Novel Name : My Second Chance

My Second Chance Chapter 40: Epilogue

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Sapphire's P.O.V

"Its finally the baby's due date... Imma become an aunt!" Bella squealed. All my friends were

surrounding my bed, staring at me creepily. Its as if they were hoping to see me in pain when I'm in


"Can you guys like, stop staring. Its creepy." I muttered, snuggling deeper into bed. "Nope. We wanna

be here when our best friend goes into labor for her first time." Clover chirped. "Yeah. That's what best

friends do." Willow smirked. "You're going to go through the same thing as me in another 6 months so

don't be too happy. And yes, I've been counting down days." I stuck out my tongue at her. Did my

pregnancy turn me mature you ask? No.

That's right. Willow is pregnant with a round belly with 6 months to go. Clover and Lawrence are

planning to have one soon and Belle... let's just say she and Cole are trying so hard, I can hear it from

my room. Sometimes I need to scream on top of my lungs to tell them tune it down a notch. Damn my

werewolf hearing.

"When's he going to get back? I don't want to go through this alone." I forced calmness into my voice

as I wriggled around to get comfortable. I have this sudden feeling of fullness near my pelvis. "He's in a

neighbouring pack discussing alliance. He'll be back soon." Alec reassured. I've never thought the day

Alec and I could talk without clawing each other's eyes out would be this day. "Thanks. Good luck on

the baby. I'm crossing fingers that he or she wouldn't take after you." There. I just had to ruin the

moment. Me and my big mouth. He glared at me before deciding he was offended and stalked out of

the room. "Really?" Willow gave me a flat look. "Sorry. Couldn't come up with a better answer. I kinda

have my mind somewhere else." I answered shrugging. "You just had to take a jab at him." Bella rolled

her eyes. "That's my job. Of course I had to." I smiled innocently as she 'tsk'ed me. "I don't get why you

and Ryder want the baby's gender to be a surprise. Come on, I need to spend some money on my

soon to be god child's clothes." Bella whined. "You mean my money?" Cole muttered under his breath

but she completely ignored him. "Don't worry. We'll know the baby's gender soon. And we can go

shopping." Clover reassured. If there was one thing Bella could do... it was walking through the whole

mall several times.

"I usually hate surprises but I love this one. I'm finally going to meet the baby that have been growing

inside me. I'm going to name him or her and I'll be finally called a mum. How can I not love that!" I

rubbed my belly. I winced when a kick accompanied it. Did I mention my baby had strong kicks? I'm

pretty sure there are a few dents in my womb.

But then, another shot of pain went through my lower abdomen. Then another. My friends were

panicking beside me, asking me what's wrong. With every shot of pain, my ability to speak seemed to

disappear. Georgia, Willow and Alec stormed in, horrified by the situation. "She's going into labor, get a

pack doctor!" Georgia screamed as she hurried beside me. The pain was so unbearable that it was

getting harder to breath by every second. Alec went since all Willow could do was waddle with her

large belly. "I informed Ryder. He's rushing back!" Cole said gently. "Breathe Sapphire. I know its

painful but you have to overcome it. Breathe in and out. Slowly." Georgia instructed grabbing onto my

hand. I painfully nodded as I forced in air and slowly breathed out. The pain lessened, but not by much.

I could feel beads of cold sweat trickling down my forehead. I felt my friends fear as they tried to calm

me. The pain in my lowet abdomen was increasing by every second and I couldn't do anything to stop

it. Was this how hard to give birth? How did my mum even manage this? Questions like that raced

through my mind. Relax Sapphire, breathe, Gwen said urgently. Sapphire, you feel pain, but you don't

have to fear it, Drew shrugged. Try this pain! I screamed at her. Fine, I'll numb it a little, she muttered

before a surge of cooling energy rushed through my veins, seemingly washing out the fire. I calmed

down. "What's happening? Is she blacking out?" Clover asked urgently. "No... its just her demon

helping her out for a moment. But it won't last long... not against birth pain." Georgia shook her head as

she continued to mutter consoling words to me. "Okay, I'm here." A blonde middle aged woman walked

into the room as fast as she could. "Hey Nelly." I gasped for breath as the pain returned. "You

remember me?" She asked, a look of surprise on her face. "Yeah... Weren't you from my old pack?" I

struggled with words. She smiled soothingly, happy that I had remembered her. "Okay, I want

everybody outside, except the person who's going to stay with her." Nelly said, composing to her

professional stance. "I'll stay. Its better since I've been through this." Georgia smiled a tight lipped

smile. the others scurried out of the room quickly. "Now Luna, this is going to take a few hours. So try to

stay calm alright?" She said gently as I nodded my head. I looked at the large window at the side of the


Where is Ryder?

