Novel Name : My Second Chance

My Second Chance Chapter 13: #13 Hatred For Demons

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Sapphire's P.O.V

I had no choice but to tell him about the rejection. When I finished, he was clenching the edge of the

table so hard that his knuckles turned white.

"Fucking bastard." He growled. "Hey... it's fine now, isn't it?" I said stroking his cheek softly, letting my

delicate fingers run over his tan skin. "You're beautiful. Even goddess-like. How can he reject you? Is

he blind or something?" He growled. My heart leaped at his nice comments. Then, I just realized he

called me goddess-like. I'm far from a goddess, I thought bitterly. "It's just because I have an hourglass

figure. If I was any fatter, you wouldn't have like me." I shrugged, trying to hide the unhappiness from

my voice. "Seriously?! Why do all girls care so much about their figures or something? Are looks that

important?" He frowned at me. "What?" I shrugged, uncomfortable under his heated gaze. "No.

Seriously, why?" He said as a frown etched across his face.

"Self consciousness, confidence I guess." I shrugged. Oh my God, what if he knows we have food

anorexia? Oh my God! Gwen started to panic. Told you so, Drew shrugged. Really? Now Drew? Now?

You gonna talk about that now?! I growled at her.

My mate frowned in disapproval but didn't say anything. He won't know about my sickness. He won't, I

reassured myself. Keep telling yourself that, Drew snorted. Stop being a bitch, I snapped. Sorry for

doing what a normal demon does, she snapped sarcastically. I mentally growled at her. Okay, stop,

Gwen said quickly. Looks like she's the only one not effected by the Changing.

"I still think that you're perfect." Ryder growled into my ear, making shivers go up my back. "You are

perfect too." I smiled, giving him a quick peck on his cheek.

He has such smooth skin, Gwen cooed. Yeah, yeah they are, I agreed.

His eyes widened a little at my action. "I'm allowed to do that right?" I smiled sheepishly. His eyes

turned dark immediately. "As a greeting, instead of shaking hands, why don't we shake lips." He

growled, standing up quickly, slamming me against the wall behind us in the process before i could

protest. I let out a little gasp as he crashed his lips to mine. I felt immediate sparks on my lips. My legs

wrapped around his torso immediately and his hands slid under my butt to support me.

My first kiss, I thought giddily. He sucked my lower lip as I enjoyed the burning sensation. His thumb

tracing circles on my right butt cheek. I let out a gasp as the sudden pinch, opening my mouth a little in

the process.

My mate took the opportunity and plunged his tongue into my mouth. What should I do? What I

suppose to do now? I panicked. Should my tongue stroke his or should I just let him do whatever he

wants? "I'm guessing this is your first kiss," Ryder whispered against my lips. "Yea, it is," I said a little

embarrassed. I mean, who gets their first kiss at the age of 18? "Don't be embarassed, it just proves

that you aren't the slutty kind of girl. I despise those," Ryder said, the corner of his lips lifting a little. I

just remained silent as my cheeks heated up slightly. "Just do whatever your instinct does," Ryder

whispered against my lips, his warm breath fanning my already warm lips. With that, he locked his lips

with mine again.

He licked my bottom lip and I granted him access. He immediately stuck his tongue into my mouth. I let

instinct take over and my tongue was soon battling him for dominance. His lips slowly travelled down

my neck. Kissing on every part of skin available on my neck.

"Ryder." I moaned as he found my sweet spot. "Hmm?" He responded, obviously teasing me. I moaned

again as he nipped at the skin there. "Okay, stop," I said, detaching my lips from his. He groaned. His

lips were red and swollen and I'm pretty sure that mines about the same. "Why?" He grumbled in

protest. "Because. Now tell me about your story." I looked at him dead into he eyes to show him that

I'm serious. He groaned and sat back onto the chair as I continued to straddle him. "Can we continue

kissing later?" He asked bluntly and I raised an eyebrow at him. "Fine." He grumbled, obviously not

pleased that I didn't say yes.

"So, my full name is Ryder Jame Black. I'm twenty and my birthday is on the 28th of August. My mum's

name is Georgia. My dad died on July 18th when I was 16." He said it with so much venom and I

internally shuddered.

"In a fight?" I asked, the curiosity of me got better. A feeling in my gut told me not to pry but as they

said, curiosity killed the cat. Well, I'm a not a cat and it didn't kill me physically, but I swear that my

heart halted when I heard his response.

"He got killed by a demon. A fucking demon." He growled as anger radiated of him in waves. I gulped.

Oh my God, Sapph! Gwen screeched in panic and I forced the wave of terrors down. I can't let him

sense that I'm scared or frightened. And by frightened, I mean the level till I almost am going to pee my

pants. The look he has on his face. Pain, agony, anger. The anger. I don't think he'll hesitate to kill me

immediate if he knows I'm a demon. I so feel the Love, Drew grumbled sarcastically. Can't you keep

those remarks to yourself on times like this?! I snapped at her and she shut up. "Well, I'm a morning

person, I like lasagna, I play basketball a little..." His voice turned distant as I no longer paid attention to

him. Instead, I was panicking and asking Drew for advise. I know, not a smart move, asking a demon

near her Changing about life and death advise.

What should we do Drew? And no, no sarcastic remarks, I said before a sarcastic sentence could

escape her lips. She sighed. One, you tell him. Two, you leave. Three, he can't be there during the

transformation, Drew said. Third won't work, I said immediately. I know, I said that for fun, she smirked

and I growled in annoyance. Give the girl some fun, she grumbled.

I thought over it a little. I'm going to tell him. But not now, I said firmly. You have fourteen days to the

Changing, Drew warned and I nodded.It won't be easy, I grimaced and Drew nodded her head in


"I don't think there is anything else you need to know about." Ryder said with a thinking face. He looked

so adorable. I internally fan girl squealed. Hey, don't judge, it was really adorable! I nodded, although I

didn't exactly catch what he said.

"Now, about that kiss." Ryder smirked and wrapped his strong arms around my waist. "I didn't say

agree to anything." I reminded him. Like hell he cares. He kissed me on the lips sweetly and slowly,

making my knees weak. I'm lucky I'm already straddling him or I would most positively fall due to my

Jell-O legs. "Okay, That's enough," I wriggled out of his strong grasp. Ryder pouted at my statement.

"Okay. I want a tour around the pack house since I'll be staying here longer than I thought." I smiled.

"You're staying?" Ryder said, his eyes full of hope and excitement, kinda like a little girl finding out that

rainbow unicorns exist. Those are cool okay. I just wanted to swoon over his adorable face. "Yeah, I'm

staying." I smiled down at him. He buried his head into the crook of my shoulder and sighed in relief

and content. "Thank you." He whispered so soft that I almost missed his statement. I just smiled and

wrapped my arms around him. I felt sparks as our skin touched. Touching him will just never get



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