Novel Name : My Gorgeous Wife is an Ex-Convict!

My Gorgeous Wife is an Ex-Convict! Chapter 2075

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She knew that Chase Harper’s main income now came from his shop. If he lost his shop, he and his

daughter would suffer greatly.


“It’s okay if she wants to come here and make a scene again, but don’t give in too much to her. If you

give in once, there’ll be many more times in the future. You’ll be left with no choice in the end!” Kyla

warned him.

Chase Harper said, “Okay, I got it. Let me know if she bothers you again.”

Their concern for each other stung Martin Weiss’s eyes.

Chase Harper then turned to Martin Weiss and said, “Mr. Weiss, thank you for just now!”

“You’re thanking me?” Martin Weiss sneered. “I’m just helping Kyla out. You don’t need to thank me.”

The ‘thank you’ made it sound like they were together, while he was just an outsider!

Chase Harper was instantly embarrassed.

Kyla looked at Martin Weiss. “Why did you come?”

“Would you believe me if I said I came over because I missed

you and Nelson?” asked Martin Weiss,

“Mr. Weiss, I think I’ve made it clear to you that you’re only troubling me by behaving like this,” she


“Trouble?” Martin Weiss smiled mockingly as he pointed to Chase Harper and said, “If I’m troubling

you, what about him? Isn’t he troubling you?”

“He’s my friend! Leave him out of this!” said Kyla as she stood between Chase Harper and Martin


However, what she did seem to trigger him even more. Martín Weiss’s face darkened as he said, “What

if I have to involve him? What’s so good about this guy? What about him is worth defending? What can

he give you that I can’t?”

He could not help uttering these words as if jealousy had crumbled all his composure.

“Martin Weiss, I won’t forgive you if you lay a hand on Chase! I will never forgive you!” Kyla glared at

him as she spoke with utter determination.

Martin Weiss stiffened as he looked at Kyla with determination.

She said something like that for Chase Harper… ‘Does that


“Is this man that important to you?” he murmured while his face was ghastly pale.

“Yes, he’s my friend. Of course, he’s important to me!” said Kyla. She met Martin Weiss’s eyes without

the slightest fear.

She was only afraid that she would trouble Chase and that Martin Weiss would do something to him!

Chase had helped her so much. She did not want something bad to happen to Chase because of her!

“Really?” Martin Weiss suddenly smiled. His eyes seemed foggy as he looked at Kyla. “If I do

something to Chase Harper, how exactly are you not going to forgive me?”

“Martin Weiss!” shouted Kyla. The coldness and hatred in her eyes drained the color from his face.

How long had she not looked at him with such hatred?

It was all because of Chase Harper!

Martin Weiss hardly had the strength to continue standing. He dared not even glance at Kyla as he was

scared to see the hatred in her eyes again.

My Gorgeous Wife is an Ex-Convict!

About My Gorgeous Wife is an Ex-Convict! - Chapter 2075

My Gorgeous Wife is an Ex-Convict! is the best current series of the author Anastasia Marie. With

the below Chapter 2075 content will make us lost in the world of love and hatred interchangeably,

despite all the tricks to achieve the goal without any concern for the other half, and then regret. late.

Please read chapter Chapter 2075 and update the next chapters of this series at


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