Novel Name : My Husband, Warm The Bed

My Husband, Warm The Bed C968

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It seems that he has to mediate if he wants the family to be harmonious and happy.

At the end of the war, he opened the door, put his hands on his waist, and made a small adult look: "Dad, mom, if you really dislike me, just drop me upstairs."

Qin Xiaobao: "..."

Zhan Nianbei: "..."

It's their fault. If two people quarrel, they quarrel. Why do they talk about children.

At the end of the war, he said, "Dad, mom, you are all adults. Don't do such childish things again, OK? It's better to have a fight here than to have a fight. A fight can't solve the problem, and a fight can solve the problem faster. "

Qin Xiaobao's face!

Zhan Nianbei's face is also shameless.

Their two adults are not as good as a seven-year-old.

Qin Xiaobao is a woman who is no longer sensible and lawless. It's his own woman. What does he have to contend with her.

Oh, forget it!

He forgave her.

Besides, Qin Xiaobao's stink is not all because of his pet. In the end, he is to blame or not.

Thinking about this, Zhan Nianbei pulls Qin Xiaobao into his arms and rubs her head: "it's my fault, I shouldn't be so mean, let alone quarrel with you."

"You know it's wrong?" Qin Xiaobao is a typical woman who has an inch to advance. "If you know it's wrong, think about how to please me."

"Please?" You see, this woman is in need of beating. Zhan Nianbei doesn't want to fight with her again. He takes her on his shoulder and strides to the room.

As he walked, he said, "at the end of the war, your mother and I have made up. Go back to your room and go to bed. Don't worry about your adult business."

Bang -

just as Zhan Li was about to open his mouth, his father had already closed the door. The loud voice sounded like his fire had not gone away.

He shook his head: "Mom, it's not that I don't want to save you. I think I can't save you. You'd better ask for more. "

Zhan Nianbei carries Qin Xiaobao to the house. When she turns around, she doesn't pay attention. She bumps Qin Xiaobao's head against the wall and cries out in pain, "Zhan Nianbei, what are you doing?"

Zhan Nianbei said apologetically, "well, I've made a mistake with you. Now I want to make a formal apology to you!"

As soon as Qin Xiaobao heard this, he knew that the man had no good intentions. He said in a hurry, "let me down first. As for the apology, let's talk slowly."

Zhan Nianbei said, "the sooner this matter is handled, the better. If it is delayed, it will not be good for both of us." He just didn't put her down, which made her dizzy.

Qin Xiaobao wanted to kick him, but when he couldn't, he shouted, "Zhan Nianbei, how do you apologize?"

Zhan Nianbei sneered and asked slowly, "how do you think I can apologize to you?"

"Let me go first..." Before Qin Xiaobao finished what he wanted to say, he was flung into bed by Zhan Nianbei.

Because he is too hard, throw a little too, let her head just hit the head of the bed, pain her head in an instant up a small bag.

Qin Xiaobao felt the bag on his head and grinned with pain: "Zhan Nianbei, you old Wang Badan, do you want to apologize or revenge?"

How can she believe that this man really knows his mistake and apologizes to her?

"Zhan Nianbei, what are you doing?" How did the man start to undress?


Qin Xiaobao licked his lips with no backbone. The old man's figure was so good that he could not help but commit a crime.

Seeing Zhan Nianbei's good figure, she forgot the pain on her head, and thought of the inappropriate pictures of children in her mind, which made people boiling with blood.

"Zhan Nianbei..."


Zhan Nianbei swallowed her voice. He spent the whole night apologizing to Qin Xiaobao with his super fighting ability.

In the next few days, Qin Xiaobao's legs trembled and softened as he walked.

When receiving the strange eyes of others, she would bite her teeth and scold: "Zhan Nianbei, you beast!"

I'm not a human being. How can I be so tossed when I'm old!


In a flash, more than half a month has passed.

On December 12, the snow cleared up, Wednesday.

Today is the trial day of the case of Quan Dongming.

The attempted murder case of Quan Dongming will be tried today in the Supreme People's Court of Linhai City, a country. As soon as the news spread, the reporters were crowded outside the court early in the morning.

Since the last incident, people all over the country have been gnashing their teeth at Quan Dongming. Therefore, reporters hope that after the arrest of Quan Dongming, all the reactionaries around Su wanqin have been arrested. Now there is no one else she can discuss except for Quan lizhang.

Quan lizhang said slowly, "life imprisonment is all. At least Quan Nanzhai has kept Dong Ming's life in consideration of his brotherhood."

These days, due to lack of proper care, Quan's health is much worse than before, and he has to cough for a long time after saying a word.

Su wanqin roared, "right, are you blind? Does Quan Nan Zhai care about brotherhood? He will take care of brotherhood, and he will not take Dong Ming to the people's court for trial. "

Su wanqin's heart was bleeding when she thought of her son being handcuffed and imprisoned, appearing in front of the people like a prisoner.

She hated that she would peel the skin of Quan Nanzhai, drink the blood of Quan Nanzhai, and drive Quan Nanzhai into 18 layers of hell.

Let Quan Nan Zhai never turn over. /p

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