Novel Name : The Dragon Prince’s Forbidden Affair

The Dragon Prince’s Forbidden Affair Chapter CHAPTER 22.5 Adopted but Family

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I stared at the picture as Tay continued to talk about it. “There aren’t very many pictures of her, and I’ve

never met her but Mom has talked about her. Apparently, she disappeared like twenty years ago. A lot

of people thought she was crazy. She’d draw… dragons a lot.”

“Lexus my mother’s name is Mae. Are there any other pictures of her Tay?” I asked.

Tay rolled her eyes. “I’m obviously emotional, you can’t tell me you’re a mythical creature, show me

proof and then ask me for pictures. God where is your human decency? Oh you’re not human, that

explains it.” She rambled as she walked to the bookshelf and grabbed a scrapbook. She opened it and

showed me a page with pictures of her mom and Mae.

“Wow.” My dreams of the future were blurry, but this was definitely how she looked. “I think that’s her; I

think that’s my mother.” I looked at Lexus. “Now that I know her name and how she looks I can find

her.” I took a picture out of the scrapbook. The one I took was when Mae looked my age. I turned to

Tay. “I’m not sure if my phone is going to reach you here but if it can’t I’ll figure out a way to stay in

contact I promise.” I hugged her. “I love you Tay.” I grabbed Lexus hand and pulled him out of the


“I love you too! Bye Aqua…”

I closed the door and walked away from the house. “Aqua slow down. Do you really think that could be

your mother?

“Yes, it has to be. Her name is the same as my mom, I look just like her and she has a connection to


“If she’s your mom you know that means your half human, right?”

I stopped because the realization didn’t hit me. “Not necessarily, she could have been adopted too, if

she were human how would she have met Konn? I’ll find out everything when I find her.” There was no

way I was human; I didn’t feel human.

He followed me when I continued to walk. “Your abilities don’t reach far enough to find her yet.”

I looked behind me at him. “We can fly around until I’m close enough to her that I can see her with my

third eye.”

Lexus scoffed. “So, what, I'm just your transportation?”

I stopped walking again. “What?”

“You just want to use me to get around, I never agreed to help you find your mom Aqua. That’s all you

want from me.”

I clenched my fists. “You’re fucking kidding me.” I loosened my fists. “You’re the one who only wants

me to experience what it’s like to have a mate! If you don’t want to help me then fine. Just leave me


Lexus sighed. “I’m not going to leave you here and I’m not using you Aqua. I shouldn’t have said the

transportation thing since I’m the one who offered to fly you here. I’m just worried about you, you’re

getting excited over a woman who might not even be your mother.”

“How are you not using me and why are you so worried about this?” I couldn’t understand.

“I like you Aqua, that’s why. I don’t mean anything to do with the mate bond. I have real feelings for

you,” He admitted.

My feelings were colliding with each other. I was happy that he liked me but upset because it meant

nothing if he was staying with Sadia. “Let’s go back. I’m going to ask Konn myself.”

“Okay.” We walked further out into the woods and he shifted into his dragon form.

When we got to the castle, we weren’t the only ones just getting in. “Hannah?” Lexus asked.

Hannah smiled when she saw us. “Just the person I wanted to see.” She wasn’t looking at Lexus, she

was looking at me. “Aqua do you remember Lydia?” We walked into the castle.

“Yeah, I remember her.” I answered.

“Can you see where she is for me?” She asked. “It’ll make up for you spying on me.”

“You want her to make up for spying on you by spying on someone else?” Lexus laughed. “She can’t

see that far.” It frustrated me to hear him repeat that.

“I’ll try, I’ve only had a few lessons for my abilities, but I think I can do better.” I closed my eyes and

thought of Lydia. I didn’t get anything, but I kept thinking about her. I opened my eyes when I gave up.

“It’s really blurry, if it’s important we can walk around the pack house until I can get something.”

“That’s r-“

“Okay let’s go.” Hannah cut off Lexus and turned around. I followed her out of the castle and Lexus

followed me. I closed my eyes every few minutes until I got something. We weren’t far from the pack

house. “I see her, she’s in her room with-“

Hannah didn’t let me finish. “A girl? What does she look like??”

I realized Hannah sounded jealous, so I opened my eyes. “Yes, but it’s Sadia.”

“Oh.” Hannah looked embarrassed. “False alarm, we can go back… just out of curiosity what were they


Lexus rolled his eyes. “Sadia isn’t interested in a fifteen-year-old girl Hannah.”

I closed my eyes then opened them again. “They’re just talking, if I had to guess based on body

language it looked like Lydia was just asking Sadia for advice. Did you introduce me to your girlfriend

just so I could use my third eye to spy on her?”

Hannah sighed. “Lexus said you can only see people who you know of. This is my first relationship,

and I was afraid she didn’t want me to go to the pack house because she had another girlfriend there

or something…” I understood her worry.

“You should just talk to her about it,” Lexus suggested.

“Hannah?” We all turned to see Lydia with Sadia. “Is something wrong?”

Hannah looked us me and Lexus. “You guys can go on without me.” She walked to Lydia.

Sadia walked to us. “What’s going on? Shouldn’t you guys be asleep?”

“Hannah needed us, it’s a long story.” Lexus answered. “I’ll see you this weekend, okay? we should get

going back.”

“Okay… bye.” Sadia waved.

If one of my abilities were to read minds, I would have read Sadia’s in that moment.


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