Novel Name : Hot Men Society Series: Desire of Mr. Fuck Boy

Hot Men Society Series: Desire of Mr. Fuck Boy Chapter 34

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I smiled gently at him and again threw a bucket of cuss words at my tormenter. Certainly he

manipulated all his guards, servants around him, torturing them to work for him!

Poor them! I sighed and continued,"Well, Champ is the trophy I got in my 12th grade for being the

arounder in the five section." I spoke with a triumphant smile."Charlie is my all time favorite Rubics

cube. And Coco, my dearest coffee mug."

"And as for Sweety-" but I was cut in by that hypnotic, deep voice.

"That ridiculous red coloured hybrid of alto and nano of yours." Completed my captor.

I narrowed my eyes at him. If I hated him earlier for who he was, now I despised him to entirely a

different level for calling my Sweety 'ridiculous red coloured hybrid of alto and nano'.

Nevertheless, I continued.

"And fourth and most importantly..." I stopped, mid-way, and turned my gaze to the floor. My breath

quickened and I felt my cheeks burn.

... You won't force me on the bed." I somehow completed my point.

And finally, with that tilted head, he fave me a lazy smile and straightened. I felt my core quiver in.....

want... need? Hell No! Nothing of that sort! My stomach simply churned with anxiety.

He stepped nearer... and nearer... and nearer. And now, our noses were touching with our lips inches

apart. Kissing him... again and that too in front of so many people was the last thing in my mind.

His face turned to my right ear. He bent further and grazed my skin there with his nose. I clutched the

sides of skirt but couldn't do anything except it as behind me stood the non-budging wall. While his

touch were giving me tingles across my skin, his hot breath seemed to be healing the love-cut given to

me on my bottom lip.

"Trust me Sweetheart, you shall be more than willing to submit to my touch..... and you won't think

twice before ditching your self-dignity." He rasped seductively in my ear.

And in a blink of eye, he turned to join the legal team at the back, leaving me crimson coloured all over.

I remained rooted to me place, and after like 5 minutes, one of the lawyers called me out,"Miss

Mathews, please go through these papers and sign them." He said. I walked to them and with every

step my heart slammed against my chest wildly.

I finally reached to one the sleek steel grey colored cars... which I guessed to be Range-Rover. The

lawyer, in a black shirt handed me a transparent writing pad with the papers clipped to it.

I had no escape now! I had to to this.... this was really happening!

As I took the pen from that man, I sensed that similar heat radiating at my back. He was standing just

behind me.

With shaky fingers, I signed at the two blanks in the page without glancing anything else on the paper

other than the instruction of writing the name to be used as the official one after marriage. Which

meant, I had to sign with the name :- Jennifer Mahasena.

I was in no mood of bending in front of this ridiculous clause so I scribbled my name as :- Jennifer

Mathews Mahasena.

The lawyer with a frightened look interrupted me as I was about to slam the writing pad on the car's


"Mam, you didn't read the clauses mentioned in the papers." He spoke with a lowered gaze, specifically

because of the man standing behind me.

I lost the last string of patience in me with that and almost spat," I still would have been forced to sign it

even if it mentioned me marrying a rabid dog! So doesn't make a fucking difference for me!" I snapped

as I banged the writing pad on the bonnet and threw the pen on the ground.

There were horrid gasps across the area. Even the guards were staring at me with utter shock. The

legal clan took a back step away from where they stood. While the guards seemed to be waiting for a

shooting order from their boss. I couldn't blame them, afterall, I just compared the Mafia king to a sick

dog. But they couldn't blame me too! I wasn't experienced in handling insane men threatening me to

marry them.

I placed my hands on the bonnet of the Range-Rover and exhaled heavily. I calmed down but then

realization kicked me on my butt as I realized that the man whom I just called a filthy animal was

standing behind me. I was freaking out. I knees were in the state where they could give in any


I stiffened on thinking of the consequences I could face for my impulsive outburst. A sweat beads rolled

down from the side my forehead due to my nervousness.

And then.....

I felt him clasping my thin, fragile hand in his big, muscular one and he turned me to face him. He was

as calm like the deep, vast Pacific Oceans. But you may know, the Pacific is also the very ocean

brewing the maximum number of hurricanes too.

It felt as if he was the short calmness which stays before the real storm hits you. And I feared, that

soon, he shall be taking that form too. We continued the stare-down.

Me for contemplating his punishment for me and him.... Well, he seemed to be eying me with an

undescipherable feeling.

Then all of a sudden, I felt something cold slide on my right hand ring finger. I blinked and tore my gaze

to look down at my finger and my breath hitched.

There rested a ring. A beautiful ring which stole my breath away. In the middle of the gold band was a

pearl which was guarded by two cresent moons on its either sides and two diamonds studded after the

moons. On the top and bottom of the pearl, three diamonds rested as if decorating it like a crown.

What touched my heart the most about the ring was that the diamonds shone like stars.... something

which had always been close to my heart.

He took my hand and lifted it to his lips and without breaking his gaze kissed my finger gently where

the ring rested. Millions of butterflies broke within my stomach, tingling my interiors like crazy.

"Your engagement ring sweetheart. With it, I mark you as mine! So don't think even once of keeping it

anywhere away from you." He said.

And I knew, this ring was for the world out there to tell them I was taken. As for me, he already had

made me his the very first time he saw me.....

And unfortunately, I had to live with that fact, till I escaped from his clutches........


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