Novel Name : Treasure Hunting

Treasure Hunting Chapter 58 I Had A Blazing Egg Too

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"I was just out of luck," Zachary replied. Although he really wanted to win, Chandler didn't take

advantage of the situation to give him a fatal blow. This proved that Chandler was a man of integrity.

The disciples watching the battle were confused with Chandler's actions. They were all aware how rare

such an opportunity was and thought that he shouldn't give the opportunity up. Additionally, they knew

that Chandler had better skills than Zachary. Thus, he had a better chance of winning than Zachary.

Since both Zachary and Chandler were willing to accept defeat, it was up to Sara to make the final

decision of who won the battle.

Zachary and Chandler walked off the battle ring and headed to the high platform in front of the training

ground as the other disciples watched.

"Did Chandler win?" Gray asked Sara impatiently.

Lewis and the other stewards turned their heads towards Sara as they waited for her to answer Gary's

question. But no reply came forth from her.

Lewis, Sara and the stewards all watched their every step until the pair of finalists finally reached the

platform. Sara studied Chandler first, and then looked at Zachary. Her face revealed no emotion, no

clue as to what she was thinking. The rules of the Celestial College stipulated that anyone who

possessed triple martial speed would automatically be eligible to enter the college without going

through the selection test. Whether Zachary won the battle or not was no longer a decisive factor to his

eligibility to get accepted by the Celestial College. His triple martial speed earned him a free pass.

"You did a good job," Sara said as she stared at Zachary. "It is refreshing to see that a warrior at your

level has the potential to beat an opponent who is more powerful." Sara's praise for Zachary was not a

welcome statement to some stewards.

"Master Sara, Chandler is the worthy winner. I acknowledge his skills and respect him from the bottom

of my heart!" Zachary replied with a laugh. He knew that even if he lost to Chandler, he could still get

into the Celestial College.

"You seem to know exactly what you're saying. Well, I declare that the finalist who is qualified to enter

the Celestial College is none other than... Chandler," Sara announced in a loud voice so everyone

could hear her.

Everyone in the audience cheered as they clapped their hands.

"But since Zachary has achieved triple martial speed, which is in accordance to the special requirement

for entering the Celestial College, he is also qualified to enroll," Sara announced loudly.

Lewis took a deep breath to contain his excitement. He felt very proud and ecstatic. He was elated at

the knowledge that Zachary had achieved such admirable improvement that also improved the prestige

of the sect.

The stewards all reacted differently to the announcement. Some of them rejoiced at the news while

some of them seemed indifferent.

The selection test was concluded with no true winner and no true loser because Chandler and Zachary

both ended up being qualified to enter the Celestial College. The result was good for Welkin Sect

nonetheless because they now had two talented disciples.

'This guy makes me worry. It's a good thing that I didn't promise him anything. Or else, I might...' Elva

thought to herself. Her face turned slightly red as she stared at Zachary with mixed emotions.

Bruce was disconcerted when he heard the announcement that Zachary was qualified to enter the

Celestial College.

"Damn it! I can't believe that he is qualified to enter the Celestial College! Now he'll have to go to the

college with us?" Bruce murmured to himself as his face turned bleak and bitter. He took a deep breath

and then sneered. He then realized that it was not such a bad thing, after all. If Zachary entered the

Celestial College with him, he could get rid of Zachary without restraint.

Sara had promised to give a special reward to the disciple who won first place, so she took out a bead

and said to Chandler, "This third-grade Emerald Bead has the ability to enhance your strength.

Besides, if you are trying to break through to the Heaven Level, you can take it and it will help you

reach the level smoothly." She then handed the Emerald Bead to Chandler.

"A third-grade Emerald Bead! It's such a great treasure. It is probably the best reward that one can

receive from among the third-grade items..." The disciples watched with jealous eyes as Chandler

received his special reward.

"Thank you very much, Master Sara," Chandler said respectfully after he received the Emerald Bead.

"Additionally, because of Zachary's outstanding performance in the final battle, and in order to

encourage him, I will also give him a reward. Unfortunately, I don't have a second Emerald Bead with

me, so I will give him this Blazing Egg instead." Although it was unexpected to some disciples, they still

acknowledged that Zachary deserved an award for his performance too. Sara then took out a red egg.

Lewis and the stewards were surprised to hear Sara's decision.

"The Blazing Egg? It's a four-grade treasure, isn't it? It's very rare and valuable. It's arguably worth

more than the third-grade Emerald Bead," Gray whispered. It was obvious to many that the Blazing

Egg was more valuable than the Emerald Bead. However, instead of giving it to Chandler, Sara gave it

to Zachary. Some thought that this seemed unfair to Chandler.

Even though the disciples thought about it, no one dared question Sara's decision.

'A Blazing Egg? Why does that name sound so familiar? Oh, it's because I also have one, ' Zachary

thought when he heard the name of the item that Sara was going to award him. He remembered that

he found his first Blazing Egg in the Burial Forest when he was in the intermediary contest.

The disciples became even more envious as they watched that Sara carefully placed the Blazing Egg

on Zachary's open palm.

Bruce turned green with envy as he watched Sara award Zachary with the Blazing Egg. Blue veins

stood out on his temples.

Sara then said to Zachary, "Take it. You must refine it carefully and don't waste such a rare treasure."

"This is just a Blazing Egg. What's the big deal?" Zachary replied nonchalantly.

His words surprised everyone present.

"What a tone! It's a treasure for a warrior at the Heaven Level. If you use it properly, it can increase

your strength by half a level," Sara said, frowning. Her lips pouted slightly.

"It's only half a level! It's not really that big of a deal," Zachary commented.

"He's being absurd again," Elva whispered to herself unconsciously.

Lewis shook his head with a sigh when he heard Zachary's statement.

"Well, if you can bring me something similar to the Blazing Egg, I will give you something better, in

addition to the Blazing Egg. If you can't, then I will take back the Blazing Egg," Sara replied. She raised

one of her eyebrows.

The disciples who heard Sara's challenge laughed at Zachary's misfortune. They thought that instead

of getting a valuable reward, his crude comment caused him to lose the reward.

"That is a deal, Master Sara." Zachary laughed loudly to the surprise of the onlookers. He then took out

a Blazing Egg and then showed it to Sara.

Everyone was shocked. They never imagined that Zachary had a second Blazing Egg.

Not only the disciples, but even Lewis and the stewards were surprised. They couldn't imagine how he

obtained a rare Blazing Egg.

Silence fell over the entire training ground as Zachary showed his Blazing Egg to Sara.


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