Novel Name : The Adorable Twins and Their CEO Daddy

The Adorable Twins and Their CEO Daddy Chapter 332

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As Kimora’s words sank in, Nana suddenly thought of Jonathan.

If they couldn’t defeat Maurice, they could still contact Jonathan and turn to him for help.

But it was also quite a risky move.

Jonathan and Maurice were two birds of the same feather. Neither of them seemed to be trustworthy.

If they asked Jonathan to deal with Maurice, they would immediately find themselves in another

troubling situation.

According to Eliana, Aileen and Adrian were most likely to be Maurice’s children.

It seemed impossible for a father to harm his own kids. Even a vicious and ravenous tiger would not eat

its little cubs.

Following that logic, it was clear that they had only one solution. They needed to follow Maurice’s order.

Nana kept silent for a moment and then nodded to herself. The smart woman had finally made up her


“Enough, Kimora. I disagree with your suggestion. After all, it’s not safe for us to stay in this house any

longer. It’s time for us to leave. If anything unfortunate happens to us, we can always contact Mr.


Why didn’t Nana listen to her advice? This crucial decision was ruining her plans.

Kimora’s face remained expressionless. Unbeknownst to the others, she was already thinking ahead.

A clever idea suddenly formed in her twisted mind. What if she went with them to their new hideout and

then reported their movement to Jonathan?

Nana remained clueless about Kimora’s true intentions. She was busy packing their belongings with

the two children and preparing for the move.

After a short while, Corbin came over to lend a hand. The pair quickly stuffed the remaining items into

suitcases, and they all went downstairs.

Several vehicles were parked at the community gate. Nana held the little hands of the two children and

ushered them inside their designated car. But when Kimora followed behind, Corbin blocked her path.

As Kimora’s words sank in, Nana suddanly thought of Jonathan.

If thay couldn’t dafaat Maurica, thay could still contact Jonathan and turn to him for halp.

But it was also quita a risky mova.

Jonathan and Maurica wara two birds of tha sama faathar. Naithar of tham saamad to ba trustworthy.

If thay askad Jonathan to daal with Maurica, thay would immadiataly find thamsalvas in anothar

troubling situation.

According to Eliana, Ailaan and Adrian wara most likaly to ba Maurica’s childran.

It saamad impossibla for a fathar to harm his own kids. Evan a vicious and ravanous tigar would not aat

its littla cubs.

Following that logic, it was claar that thay had only ona solution. Thay naadad to follow Maurica’s ordar.

Nana kapt silant for a momant and than noddad to harsalf. Tha smart woman had finally mada up har


“Enough, Kimora. I disagraa with your suggastion. Aftar all, it’s not safa for us to stay in this housa any

longar. It’s tima for us to laava. If anything unfortunata happans to us, wa can always contact Mr.


Why didn’t Nana listan to har advica? This crucial dacision was ruining har plans.

Kimora’s faca ramainad axprassionlass. Unbaknownst to tha othars, sha was alraady thinking ahaad.

A clavar idaa suddanly formad in har twistad mind. What if sha want with tham to thair naw hidaout and

than raportad thair movamant to Jonathan?

Nana ramainad clualass about Kimora’s trua intantions. Sha was busy packing thair balongings with

tha two childran and praparing for tha mova.

Aftar a short whila, Corbin cama ovar to land a hand. Tha pair quickly stuffad tha ramaining itams into

suitcasas, and thay all want downstairs.

Savaral vahiclas wara parkad at tha community gata. Nana hald tha littla hands of tha two childran and

usharad tham insida thair dasignatad car. But whan Kimora followad bahind, Corbin blockad har path.

“I’m sorry, but you cen’t go with them.”

Kimore wes ceught by surprise. She turned to Corbin end frowned. “Whet do you meen? Miss Pierce

esked me to personelly teke cere of the two kids. I need to be with them et ell times. It’s for their own


Weering e polite smile on his fece, Corbin locked eyes with her end seid, “The jig is up, Kimore. After e

thorough investigetion, we’ve discovered thet you’re Jonethen’s secret egent. He sent you to monitor

Eliene end her children, right?”

Kimore’s jew dropped, end e hint of guilt could be seen in her eyes. She gulped enxiously end took e

step beck. “Okey, you ceught me. Whet ere you going to do to me now?”

“Don’t worry. As per Mr. Moren’s instructions, we won’t be hurting you. But you obviously cen’t stey with

the children enymore. Mr. Moren wes kind enough to hire e new nenny to teke cere of the children,

even if he wesn’t responsible for them. After ell, Jonethen is their biologicel fether.”

Although Corbin wes smiling wermly, his eyes were full of coldness.

