Novel Name : My Husband, Warm The Bed

My Husband, Warm The Bed C485

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Seeing Qin Yue's car go away, the man just took back his eyes, and his cell phone suddenly rang.

He picked up the answer: "it's not to say don't take the initiative to contact me, something I will naturally call you."

I don't know what the person at the other end of the phone said. The hand holding the mobile phone suddenly tightened, and the voice at the exit was even more bleak: "you're already a mud Bodhisattva who can't protect yourself from crossing the river. Take care of yourself. It's not your turn to worry about my business. "

Leaving the words, the man cut off the phone, tightened his fingers tightly and held the mobile phone tightly. If it wasn't strong enough, it might have been crushed by him.


The place Qin Yue took Jane ran to is Ivan's studio. At the same time, he also took Jane Ran's design of wedding dress draft and asked Ivan to help them to make wedding dress and dress samples for their wedding.

Ivan looked at Qin Yue and said, "Leo, you don't want to use me as your personal designer just because you have some bad money."

Qin Yue snorted and said, "don't tell me you design because you like it, not for money."

Ivan said, "you're right. I design because I like it, not to make money."

Qin Yue said, "if you don't have money, your design can still be made?"

Qin Yue said so, Ivan didn't think it was unreasonable. What could be done with money.

However, he needs money, but he can make money in many ways, not necessarily at the behest of President Qin da.

"Julie, I'm going to have a rest and see off!" Ivan is such a person. He designs all kinds of clothes only depending on his own happiness. Even if President Qin comes to visit in person, he still doesn't give face.

"Ivan, do you want to continue to open your studio in Jiangbei?" Qin Yue said.

Qin Yue's words are easy to understand. It's a threat to Ivan. As soon as Qin Yue opens his mouth, Ivan can't stay in Jiangbei for minutes.

Not only can't stay in Jiangbei, but if Qinyue really wants to trouble him, he can make Ivan disappear from the design circle.

But after all, they have known each other for many years. Qin and Yue have their own way to deal with the enemy, but they are very friendly to their friends.

Is it really friendly?

if you look at Ivan's actions, you can know whether Qin Yue is really friendly.

Ivan glared at Qin Yue and said, "Julie, please measure Mrs. Qin, make a record, and then tell Mr. Qin that you can see the sample in ten days."

Julie was so obedient to tell Qin Yue. Qin Yue waved her hand to stop. Ivan roared so loudly. He was not deaf. How could he not hear him.

Ivan's products must be excellent. Even if he is forced to take this order, Ivan will not be a little careless.

It's worthy of being the top fashion designer in the world. Even if you measure a simple size, you should be more careful than other people and not allow any mistakes.

However, Ivan always had a face and a bad tone in the process of measurement. He was threatened by Qin and Yue. He could only complain twice and was noisy and grumpy.


When she left, Jane thought of Ivan's unyielding appearance and burst into a smile: "Mr. Qin, how could it be like you. Obviously, it's about asking people to do things, but it's also threatening people. How much you make Ivan hold back. "

Qin Yue said, "how many people have you met who ask for help and do things successfully?"

after thinking about it carefully, I really haven't seen how many people ask for help and do things successfully.

Qin Yue went on to say: "it's very inefficient to ask people to do things. Why do I ask for such a low efficiency? Why not use such a good method of threatening and luring? "" what's your logic? "Jane can't imagine that Mr. Qin in her family is such a Mr. Qin.

Qin Yue looked at Jianran and said: "I'm just telling you truth from facts. In our society, what method doesn't work and what method is the best. If a thing can be done, many people will only see the result of it, not the process. "

"Are you educating me?"

Qin Yue rubbed her head: "I want you to know that I have many faces you don't know, maybe you can't accept that side, maybe..."

Jianran raised her hand to cover Qin Yue's mouth and said, "I said that no matter what you do, I am your most loyal supporter."

No matter what is wrong or right, she will stand behind him and support him.

Qin Yue took Jane's hand and said, "thank you for believing me so much."

Two tigers, two tigers

Suddenly there was a children's song and two tigers.

But this time, it's not Qin Yue's cell phone ringing, but Jianran's cell phone ringing. Xiaoran likes to use two tigers as ringing tones, which they all tune.

Jane took out her mobile phone and saw that it was Xiao Qinghe, her brother who had been haunted for many days.

"What's the matter, brother?" Xiao Qinghe asked. "I'll meet you at noon tomorrow. I have something to talk with you."

"Oh, yes," she nodded


The next day happened to be Sunday. The place where Xiao Qinghe met was his home.

Every time Jianran wants to go to his house, he will find someone to clean the room. He must not let Jianran think that he is a brother.

When Jane arrived at 11 a.m., Xiao Qinghe was busy in the kitchen. He said that he would cook two dishes and let Jane taste his cooking skills.

Jane stood at the kitchen door, looking at Xiao Qinghe in a hurry. She wanted to help him, but she was pushed back by Xiao Qinghe as soon as she took a step.

He said, "it's said that I'll cook it for you, and you'll wait in the living room."

"I'm afraid you blew up the kitchen," she said

Xiao Qinghe glared at her: "try to be more talkative."

"Then I won't say. By the way, what do you want to talk to me about today? " Xiao Qinghe brought the fried dishes to the table and said," I miss you, so please come home and sit down. "

Jianran said, "when you think about me, you used to run to nuoyuan by yourself?"

Xiao Qinghe said before that when you think about their mother and daughter, they would run to nuoyuan, not only to see Jianran, but also to play with Xiaoran.

Yesterday he made such a formal phone call with Jane and said he wanted to talk to her about something. She came today and he said he was OK.

didn't know if he was too busy, or he thought she was too busy to do such a boring game.

Xiao Qinghe said, "you will come to me often when you are free. It will be better if you can bring Xiaoran together."


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