Novel Name : My Gorgeous Wife is an Ex-Convict!

My Gorgeous Wife is an Ex-Convict! Chapter 3240

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Even though he was only a 10-year-old child, he was more

mature than his peers, so he naturally understood what it

meant to like someone.

This Lawrence also likes Jasper!

At this moment, he clearly had this realization.

Immediately after, a crisp “start” was heard in the video, and Lawrence began playing the piano.

When William listened to Lawrence’s piano playing for the first time, he knew why Jasper would like it.

It was a kind of soulful piano playing, even if the technique wasn’t great, even if some parts of the piano

playing were

rough, it still had a charm that couldn’t be hidden.

And this “Transcendental Etude No. 12 Chasse-neige”, he could also play it. In terms of technique, he

might even be better than Lawrence in playing this piece.

However… his performance lacked soul, like a robot playing the piano.

Even his piano teacher had said that his piano playing was technically sound, but lacked a certain

infectious quality.

But this was something that Lawrence possessed!

Is this what talent is?

His talent was in technique, while Lawrence’s talent was in


Only skills can be improved through practice and guidance, but what about infectiousness? That

cannot be compensated for in any way!

William closed the video and went to the piano room. He sat in

front of the piano, opened the cover, and began to play.

What he played was also Transcendental Etude No. 12

Chasse-neige, which is the same piece Lawrence played in the


But anyone with some knowledge of music can hear the


Why is it that, no matter how skilled he is, he can’t seem to

play the feeling that Jasper likes? William keeps playing over and over again, even though his ten

fingers are already hurting, but Grace doesn’t stop.

I don’t know how long it had been when the door to the music room was pushed open and Philip

walked in. He looked at his son, who was playing the piano like a machine, and furrowed

his brow slightly. After a moment, he walked up and took hold

of his son’s hand.

The sound of the qin suddenly stopped.

William suddenly came to his senses and looked up at his

father, “I want to practice playing the piano a little more.”

“It’s already very late now, it’s time to sleep,” said Philip.

“I want to practice, maybe if I practice more, I can play better,”

said William. Perhaps that way,

“But even if you play better, what does it matter?” Philip said. “I thought you should know what’s

important to you. You want to hold onto the people you care about, and the piano won’t

make that decision.”

William bit his lip slightly. He had chosen to return to the Barlow family with the hope of standing by

Jasper’s side and becoming someone worthy of her.

“Although the piano can certainly enhance one’s skills, it is merely an embellishment. In this world,

there are many skilled pianists, and there will always be someone better than you. You can never be

certain that your piano skills are superior to

everyone else’s,” said Philip.

“But Jasper likes the piano,” murmured William.

“So instead of being the person playing the piano, why not be the person who listens to someone else

play? Wouldn’t that be better?” said Philip. “You don’t have to do everything yourself, but you can be

the person who makes the decisions! As long as you have enough decision-making power, you can


your destiny follow your own ideas, right?”

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