembered it. Now that

he had finished with his work, he had brought her here to enjoy the hot spring.

‘He‘s so good to me. It just proves that I‘m in his heart!‘ Kate thought.

“You don‘t have to thank me.” Steven smiled as they walked toward the resort. He crackled.

“I remember you told me you feel like coming here today, and I‘m in a good mood today, so I thought I‘d

come with you.” Kate smiled.

“What made your day?”

“I got the business.” Steven smiled and poked Kate‘s head.

“Then, in celebration of you getting the business, it‘s on me today!” chirped Kate as she strode to the


Steven curled his lips into a smile while he stood still, watching Kate. He then turned and sat on a sofa

beside him. As he did, he saw a small pendant made out of an abalone shell on the sofa. It looked like

it had fallen off a keychain. Surprised, Steven picked up the pendant to take a look. He felt like he saw

the pendant somewhere before.

The drunk girl from the morning had her key fallen off once when he was carrying her, and her pendant

looked just like this one.

He furrowed his brow and looked around him unconsciously. ‘Is she here too?‘ he thought.

“Steven.” At that time, Kate had finished with the registration. Seeing how Steven looked around while

sitting on the sofa, she asked, “What‘s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Steven answered and put the pendant into his pocket. “It‘s done?”

Kate smiled sweetly and nodded. “Yes. Let‘s go in!”

She leaned her body and pressed her entire body onto Steven. “Is this the first time you brought me

here for a hot spring?”

“Yes, as far as I recall.” Steven smiled and reached out his hand to caress Kate‘s head.

“Oh, yes. What happened to the drunk woman I asked you to take care of this morning?”

It had been a busy morning for him, and he nearly forgot about that. Kate did not expect Steven would

bring up this matter. She laughed without caring too much.

” Oh, that drunk woman. I‘ve asked my maid to look after her after you brought her to my house. I went

in to have a look, and she was so drunk and unconscious. So, I asked my maid to make her some hot

soup and let her sleep in the house. Before we were here, my maid told me she had woken up and left

the house.” She pretended to be jealous and looked at Steven.

“Why do you care about her that much? Aren‘t you afraid that I‘d be jealous?“. Steven burst out in

laughter. He raised his hand and rubbed her head lightly.

“If I was afraid you‘d get jealous, I wouldn‘t have sent her to your house in the first place.” Kate pursed

her lips.

“That sounded right.”

At the restaurant, nearby The Spring Resort.


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