Novel Name : The Dragon Prince’s Forbidden Affair

The Dragon Prince’s Forbidden Affair CHAPTER 12: Father, Daughter

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CHAPTER 12: Father, DaughterAqua’s POV

After I learned that I had a second brother yesterday I decided to confront Konn. We met in the same

place as yesterday morning when he assigned me my job. “Okay, Cade is assisting Lexus today, which


“I’d like to spend time with you today,” I cut him off.

Konn raised his eyebrows. “Alright, you can shadow me for the day. I’ll assign someone else to assist

the princess today.” He wrote notes down on his clipboard. “Follow me.”

I started to follow him down the hall. “I heard you have another son.” I thought it was weird he never

mentioned it to me and neither did Cade.

Konn kept walking without saying anything for a few minutes. “I do have another son. Gray is my

youngest child. I didn’t mention him because I haven’t told him about you yet.”

I think him not telling Gray about me was weirder than him not telling me about Gray. I had so many

unrelated questions, but I didn’t want to overwhelm or upset him. “He wouldn't like the idea of having a

sister?” I thought about all the younger siblings I left behind.

“That’s not the reason I haven’t told him. He has his hopes up that he’s the holder. These abilities help

you see the future like an oracle but also abilities oracles don’t have.” So, Cade wasn’t the one I was

really taking anything from, it was Gray. “You would have intuition and be able to see things currently

going on through your third eye.” Two abilities I already had. “They’re able to see possible futures

through dreams while Oracles have conscious visions. Unlike oracles you’ll also be able to see dreams

of the past. Some early holders were able to speak with the moon goddess in dreams.” I could ask her

why I had a mate when no one had in centuries. “A holder hasn’t been able to do that in centuries but

there’s always the possibility.” I might not be able to ask her after all.“If you tell him about me, you’re basically taking away any hope he has that he’s the holder.” Gray

really was going to resent me.

“You’re so sure you’re the holder. Gray claims to have intuition too,” He said. He walked to a group of

workers and gave them paperwork then continued to wall.

I had more than just intuition, but I hadn’t told anyone else other than Sadia. “I’m able to see the

present with my third eye, I did it once yesterday.”

Konn stopped walking then turned to me. “What did you see?”

I wasn’t sure if I should have been telling him about how I saw Cade fighting with his girlfriend when he

was supposed to be working. “Cade in the castle… working.” I lied. “Test me if you want, I can do it

again.” I’m not sure where the confidence came from, but it was there.

“Okay, close your eyes and think about the guards.” He looked out the window at them.

I closed my eyes and thought about them, but it wasn’t the same as last time. I couldn’t see anything

happening. After a few minutes I gave up and opened my eyes. “I can do it, it’s just not the same right


“Hm.” Konn turned and continued to walk. “Let know if it happens again.” I’m not sure if he even

believed me but I wasn’t making anything up.

Most of the time Konn was telling other workers instructions and checking in with the guards. It was like

he ran this whole castle. “I have a meeting with the King and Queen. It’ll be around an hour. It’s

confidential so meet me back here in an hour.”

“Okay.” I watched him walk into the great hall then I started walking around the castle. I was heading

towards the area with the window seats. I felt weird when I saw Lexus already sitting there. We werestaring at each other while I debated with myself about what I should do. I turned around because it

was better to avoid him but behind me was Cade and a girl who might have been Vella. “Hey…” I

greeted awkwardly. I glanced back at Lexus for a second and I could smell his scent from here.

Cade smiled. “Perfect, I wanted you two to meet each other. Aqua this is my girlfriend Vella, Vella this is

my half-sister Aqua.” He introduced us.

“It’s nice to meet you.” Vella shook my hand.

I couldn’t believe I was meeting the first girl Lexus cheated on Sadia with. “You too.” It made me want

to steer clear of Lexus even more, maybe that was the push I needed.

The next thing I know Lexus is standing right next to me. “Don’t you have work to do Vella?”

Vella looked hurt for a second then pulled herself together. “I do but I wanted to talk with Cade a little

first.” She turned to him. “I’ll see you after.” She glared at Lexus before walking off.

“Things are getting better?” Lexus asked.

Cade wasn’t sure from what I could tell. “We’re getting there, what did you think of her Aqua? Any

intuition?” I wasn’t expecting him to ask me that. When I met her, I was focusing more about who she

was to Lexus. I wasn’t thinking about what I sensed from her.

“I’d probably have to be around her more, but I thought she was cute.” I looked at Lexus. “Don’t you

think she’s cute?” I teased.

Lexus chuckled. “You’re funny Aqua,” He said sarcastically. “Don’t you have to work too?”

