Novel Name : Treasure Hunting

Treasure Hunting Chapter 53 One Punch

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Just then, a tightly clenched fist suddenly appeared from the smoke and dust that had not settled down,

and went for Gary's chest. Then, a violent increase in the martial energy abruptly broke through the

smoke and shot out.

Startled, Gary immediately gathered his martial energy to protect himself against the attack. But the

fist, which was more powerful than his, managed to break through his defense and hit his chest.


He was thrown off balance in a second, and fell to the battle ring, unable to stand up.

When the Welkin Sect's members, including the sect leader and the stewards, saw that, they could not

believe their eyes.

That was when a figure slowly stood up from the dust. It was none other than Zachary. Everyone

present could see that his eyes emitted a domineering aura, unlike anything else they had seen.

Besides, the aura was blazing like a raging fire. Furthermore, a white bracer was flickering with a faint

light on his wrist.

"He... He defeated Gary with only one move!"

"No way! Did I make a mistake? A loser defeated Gary..."

"Gary could not take that fist. Does that mean Zachary is stronger than a warrior at the medium stage

of Earth Level?"

Immediately, the spectators started saying all kinds of things. But most of all, they were suspicious

regarding what they had seen, and broke out in an uproar.

'Did he just defeat Gary?' Elva opened her mouth slightly.

'Is that an OH weapon on his wrist?' Sara also noticed the Holy Bone Bracer Zachary was holding.

"Gary..." Seeing his defeated disciple, Albert, Gary's master, stood up and glared at Zachary, angrily.

"Master Lewis, how did Zachary manage to hit such a powerful punch, and that too with so much

martial energy?" Herman said, looking solemn.

The other stewards also turned around to look at Lewis.

"Has he already recovered from his broken meridians? But it should have been impossible for him to

regain his health by himself. And even if he has recovered, defeating Gary with one move should not

have been possible. What the hell is going on?" Lewis was also confused on seeing what had just


Soon, two disciples reached the scene to treat Gary's wounds. On taking a closer look, they found that

four of Gary's ribs were broken and he was comatose. There was no way he could fight again.

It was obvious that Zachary was the winner.

Zachary's victory had even caused a sensation in the entire sect. No one could believe that a loser

could defeat Gary, a warrior at the medium stage of Earth Level, in one stroke, and reach the battle's

final round.

Since Zachary had used the martial energy, he was called to the Heavenly Martial Hall.

Lewis, Sara, and the sect's stewards were sitting in their seats on one side, watching a calm and

composed Zachary, who was standing in front of them, on the other side.

"Zachary, do you have anything to explain to us?" Lewis asked purposefully.

"Master Lewis, are you talking about my meridians' recovery? Didn't I say that? Alas! My poor memory.

In fact, three days ago, my meridians recovered inexplicably. Perhaps the fourth-grade therapeutic pill

that Master Sara gave me worked very well," Zachary responded, as if he had just thought of

something. In fact, he had already planned to use Sara as an excuse.

"A fourth-grade therapeutic pill?" When Lewis and the stewards heard Zachary say that, they were

surprised and looked at Sara. It was apparent from their looks that they did not expect her to give

Zachary a fourth-grade therapeutic pill.

"I did give him a fourth-grade therapeutic pill," Sara replied firmly.

"You were badly injured, and you shouldn't have been able to recover in such a short time. It was

impossible even for a fourth-grade therapeutic pill to heal you," said Lewis. He still could not believe

what Zachary had said. According to him, what Zachary had said was unbelievable, as his injuries had

been so severe that even God would not have been able to cure them.

"Did you feign your injuries just to avoid being punished?" Albert asked. He did not trust Zachary and

was the first to voice his suspicion, since Gary, whom Zachary had defeated, was his personal disciple.

"Master Albert, do you mean that Master Lewis and several other stewards were also lying? They have

personally checked my injuries," Zachary replied, shrugging his shoulders.

Albert was speechless.

"I do not think you can defeat Gary with one move, given your strength, even if your meridians have

recovered," Herman doubted.

"How do I know? Maybe he is weak. I just gave him a punch," Zachary answered, stretching out his

hands casually.

"You must be hiding something!" Hearing this, Albert could not help slapping the table and getting up.

He was looking furious.

"Albert, calm down! Now that Zachary has beaten Gary in front of so many people, I do not think that

he could have played any tricks. Wouldn't the spectators and we have detected it, had he done it?

Besides, Master Sara was also there. She did not notice anything wrong, either," Lewis said calmly.

After hearing what Lewis said, the stewards also turned to look at Sara. Since she was the invigilator,

she should have known, if there was something wrong, and pointed it out.

"There was no problem." At this moment, Sara shook her head.

"But..." Albert wanted to say something more, but Sara's face suddenly turned dark.

"Are you doubting my judgment?" she questioned.

Seeing Sara's angry expression, Albert swallowed his anger, as he had no evidence, and he dared not

offend her.

Seeing Sara's firm attitude, the stewards and Lewis exchanged glances. They shared the feeling that

she seemed to be protecting Zachary. That was not the first time she had treated Zachary in a special

way. They remembered that during the intermediary contest, she had seemed partial toward him.

"In fact, I think highly of him," Sara added suddenly.

The stewards and Lewis were at a loss for words, and could not understand why Sara said so.

"All right, Zachary, you may leave now." Seeing that neither he nor anyone else had anything to ask

Zachary, Lewis ordered him to leave, as he waved his hand.

Before leaving the Heavenly Martial Hall, Zachary stole a glance at Sara.

"If there's nothing else, I will leave now." Saying that Sara too got up and left.

"Master Lewis, there must be something wrong with Zachary. His meridians couldn't have healed so

fast," Albert said, the instant Sara left.

"That's right! It is so weird! Maybe Zachary has cultivated some strange cultivation method to make his

meridians heal quickly. In case he has done that, I am sure he will go astray!" Herman added.

"No matter what caused his meridians to heal so quickly, his performance was there for everyone to

see. Since his meridians have recovered, his previous performance then, makes sense. If you are all

okay with it, let us wait and see the last battle. Then everything will be clear!" Lewis went on in a

serious voice, barely smiling.

The stewards were all confused.


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