Novel Name : Treasure Hunting

Treasure Hunting Chapter 45 A Bizarre Hole

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The twenty-six disciples who were eligible for the intermediary contest needed to wait for three days

before it started. The three-day wait was intentional so that they'd have more than enough time to rest.

The intermediary contest was more comprehensive. It tested for the disciples' ability to perform well

under pressure and in danger. And for this purpose, the location for the test was agreed to be the Burial

Forest. It was known as a naturally perilous place. Those who passed the intermediary contest would

qualify for the runoff.

The Burial Forest was a place full of martial beasts. A long time ago, the region where the Welkin Sect

was located was in constant threat from martial beasts. The ancestors of the Welkin Sect spent an

enormous amount of effort to eliminate the threat and chase off the remaining martial beasts to the

Burial Forest. Disciples were then assigned to guard the entrance of the Burial Forest to prevent martial

beasts from escaping and hurting residents nearby.

Although the Burial Forest was known as a dangerous place, most of the powerful martial beasts were

killed by the ancestors. The remaining martial beasts were not too powerful anymore. Any disciple at

the premium stage of Mortal Level was able to survive in the forest.

In case anything unexpected happened during the test, a few stewards were assigned to monitor the

progress of the test to ensure the safety of the disciples.

Even though they were assured of their safety, all the disciples except for Zachary were terror-stricken

while they stood at the entrance to the dark Burial Forest.

"Take care when you enter! Once you are faced with danger, remember to call for help, but this will

mean you fail the test as well." After Gray explained this to the disciples, he asked the disciple behind

him to give the participants the signal fireworks, which could be used to call for help.

And then, the twenty-six disciples all went into the Burial Forest.

The eight disciples who survived inside the forest longer than the rest would be eligible for the runoff.

The eighteen disciples who surrendered to the dangers of the forest would be eliminated.

The other twenty-five disciples all went towards different directions, leaving Zachary alone standing at

the same spot.

Zachary pondered for a while before he decided on a direction to go.

The survival skill was the most important skill for a disciple to be selected. What mattered was not how

powerful one was as a warrior, but how one was able to survive the harshest environment.

Even though the Burial Forest was not too deadly, it was still hard for the disciples even at the Earth

Level to survive for a couple of days. The longer they stayed, the more pressured they'd be.

Compared to the eligibility to enter the Celestial College, one's own life was more important.

As to how perilous the Burial Forest exactly was, Zachary soon had first-hand knowledge of it.

"A martial beast at the Earth Level?" It was less than two hours after he entered the Burial Forest and

he already encountered a Red-eyed Wolf. Judging from its aura, Zachary concluded that it was at the

first grade of Earth Level.

Given Zachary's current martial power, it was a bad idea to fight the martial beast. As such, he used

Shadow Pace and fled.

But the Red-eyed Wolf was not planning to easily let its meal escape so it chased after Zachary.

The human and the beast raced inside the forest. At length, the Red-eyed Wolf gave up chasing

Zachary when it realized that he was too fast for it.

Zachary felt relieved when he was sure that the wolf stopped chasing after him.

'I have to find a safe place, ' he thought. And without warning, he suddenly felt his chest warming up.

'This can't be! The Treasure-hunting Compass is detecting something!' Zachary felt very excited. He

took out the compass and the projected radar showed him a location.

"I hope that there's no danger this time," Zachary muttered as he ran towards the place specified by the


He was careful not to encounter any martial beast so it took him longer than usual to reach the place

specified by the compass. When he finally reached the location, he was greeted by a gigantic tree that

seemed to reach all the way to the sky. He estimated that it was likely to be centuries old. The tree's

canopy covered a very large area.

Zachary looked up at the branches and studied them. He then saw a huge nest on one of the branches

that looked like a nest of a martial beast. The compass seemed to be pointing at the nest's location.

'What kind of treasure could be there? It better not be like the marriage contract I got last time!' Zachary

hesitated for a moment and then climbed the tree until he reached the location of the nest.

The nest had a powerful stinky smell. Zachary saw something that looked like a pile of cow dung inside

the nest. This was where the smell came from.

"Fuck it! I'm going to faint!" Zachary cursed. Just when he felt that he couldn't bear the stink anymore,

he saw the gleam of a reddish, egg-shaped item buried in the pile of excrement.

Zachary's eyes lit up. He held his breath and jumped into the nest. Then, as fast as he could, he

reached into the pile of excrement, grabbed the egg, kept it inside his robe and jumped out of the nest.

As he was about to climb down the tree, he noticed a group of birds not far from him that suddenly flew

as fast as they could in different seemingly random directions as if they were running away from

something. A moment later a huge bird flew up from the forest and dashed towards the nest.

The giant bird had the body of a roc and the head of a hawk. Its reddish feathers looked like flames

burning on its body. Its wings were large enough to cover a large portion of the sky, and it darkened the

area underneath the wings as it passed. It flew towards Zachary at an incredible speed. Its eyes locked

on him like he was its prey.

The first instinct that he had was to run as fast as possible from the huge bird.

Zachary wasted no time; he jumped down from the huge tree and then fled into the dense forest. As he

ran, he turned back his head from time to time to observe the bird. The distance between them became

shorter each time he glanced back.

Although Zachary's speed wasn't actually slow, the bird's speed was simply too fast for him to evade.

And soon the bird was about to catch up with him.

The moment that the bird's beak was about to bite into Zachary's back, a big hole in the ground

suddenly appeared, giving him a chance to escape. Without giving it a second thought, he jumped into

the hole.

The hole in the ground wasn't deep. Zachary was on the bottom of the hole in an instant. He balanced

himself and then raised his head.

A giant bird figure flew across the sky and then it disappeared.

"So lucky…" Zachary sighed in relief. He thought that it was now safe enough to look around the hole.

It was completely dark inside the hole, except for area where he stood. Light that came from the sky

above lit the area where he stood.


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