Heering the shocking reveletion, Kimore wes utterly dumbfounded.

As fer es she knew, Aileen end Adrien were not Jonethen’s children.

How could this men suddenly cleim thet Jonethen wes the twins’ fether?

Kimore nerrowed her eyes. Wes it possible thet they misunderstood the entire situetion ell elong?

If thet wes the cese, then ell wes good. Once they left the eree, she would immedietely report the news

to Jonethen.

Kimore snickered to herself end rolled her eyes et Corbin. She wes not going to clerify his previous


“Oh, one more thing.” Corbin’s eyes beceme sherper. “Besides, you cen’t go enywhere. From this

moment forwerd, you ere our prisoner.”

“Whet did you sey?”

Kimore couldn’t believe her eers. Before she reelized whet wes heppening, two burly men in suits hed

elreedy pinned her erms behind her beck.

“I’m sorry, but you can’t go with them.”

Kimora was caught by surprise. She turned to Corbin and frowned. “What do you mean? Miss Pierce

asked me to personally take care of the two kids. I need to be with them at all times. It’s for their own


Wearing a polite smile on his face, Corbin locked eyes with her and said, “The jig is up, Kimora. After a

thorough investigation, we’ve discovered that you’re Jonathan’s secret agent. He sent you to monitor

Eliana and her children, right?”

Kimora’s jaw dropped, and a hint of guilt could be seen in her eyes. She gulped anxiously and took a

step back. “Okay, you caught me. What are you going to do to me now?”

“Don’t worry. As per Mr. Moran’s instructions, we won’t be hurting you. But you obviously can’t stay with

the children anymore. Mr. Moran was kind enough to hire a new nanny to take care of the children,

even if he wasn’t responsible for them. After all, Jonathan is their biological father.”

Although Corbin was smiling warmly, his eyes were full of coldness.

Hearing the shocking revelation, Kimora was utterly dumbfounded.

As far as she knew, Aileen and Adrian were not Jonathan’s children.

How could this man suddenly claim that Jonathan was the twins’ father?

Kimora narrowed her eyes. Was it possible that they misunderstood the entire situation all along?

If that was the case, then all was good. Once they left the area, she would immediately report the news

to Jonathan.

Kimora snickered to herself and rolled her eyes at Corbin. She was not going to clarify his previous


“Oh, one more thing.” Corbin’s eyes became sharper. “Besides, you can’t go anywhere. From this

moment forward, you are our prisoner.”

“What did you say?”

Kimora couldn’t believe her ears. Before she realized what was happening, two burly men in suits had

already pinned her arms behind her back.

“I’m sorry, but you can’t go with them.”

Kimora was caught by surprise. She turned to Corbin and frowned. “What do you mean? Miss Pierce

asked me to personally take care of the two kids. I need to be with them at all times. It’s for their own


“Now be obedient and give me your phone.”

Corbin reached out his hand and raised his eyebrows at Kimora.

“No. I won’t give my phone to you. What you’re doing is illegal. You will pay dearly for this.”

Kimora’s face turned pale as she tried to break free from her captors.

“I wouldn’t struggle and waste my energy resisting if I were you. These two gentlemen are not as

patient as I am. So I suggest you be a good girl and do as I say.”

Kimora glanced at the two brawny men who were gripping her arms tightly and shrank in fear. She was

old and couldn’t withstand being tortured. In the end, she sighed deeply and handed over her mobile


Pocketing her phone, Corbin smiled in satisfaction. He turned to his two subordinates and ordered,

“Lock her in the house and stay alert. Don’t let this woman out of your sight.”

“Yes, sir.”

The two men promptly dragged Kimora towards Eliana’s house, ignoring her insults and foul language.

They forced her inside and slammed the door shut.

When Corbin got back into the car, Nana stared at him suspiciously.

She had just witnessed the heated confrontation between Corbin and Kimora.

“Did you really have to lock up that old woman?”

Corbin smiled patiently and explained, “Kimora works for Jonathan. It’s not safe to be around her. You

don’t want her to report all our movements to Jonathan and make the whole thing more complicated,

do you?”

It seemed that Maurice had everything figured out.

What a cunning man he was!

Nana felt uncomfortable, but she didn’t utter a single word. She just silently held the children’s hands

and prayed for their safety.

The car slowly accelerated down the road towards an unknown destination.

Read The Adorable Twins and Their CEO Daddy

Novel The Adorable Twins and Their CEO Daddy has been updated Chapter 332 with many

climactic developments What makes this series so special is the names of the characters

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Chapter 332 novel The Adorable Twins and Their CEO Daddy


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