I felt his presence before I saw him.

Ryder burst through the doors dramatically and slammed the door behind him. I wouldve laughed if I

wasn't in so much pain. "I'm here! Are you alright?" He asked panicky. His hair was messy, showing

that he had ran his hand through it many times. I glared at him for asking a stupid question. "What do

you fucking think? Of course I'm fine, despite having contractions." I growled as another squeeze in my

lower abdomen send a tear stray from my eye. "You and your sarcasm." He muttered before rushing

next to me. I squeezed his hand while the other squeezed Georgia's. "Get it out of me!" I wriggled

around as I felt pressure near my pelvis.

Nothing changed for the next past hour. Me screaming for the pain to stop and Nelly doing everything

to help me get ready for birth. Georgia and Ryder gave me encouraging words from time to time.

And for that, Ryder got a free bodyglove. Well, not really bodyglove... more like faceglove. That's right, I

slapped him.

Suddenly, the pressure increased tenfold and I felt something inside me break. I somehow knew it was

my water. I felt liquid trailing down my legs, wetting the blanket Nelly had put me on. Water pooled

beneath me. Its rather disgusting if you ask me... but I was in too much pain to care. "Her water broke!"

Ryder alerted them quickly. Nelly quickly went into action, first placing an oxygen mask on me before

telling me to keep calm and push. I immediately felt my breathing easing.

I pushed... hard. Pains didn't just shoot up my body this time.. no.. it didn't. This time, the pain stayed.

And a little warning to all women out there, be prepared to face pain you've never faced before.

I cried as I gripped onto Ryder's and Georgia's hand. I finally felt heavy pressure near my entrance.

"Nelly something... there's something heavy..." I gasped for breath. "Okay, the baby is near. Georgia,

please, I need your help." Nelly said urgently. Without Georgia's hand for support, my other hand found

Ryder's. He didn't stop me from squeezing his hands. I think he barely registers the pain. His face was

pale, like whitish pale. I could see he was struggling with the feeling of being helpless, seeing me in

pain yet couldn't do anything to help. I forced a smile out to tell him I didn't mind. Its our child after all.

Although I think it came out more as a grimace. He kissed my sweaty forehead, putting all his feelings

into the kiss. That kiss told me that everything was going to be alright. That the pain was going to pass

and that this was all going to be worth it at the end. It gave me the courage to keep going. To push my

baby out of my womb and into the world awaiting it.

Georgia positioned herself at my belly. Nelly squatted down, waiting for the baby to slid out. "Okay

Luna, I want you to breathe in and out slowly as you push as hard as you can when I count to three,

okay?" Nelly said soothingly. I whimpered but nodded anyway. Ryder wiped all my sweat away and

pushed my hair back from my eyes. "One...two...Three!" At the count of three, I pushed as hard as I

could. Georgia pushed my belly down, trying to encourage her grandchild to slid out easily than putting

it's mother through all the trouble. "Anything?" Georgia called out. "No crowning yet. Again!" Nelly said.

"What's crowning?" I asked as I panted fter several more pushes. "Crowning is when a baby's head

appears at the hole of the vagina." Nelly gave me a tight lipped smile. Come on Sapph, you can do it!

