Novel Name : My Gorgeous Wife is an Ex-Convict!

My Gorgeous Wife is an Ex-Convict! Chapter 3542

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Even now, she often wonders if Lawrence’s mother would

not have become addicted to drugs and Lawrence’s parents

would still be alive if she had not insisted on finding Lawrence

back then.

They would have lived in poverty, but at least they would still

be alive, instead of being separated by life and death, and even Lawrence has disappeared without a


Almost instinctively, Jasper walked towards the piano room

mentioned by those girls. Several girls were already standing at the door, squeezing together and

peering inside through the glass, exclaiming in amazement.

As Jasper approached the door, he could faintly hear the sound of piano playing coming from inside.

Although the rooms were soundproofed, the door area was not, so if someone stood at the doorway,

they could hear the

piano music inside.

It was… Transcendental Etude No. 12 Chasse-neige!

She was very familiar with this piece, and even played it countless times after Lawrence disappeared.

At this moment, several people crowded around the glass door, but Jasper couldn’t see inside and

couldn’t see what the person playing the piano looked like.

At the moment, several people were crowded in front of the glass door, and Jasper couldn’t see inside

or what the person playing the piano looked like.

She stood a little further away from the entrance, closed her

eyes, and listened quietly to the faint sound of the piano.

Even though she was skilled in playing the piano herself, she was amazed by the level of skill

displayed by the performer.

This kind of piano playing was good enough to join a symphony orchestra!

However, for some reason, this performance gave her an inexplicable feeling of familiarity.

Suddenly, her heart skipped a beat, and a certain speculation flashed through her mind.

As this thought crossed her mind, her emotions began to

fluctuate like a calm sea suddenly hit by a fierce storm,

causing waves of turmoil.

Could it be Lawrence playing the piano?

The skill displayed was much better than when Lawrence

played Transcendental Etude No. 12 Chasse-neige before, but there was still a hint of his style in the


However, if it really was Lawrence, he should know that she

was attending this school. After all, she was the representative of the new students this year, and with

so many people talking about her in school, he had no reason not to know.

But if Lawrence knew they were in the same school, why wouldn’t he appear in front of her?

Too many guesses flashed through her mind one by one.

Finally, the piano music ended, but the discussion among those girls became even more lively. Jasper

and Grace kept

their eyes closed, savoring the aftertaste of the piano piece, until the sound of the door opening made

Jasper slowly open her eyes.

A figure walked out of the room.

It was a tall and slender boy with fair skin and a pair of

beautiful but melancholic eyes, like autumn, desolate yet charming. His straight nose was set off by his

sharp and thin lips. Such a boy was undoubtedly attractive to women.

However, Jasper’s gaze was fixed on him not because of his beauty, but because of his face… It was

familiar, with a

shadow of Lawrence, like… Lawrence after growing up!

Is it Lawrence? Is it really Lawrence?

He’s alive! He appeared right in front of her!

About My Gorgeous Wife is an Ex-Convict! - Chapter 3542

My Gorgeous Wife is an Ex-Convict! is the best current series of the author Anastasia Marie. With

the below Chapter 3542 content will make us lost in the world of love and hatred interchangeably,

despite all the tricks to achieve the goal without any concern for the other half, and then regret. late.

Please read chapter Chapter 3542 and update the next chapters of this series at


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