Novel Name : CEO Proposed to His Ex-wife 99 Times

CEO Proposed to His Ex-wife 99 Times Chapter 191 Think on the Bright Side

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When Katherine woke up the next day, she didn’t see Marshall’s car. But then again, she didn’t exactly

wake up early. She had no idea if Marshall came back and went out again, or if he just didn’t come

back at all. Standing in front of the window, she snorted lightly, and turned around to the bathroom. Not

in the mood for cooking, she stepped out to dine after she was done getting ready.

Katherine took out her phone at the breakfast joint.

Well, well, well. What a massive turn of event, after just a day of not browsing the Internet.

There seemed to be a new twist to Marshall’s alleged alcohol-induced cheating. The Grants had

released the surveillance tapes from that hotel on Asela Island, which proved that Katherine was

indeed with Marshall in a room. And there was that Dolly woman who, scantily clad, went to the hotel to

knock on Marshall’s door – but then he didn’t let her in. In fact, judging by what was recorded on tape,

she and Marshall were having a rather unpleasant conversation. After a while, hotel security showed

up and appeared to ask Dolly to leave. That got people guessing if Marshall made a direct complaint to

the hotel, which propelled them to throw her out. If that was true, then Dolly’s account of what

happened would differ from the real story.

Katherine clicked her tongue.

What an extraordinarily calculating man Marshall is. Leave it to a true businessman to get out of

absolutely everything by asking the company to do all his dirty work while he himself stood by and

watched. Marshall Grant wouldn’t get into the slightest bit of trouble no matter how rough it got.

Katherine put down the phone and started attacking her food.

After breakfast, she went to the dessert store.

Margaret opened the store this time. With the store empty still, she was busying cleaning up.

“There you are,” Margaret said, immediately flashing a smile when she saw Katherine, “I was just about

to contact you. I called the landlord yesterday, who said that he was coming in today so that you two

could meet and talking about the renting deal.”

Katherine paused briefly before asking, “When’s he coming?”

“In the afternoon, he said,” Margaret answered after thinking about it, “I’ll call you when he gets here.”

Katherine nodded carelessly, her mind otherwise occupied.

She’d never done any sort of business before, so she had no idea the actual rent of commercial spaces

in this area, let alone the demands she was supposed to make when negotiating with a landlord.

So, it would seem like she needed help.

The first person that came to mind was Marshall. But she purged that thought almost instantly. No,

Peter would be a better idea.

After spending some time at the dessert store, Katherine called Peter and told him about her situation.

“Huh,” said Peter, “so you’re gonna meet the landlord today?”

“Yup!” Katherine was inexplicably excited, “it’s just that I don’t know what I should demand for. You

gotta come over when he gets here. Make me look good, you know.”

“For sure,” Peter laughed, “I’m just a phone call away.”

Katherine hummed, and was about to hang up before she was somehow driven to ask, “By the way,

does Marshall not have any dinner engagement recently? He went back pretty early yesterday.”

That made Peter pause. “Last night, did you say? Well, no, he didn’t. In fact, he doesn’t have any

dinner engagement these days. It’s that thing with the WF Group, still. He delegated pretty much all of

his dinner duties away. Been living a fairly relaxing life, he has, getting off work as soon as it’s time

every day.”

“Is that so?” Katherine giggled, “I see.”

Katherine chuckled as she hang up on Peter.

So Marshall went out for private affairs last night. But what kind of things, Katherine had no way of

knowing. It was not like Marshall wanted her to know about his life when they were married. She had

no clue what friends he had.

Uncontrollably, she thought of Clara Henderson. But maybe she was making too big a deal out of it.

Marshall could very well meet other women that was not Clara.

Always think on the bright side, Katherine mused. What if it was Miss Miller, the financial manager who

had a crush on Marshall?

See, that would be more acceptable for Katherine if it was Clara.


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