Novel Name : CEO Proposed to His Ex-wife 99 Times

CEO Proposed to His Ex-wife 99 Times Chapter 408 A Poor Judge of Character

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On the other hand, Mrs. Grant went to the Grant’s Group and happened to see Peter coming out. She

walked up to him immediately. "Peter, hold on!"

Peter was making for the car, but stopped upon hearing Mrs. Grant calling him. He was shocked to see

her. "It’s you. What’s wrong?"

Mrs. Grant smiled and said, "Isn’t Marshall in the company? He hasn’t answered my calls for days. I’ve

been waiting here for a while, but haven’t seen him coming out."

Peter replied, "Mr. Grant isn’t here. He’s away and it has been days. Probably the signal is so poor over

there that he has missed your calls."

Mrs. Grant frowned. "Away? On a business trip? Where could it be that has such a bad signal?"

Peter didn’t know whether he should tell the truth or not, but he was aware that Mrs. Grant was not a

fan of Katherine. Peter wondered if she would get angry if he told her Marshall was away to look for


He hemmed and hawed before replying, "I don’t know where he has gone exactly, but it’s not a

business trip, but a personal one, so Mr. Grant didn’t tell me the details, nor did I ask."

Mrs. Grant stared at Peter in astonishment. "A personal trip? What personal trip could he have?"

Peter gave a dry laugh and replied, "Well, I don’t know about that."

Mrs. Grant nodded. "Well, fine. You may go home now, and I’ll make another call to him."

Peter bowed his head at her and left.

Mrs. Grant, however, didn’t call Marshall, but stayed where she was, thought for a while and stopped a

taxi, rushing to Katherine’s shop.

There was only Margaret when Mrs. Grant arrived. Since there weren’t many customers, Mrs. Grant

simply walked straight in.

"Welcome!" Hardly had Margaret greeted Mrs. Grant than she saw her clearly, stunned. "It’s you, Mrs.


Mrs. Grant looked around and replied, "Yeah. Where’s Katherine? Why isn’t she here?"

Margaret replied after some consideration, "Katherine has been busy lately, so she didn’t come today."

Mrs. Grant glanced at Margaret out of the corner of her eye in an unconsciously contemptuous way.

"Did she tell you why she didn’t come? Or, hasn’t she come for days?"

Margaret thought a moment and answered her, "No, she didn’t tell me, and she hasn’t come for days.

After all, she’s my boss. I’m not in the position to ask her why she hasn’t come."

After some time, Mrs. Grant kept on asking, "Have you called Katherine before? Have you asked

where she has been?"

Margaret shook her head. "No, I haven’t. I work for her, and it’s inappropriate for me to ask her about


Mrs. Grant looked sullen because she got nothing from Margaret, which meant, she had made this trip

for nothing. Therefore, she thought for a while and left.

Margaret sent a text message to Katherine after some consideration before she put the phone down

and took a deep breath.

The moment Mrs. Grant went out of the shop, she received a call from Clara, who asked in a sweet

voice, "Mrs. Grant, are you busy now?"

Mrs. Grant naturally gave a negative answer.

After that, Clara invited Mrs. Grant to dinner, saying that it had been days since they had last met. Mrs.

Grant thought for a moment and said yes. The two of them agreed to meet up in a restaurant, and Mrs.

Grant took a walk along the road before stopping a taxi.

When she arrived, Clara was reading the menu in a box. She smiled at the sight of Mrs. Grant. "Mrs.

Grant, what would you like to eat?"

Mrs. Grant waved her hand. "Don’t bother. I’ll have whatever you have."

Clara moved her eyes back to the menu immediately, while Mrs. Grant watched her for a while before

she looked back.

Clara ordered a few dishes and handed the menu to the waitress. When the waitress left, Mrs. Grant

heaved a loud sigh.

Clara was surprised to see that. "Mrs. Grant, what happened? You don’t seem happy."

Mrs. Grant replied, "You’re right. Marshall hasn’t answered my calls recently."