“Actually, I’m on break since Konn is in a meeting with your parents but I should make myself more

familiar with the castle. Bye Cade.” I waved then walked to the hallway. I looked down at my phonewhen it vibrated. Calvin text me to let me know he got my number from Sadia. I still hadn’t decided if I

was going to give Calvin a chance to get Lexus out of my head.

“Hey Aqua.” Stewart and Arma said when I passed them while Stewart was cleaning. I waved to them

and continued walking down the hallway.

After the hour was up I met Konn outside the great hall. “How was the meeting Konn?”

Konn didn’t stop to talk so I followed him. “It was business,” He answered. “I’m going to introduce you

to my wife Lynn and our son Gray.”

I didn’t expect for him to make that decision so quickly. “Did something change? Your wife knows about

me, right?”

Konn chuckled which caught me off guard. “She’s known about you. Nothing changed, I just don’t like

putting things off.” I thought that was funny because he’s put off telling me a lot of things I still don’t


I followed him to his room, and it wasn’t that far from mine. It was a lot bigger than mine and had a door

that attached itself to another room, probably Gray’s. “You’re back early.” A woman said. I assumed she

was Lynn; Cade looked a lot like her. “Oh,” she reacted when she saw me walk from behind Konn into

sight. “You must be Aqua.”

Konn nodded. “Lynn this is my daughter Aqua, Aqua this is my wife, Lynn.” I didn’t expect him introduce

me as his daughter. I was looking a lot more forward to meeting Gray. I felt awkward around Lynn.

“For now,” Lynn joked.

Konn ignored her joke and looked around. “Where’s Gray?”Lynn sat down on their couch. “He’s with my parents, he’ll be back sometime tomorrow. They picked

him up this morning for a surprise. I think they’re just taking to a really nice flying spot.”

That reminded me that Konn still hadn’t unsealed my shifting ability. “I can’t wait until I get to fly.” I said

so he might tell me when he plans to unseal my ability. A part of me wanted to take Lexus up on his

offer to teach me how to fly when I’m able to shift but I wouldn’t. Lynn looked at me a little strangely

then looked away.

“It’ll come soon. I have to get back to work Lynn, I’ll be back later.” He walked to her and kissed her

forehead then left with me.

“I don’t get it, why can’t you unseal my abilities now? I’ve done everything else you’ve asked me to do.”

I yearned more and more to fly.

I was walking at Konn’s side and he didn’t look as sure as he usually did. “The process is a little

complicated. I didn’t think I’d ever have to unseal it. Don’t worry about it, you will shift but I need time.

To make up for it I’ll answer any question you have.”

That seemed fair to me. “Okay, where is my mother?” If I got one question, I was going to make it a

good one.

Konn hesitated. “She disappeared. Early in my marriage with Lynn I had an affair with her and you’re a

product of that. After I refused to leave my wife for her, she gave me you and disappeared. She knew I

wouldn’t keep you, but she thought I’d make a better decision about where you’d end up. There’s not

much else I can tell you.”

That was better than nothing. “Why’d you have an affair if you knew you’d never leave your wife?” I

was only asking so I could understand why Lexus would want to cheat on Sadia but not leave her.“I said you get one question,” Konn reminded me. “But it’s a simple answer. When you’re drawn to

someone you know you can’t be with your impulses take over and you give into that desire. The right

thing was to stay with the woman and son I already decided to give my life to instead of running away

with the one I desired more.”

It wasn’t the most satisfying answer, but it gave me insight. “What does it really mean to be a holder?” I

changed the subject.

novelbin“It means that you’ll use the abilities you hold to help our kingdom move forward and stay protected. My

grandfather was the last holder and he accomplish a lot. He was able to protect our kingdom in ways

no one else could. I was able to watch him at his peak and at that age I viewed him as the most

powerful person. It’s a big responsibility but it’s never been given to the wrong person. Some

accomplished more than others but they’ve all helped improve our kingdom. A holder offers a lot of

insight we wouldn’t have otherwise. They’re another source of knowledge of our past, present, and

future.” It was a lot to live up too, but he made it sound effortless in a way. I’m not sure what kind of

holder I would be. Would I be the kind Konn would be proud of?

“I see.” I thought more about his reason for staying with his wife. “You stayed with your original family

because of a sense of duty?” Talking about this with Konn made me feel like he trusted me. I doubt this

was something he’s told Lynn or Cade. He was opening up to me in a way. My intention was telling me

he was holding back telling me something else.

“Yes, but I also love them,” He added but he already implied that he loved my mother more than Lynn. I

wondered if Lexus desired me more than Sadia. I don’t mean because of the mate bond but something


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