Novel Name : My Second Chance

My Second Chance Chapter 14: #14 Jennifer The Satan

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Sapphire's P.O.V

"And this is the place we train. I'm in charge of them." Cole said proudly, pointing his fingers to himself.

And you think we care because? Drew grumbled and I gave her a flat look. I shifted my eyes to the

training compound and gaped at the size of it.

Ryder had went off to do his so called Alpha chores. He told me he would be back soon and Cole, one

of his best friend was assigned to give me a tour. At least it's not Alec. I still think he's mad at me.

Ya think, you literally mocked him while you were being locked up, Gwen said incredulously while me

and Drew cracked up mentally. Or else I would have been seen as the new weird and crazy girl...

wouldn't want that would we?

"Awesome." I whispered to myself as I watched two figures that were fighting on the lawn. Both were

female and they were fighting in human form. Things started to get heated and the crowd occasionally

cheered or booed. Finally, a punch landed on the redhead and she fell unconscious. The dirty blonde

had her back to me as she pumped her arms in the air. Cocky much?

"Good job, Jennifer. One of your best fights yet." Cole said, stepping forward as a the pack doctor

pulled the unconscious redhead to aside to treat. I sensed a little unwillingness in his voice. I wonder

why... she won fair and square. Although punching someone and making them unconscious is harsh,

but she still fought fair, I thought. The dirty blonde turned to face us. Bitch, Gwen growled. It was the

girl who fought me in the hallway earlier. A smirk formed on my lips. Anger glazed through her eyes as

her eyes stopped on me. I gave her a mockingly wave and a small growl escaped her lips.

Everybody turned their attention to me. I just put on a sweet smile and innocent face. Believe it or not,

people fall for my innocent looks. A few guys started checking me out and a few girls eyed me as they

felt a little insecure. A few eyed me with disgust while some with envy. For Jennifer, it was distaste and


Cole ignored the death glare Jennifer directed at me and asked, "so, who would you like to challenge

next?" Uncomfortable murmurs rose in the crowds. Everybody scared of being chosen. I wouldn't mind,

I feel like fighting, Drew sounded. Yeah, and kill her in the process, I responded sarcastically. I wouldnt

mind that, Drew mused. Shut up, Drew, Gwen gave her a flat look and Drew protested. I shut them out

as they started another argument.

"Her." She smirked, pointing a manicured finger at me. I raised an eyebrow at her in response. Cole

visibly gulped.

"Umm... I don't think so. The Alpha specifically told me to keep this one safe. Sorry, you gotta choose

someone else." Cole said, crossing his arms. Anger surged through me. What does he think I am? An

infant?! "I'll take her." I said before Jennifer could get another word out. "Sapphire. The Alpha said no."

Cole said and gave me a pointed look. "Tell Ryder to calm his tits." I waved my hand in the air to

dismiss matter. The crowd gasped at my bold comment while Cole raised an eyebrow as him. "No. You

are new and Jennifer is one of the strongest in this pack. Today be surprised at the difference of

fighting level in this pack." Cole warned me. "I'll fight her, no biggie." I said with an excited grin. I

haven't fought in so long, Gwen squealed in delight as she got the idea of being in a fight. I know, I

responded eagerly. Yes, finally! A kick ass activity, Drew grinned. I rolled my eyes at her.

Cole continued to look uncomfortable. "Stop chickening, Cole." I rolled my eyes at him. "I'm not

chickening." Cole protested, the tips of his ears reddening slightly. "Shut up Cole." I sighed as I turned

to Jennifer who had a victorious smirk on her face. Geez, she hadn't even won and She's already

thinking she won. We are just gonna show her, Drew smirked and I agreed.

"So... Human form or wolf form? You can choose." She smirked, thinking that I'll fight in wolf form since

were stronger in that form. I pursed my lips. I couldn't let them see my unique wolf fur yet, they might

be suspicious. "Human form." I smirked as the smirk on Jennifer's face dropped a little. "Sure." She

snickered. The crowd widened their eyes in surprise at my choice and boldness. "Sapphire. There is a

rule in this pack. You should reconsider before starting the fight." Cole warned. "And what is that?" I

asked, stretching limbs as Gwen pranced around in excitement. Although she won't be showing

herself, she still feels the adrenaline and excitement that pumps through my body in a fight and she

loves the feeling.

"One of the opponents have to be knocked out unconscious for the fight to stop." Cole said as he ran a

hand through his hair. "Who would make such a rule?" I screeched. Those poor people. Poor pack

doctor too. I'm sure he has lots of work each day.

"I did." A voice said behind me. The people in the pack nodded their heads in respect. "Ryder." I

squealed and turned around, latching myself onto him. "Cole won't let me fight." I whined and I pouted

my bottom lip. "And I think you should'nt participate in a fight just yet." Ryder furrowed his eyebrows.

"Not you too." I grumbled in disappointment. "Sapph..." He warned. "But I wanna fight." I whined and

gave him my puppy eyes.

"No." He said curtly. "Ryder..." I shook his arm in protest, not at all caring if I looked like a kid wanting

another new toy. "Sapph." He gave me a pointed look. I tiptoed and whispered into his ear, "I promise

I'll stay here as long as you want." "You're blackmailing me?!" He widened his eyes at me as I pulled

away. Of course, I'm dying to fight now. "Yes, if that gets a fight... then yes." I nodded. "You really want

to fight, don't you?" He bit his lip. Oh my God, he looks so sexy! Internally fan girling here! "Yes." I said,

not at all letting him see the inner fan girl of mine. "Fine." He grumbled. "Yes!" I pumped my arms in the

air in victory. I saw Jennifer roll her eyes in the corner of my eye.

"But I'm pulling you out if there if things get too serious." Ryder warned. "I thought that was against the

rules." I gave him an innocent look. "Fine." I huffed as Ryder gave me a pointed look. He walked

towards the crowd, leaving me and Jennifer in the middle. Seeing that Ryder have me his permission,

Cole also backed down. I stuck my tongue at him and he rolled his eyes in response.

"I'm still worried." Ryder murmured. I turned around and gave him a wink. His eyes immediately turning

darker with lust. "Okay. 5...4...3..." Cole said, starting the fight. I turned to Jennifer with a smirk on my


Things are going to get messy. "Go!" Cole called.

"You are going down!" Jennifer growled.

Okay, maybe a little messier...


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