Mrs. Grant’s reply dumbfounded Clara. "But why? Did you have a fight?"

Mrs. Grant let out a sigh. "What else could it be? We fought over Katherine. I don’t like her, and said

something about her. This brat got mad and turned his back on me. It’s already been days."

Clara pressed her lips together, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Mrs. Grant clicked her tongue and continued, "That Katherine seemed to have cast a spell upon

Marshall. He doesn’t even want his mother anymore."

Clara remained silent.

Mrs. Grant waved her hands. "Well, enough of that, or I’ll get mad again. I reckon this brat has blocked

me, or he wouldn’t have missed all my calls."

Clara chuckled. "He will be alright in a few days."

Mrs. Grant nodded. "I hope so."

Clara hadn’t contacted Marshall recently either since she was busy with her family business. Besides,

Old Mr. Henderson asked her to take it easy because as a girl, it was not to her advantage if she kept

approaching Marshall on her own initiative, no matter in her professional or personal life. Clara agreed

with him, so she decided to distance herself from Marshall for a few days. Therefore, she had heard

nothing from him lately.

Clara had intended to get some information on Marshall from Mrs. Grant at first, but now it turned out

she had made this trip in vain. Mrs. Grant mentioned nothing of Marshall again during the meal, but

talked about her recent life. Clara, nonetheless, wasn’t interested in it at all, so she just went along with

Mrs. Grant absent-mindedly.

Mrs. Grant took a sip of the juice and looked at Clara with a smile. At last, she paid the bill.

Seeing that, Clara chimed in at once, "Mrs. Grant, we agreed that I would be paying the bill."

Mrs. Grant replied with a smile, "It’s alright. It’s just a meal, after all."

It was still pretty early after the two finished their dinner, and usually, Mrs. Grant would ask Clara to go

shopping with her. Clara was not in the mood, so she was planning secretly how to decline her, but at

this point, Mrs. Grant said first, "Now I feel a little tired and I’m going home now. I’m not young

anymore, and I can’t hang out like I used to."

Clara breathed a sigh of relief. "Well fine, Mrs. Grant. It’s getting late, and it’d be better for you to go to

bed early. Let’s hang out together next time."

Mrs. Grant nodded and stopped a taxi. She got into the car, told the driver the address and left without

glancing at Clara.

Meanwhile, Clara didn’t notice it at all. Hardly had the car left than she wiped that perfunctory smile off

her face. She was still shocked by the fact that Marshall blocked Mrs. Grant just because she spoke ill

of Katherine. He must be possessed. Moreover, Mrs. Grant surely wasn’t good at putting herself across

or communicating tactfully and reasonably. Clara wondered if Mrs. Grant felt ashamed that as an

elderly woman, she was blocked by her own son.

Sitting in the car, Mrs. Grant didn’t look back until Clara’s figure became smaller and finally

disappeared in the rearview mirror. Clutching her purse, she sat on the backseat in a trance.

The car was heading to the Mason Residence. When Mrs. Grant got off the car, she went straight into

the villa.

Old Mrs. Mason was watching TV in the living room, surprised to see Mrs. Grant. "What’s going on?

You look as if something terrible just happened."

Mrs. Grant walked over and collapsed on the sofa. "I’m upset, so I came here to settle down a bit."

Old Mrs. Mason gave a snort. "Khalid made you angry again?"

"No," Mrs. Grant replied. "So I’ve thought hard, and found that I’m indeed a poor judge of character."

She had that confused look on her face. "I just feel so, and I wonder if I’m right."

Old Mrs. Mason raised her eyebrows and sighed, "Well well, finally you’re skeptical about your

judgement. Look what progress you’ve made!"

"No," Mrs. Grant replied. "So I’ve thought hard, and found that I’m indeed a poor judge of character."

She had that confused look on her face. "I just feel so, and | wonder if I’m right."

Old Mrs. Mason raised her eyebrows and sighed, "Well well, finally you’re skeptical about your

judgement. Look what progress you've made!"


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