Novel Name : Hot Men Society Series: Desire of Mr. Fuck Boy

Hot Men Society Series: Desire of Mr. Fuck Boy Chapter 16

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I turned and found father giving me a satisfying look. "Atleast feeding you and keeping you in my house

made you useful in some way!" He taunted.

The governor's son? But how? You might have got influence in the judiciary system, but still... we are


"What? The governor's son!? Engaged as in... you want me to marry him?" I asked absolutely

bewildered. All my pain on the cheek, tiredness gone in a moment.

"He is a rapist, a pedophile! And a drug addict too! I am not going to-" but he cut me in the middle.

"Yes you are! You are going to marry the governor's son. I wanted them to right away fix the marraige

but the governor wanted a grand ceremony so that's why you shall get married to him within 2 weeks!"

He said in despair as if, if he would have been capable, he would have married me off to him that very


The governor's son, Mayank Prakash was a rapist, who was even caught red handed during his

disgusting act of assaulting minors in one of his farmhouses. The court had sentenced him to 20 year

jail punishment but his father being a politician, dragged his good-for-nothing-son out of the legal mess

by bending the law with his money. Mayank was also reported to have been under constant doses of

illegal drugs but eventually, all the media houses soon drifted away from that issue and the police

suddenly became at loss of evidence. Hence miraculously claiming the pedophile to be innocent. And

father was ordering me to marry that animal? How could he stoop so low?

"As for your soon to be husband, you need to groom yourself. So buy some new clothes for yourself

with this money. I want you to seduce him with your body. I don't care even if it means getting pregnant

with his child!" He snarled throwing a bunch of notes on my face.

How can he be this crude? This unaffected of the situation he is putting me into? I screamed in my

mind as my eyes welled up again with angry tears. I was completely helpless in front of father. I had

never got the strength of going against him, or question him back. But.... what he was asking me to do

was completely unacceptable!

"Father please.... please don't make me do this... That bastard will rape me each day and there shall

be no one to hear me out! Absolutely no one!" I started begging in front of him, but he stood there

absolutely unfazed of my plight. I was fretting now, I was feeling as if I was loosing the battle. I couldn't

imagine myself being alone in a room with that beast who would do nothing else other than tearing my

clothes off and breaking me piece by piece.

To this he shouted," Keep those crocodile tears locked up in yours tear bags you bitch." He strode to

me and kicked me hard on my legs. I lost balance and my forehead hit against the dining table.

I just earned a fresh deep cut for trying to defend myself. Wow! Every girl would dream of having a life

like mine.

I thought bitterly.

"You lucky bitch! You are getting a golden opportunity of playing on heaps of money, jewellery and God

knows what more goodies, simply by banging yourself against Mayank Prakash but look at you! Trying

out ways to distort this pretty face of yours!" I was horrified.

I held his legs and my dam of tears broke. I broke down and tears started flowing profusely,"Papa

please... please dont sell me off! Please father... I shall do whatever you wish for but please break this

alliance. I beg of you!" I was pleading now, clutching his legs.

I was in a sorry state. Blood was oozing from the cut on my ride side forehead, my chapped lips were

all dry, with scraps of skin peeled off. They were in such a bad condition that if I would even bite them

gently for once, they would start bleeding. My eyes had become swollen and red due of crying. My

nose was running due to the constant sobbing. But none of this, melted his heart. He kicked me off his

leg and got hold of my jaw with force.

I winced.

He was squeezing my jaw with great force, leaving my mouth to be open like the gold fish . He leaned

and commanded in a low menacing tone," I dont want the groom's family to think that their bride was

fiesty as hell. Let Mayank discover it on the bed! And, fix this broken state of yours... use whatever you

feel like to cover these bruises and scars but know one thing. I won't like people saying that the bride

was forced to submit in front of the Prakashs' "

Then he leaned more and kissed the cut from were the blood had been coming out, still holding my jaw

in a strong grip. He purposely licked the cut by his tongue to clean the blood from there. I flinched with

disgust, and tried to move back. But, his grip on my jaw only hardened. He further smooched on the cut

of my forehead, and then slowly stood up to his full length. His eyes were still rooted on me.

I was feeling as if ants were crawling on my body. I was felt nauseous.

"This was for calling me papa, darling...." he drawled on the last part.

I rubbed my cut on the lip and forehead by my hands. I tensed on sensing pain but that didn't stop me

from doing so. I wanted to remove that sickening feeling of his lips from my face. His saliva on my

wonds was making me feel tainted, and beyond repair. What could I possibly expect from a man like

him who did not feel disgust even by the thought of kissing a girl who had been living with him like his

daughter all these years!?

Then, father walked to the door to lock it, leaving me fallen on the ground. Just then his words started

resonating in my mind......

I won't like people saying that the bride was forced to submit in front of the Prakashs'


Something snapped inside me when that word kept on whirling inside my mind. I for sure, never

wanted to be like a damsel in distress waiting for her knight in shining armor to appear out of nowhere

and save me. No! I was, I am and I shall always be capable enough to take care of myself. I will rise

from this mess soon, but surely I will never submit. I had never been a weakling in my life. Be it in front

of my jealous classmates, bullying college mates or competition-freak colleagues, I had always

emerged the winner. This time, the fight may be tough, but I shall not surrender in front of that molester,

never ever. That's for sure!

Afterall, I had always been one of those who rise from the ashes like the Phoenix! I mentally thought,

as at the end of the day, I was the only one who could support and compose my own self.

I settled my raking mind and asked the question bugging me for quite a lot of time,"How come you got

hold of the governor's son out of nowhere? Well, we are still commoners right? Or are you in touch with

some very powerful people.... You know, owner of some big corporation or big businessman-" but I was


"Shut that razer-like tongue of yours! I am not your PA or some servant who is bound to answer each

and every question of yours." I shouted on my face slamming the door.

So.... I may be right! This may have something to do with the Manthenas and their authority! Soon I

shall find out!

I was determined of my intent now, this was about my self respect afterall ! As....

I don't do anything at the cost of my dignity!

Still, my subconscious mind whispered," You are such a hipocrate!" I rolled my eyes.


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