Gwen encourage. Think about the baby Sapphire. Don't do this for yourself, do it for the love you feel

for Ryder and your unborn child... Drew said softly. That encouragement was enough to keep me


"One...two...three! Push with all you can!" Nelly said and I felt determination etch itself into me. I

pushed as hard as I could. "Okay, okay! That's good. There's crowning, the baby's coming out. Just a

few more pushes!" She encouraged excitedly. "But.. but... I can't." I groaned. "Sure you can." Georgia

encouragingly. I grunted irritated. "Okay, push!" I sucked in a deep breath before pushing as hard as it

was possible for an already frustrated and exhausted pregnant woman. I felt a shot of pain as

something was pushed out of me. The pain disappeared into thin air as I saw the beautiful baby in

Georgia's hands. I smiled and sighed in relieve. Ryder murmered soft soothing words to me for a

minute of two, telling me that I did fine. I smiled at him gratefully. He pecked my lips before going to the

baby to cut the umbilical cord. But before I could say another word, I felt something wriggling, inside my

womb where my baby had been just a minute ago. My eyes widened when I knew that vision in the

mirror when I was overtook by Drew was true. The baby that was now in Ryder's hand had another

half... a twin.

"Guys..." I mumbled weakly. Nelly took no notice as she was carefully taking care of the baby's

umbilical cord. "Its a baby boy!" Georgia squealed, too excited to notice anything. Ryder turned to me

quickly when he sensed something wrong. "What's going on? Are you not well?" He asked worriedly,

stroking my hair. "I.. I think there's another one." I whispered, touching my belly. Nelly turned around in

surprise. "Shit. We have to get it out." Nelly said quickly and squatted down, looking for signs that could

tell another baby was on the way. "What another one?" Ryder furrowed his eyebrows. "We're having

twins." I smiled as a tear slipped down my cheek. His eyes widened in surprise and a large grin took

over his face. "Okay, Sapphire, I need you to push again." Nelly murmered. "But... I'm exhausted." I

mumbled. "Sapphire, you have to push or the baby will die in there." Georgia said worriedly as she still

held on to her crying grandson.

I opened my mouth to protest but my husband beat me to it. "Sapphire, see that beautiful ring on your

hand?" He whispered softly. Georgia and Nelly turned away, giving us some privacy. I looked down at

the ring on my fourth finger. The red ruby glinting where rays of sunlight hit it. I nodded difficultly. "Red

represents your uniqueness, love and most importantly... strength. Strength that you have. The

Sapphire I fell in love with wouldn't give up that easily. The Sapphire I fell in love with would keep

fighting for everything she loves. So, please, hold on a little, then we'll have another beautiful baby to

spoil." He stroked my hair. A giggle escaped me at his chosen words. "I married you because I fell for

you. And the biggest reason I fell for you, was because you were strong." He said to me lovingly. I

smiled and nodded. He was right. When did I give up? Sensing the end of the conversation, Georgia

and Nelly once again rushed to my side to receive the second child. My beautiful princess.

I pushed and pushed... after an hour or two, a beautiful girl slid out into the world. Ryder hugged me

tightly as he held his daughter for tthe first time. After a few minutes, Ryder cut the second umbilical

cord. He carried both children in his arms to show me. I felt tears well up in my eyes. They were too...


"Carly Van Black." I whispered as I held the baby girl in my arms. Ryder smiled approvingly at the

choice of names. "Ashton Will Black?" Ryder looked at me, hoping I would agree. I nodded.

He did look like a Ashton...

"Oh my god! I have two babies to spoil?!" Clover screeched, bouncing into the room. "They are so

adorbs!" Bella squealed. Her high pitch voice made little Carly cry. "Hush." I glared at her and she

winced, "sorry." "Seeing you so happy, I can't wait to be a mother." Willow rubbed her belly. "I'm going

to introduce the babies to the pack." Ryder said as he marched out proudly with a baby in each his

arms. "He really is going to spoil them. He loves them already." Georgia sighed adoringly. "How can he

not?" Nelly smiled as she plucked the bloody gloves off her hands. "Thanks Georgia. You too Nelly." I

smiled gratefully. "No problem. Its my job." Nelly shrugged. "I'm going to find my cute little chubby

grandchildren that you've finally gave birth to after 6 long painful hours." Georgia said excitedly and ran

after Ryder.

"I'm so happy for you." Clover and the others hugged me tightly. "Well, I'm happy for myself." I laughed

and she snorted. "You never change." She muttered.

"I don't have to. I have everyone around me here because I acted as myself." I waggled a finger.

"Yeah. You're a perfect Luna. Because you know... being a half werewolf and half demon is never easy.

I don't even know how you deal with it." She shrugged and I smiled.

Its because you have us, Gwen rolled her eyes. Duh. Drew added and I shook my head at them,



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