Novel Name : The Transmigrator’s Cultivation

The Transmigrator’s Cultivation Chapter 136 - Arc 10: The Affairs of Sword Cave | Chapter 136: Underground Cave

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Chapter 136 - Arc 10: The Affairs of Sword Cave | Chapter 136: Underground Cave

Translator: Lynn

The wind whistled past his ears, yet Xu Ziqing experienced an unsettling sensation of being drawn upward, causing his equilibrium to waver. It was as if he had traversed an immeasurable distance in the blink of an eye, and then abruptly made contact with the ground.

In haste, Xu Ziqing anchored the steel wood sword in his grip, managing to land without stumbling.

Swiftly, he opened his eyes, revealing a startled expression.

In stark contrast to the perpetual brightness of the sword cave above—where day resembled night and night mirrored day—his surroundings were shrouded in complete darkness. The naked eye struggled to discern any detail. Could this truly be an underground space? Reflecting on the recent events, he found the situation to be more intricate than it initially seemed.

Recalling Pan Hong’s surveillance, Xu Ziqing promptly extended his consciousness, sweeping his awareness across the vicinity, and his astonishment deepened.

This locale was profoundly peculiar. It indeed appeared subterranean, yet the roof formed a seamless cave expanse with no visible opening above. Could he not have plummeted downward, but rather been transported to an entirely different place?

Nonetheless, befuddled by the puzzle, Xu Ziqing inhaled deeply, consciously halting his contemplation.

Given the current circumstances, he remained uncertain when his pursuer might arrive. Overthinking would only intensify his unease. With resolution crystallized, he hastened towards the passageway ahead. Though the area was extensively covered by his spiritual awareness, revealing numerous branching paths, his primary objective was clear: select a path swiftly, before his pursuer caught up. Once he had successfully eluded them, navigating the labyrinthine tunnels would become a manageable feat.

Perhaps through a stroke of fortune, he progressed unimpeded, and as of yet, no one had given chase.

However, he dared not retract his spiritual consciousness, for the subterranean darkness dictated continued vigilance.

Soon, the crossroads emerged in Xu Ziqing’s view, revealing a complex network of underground passages. These paths crisscrossed and diverged without apparent pattern. Moreover, each route possessed a spacious breadth, ensuring that traversing any of them felt unobstructed.

Exercising caution, Xu Ziqing pondered his unfamiliar surroundings. Despite his unfamiliarity with this locale, he recognized the prudence in remaining alert. Here, his life rested solely in his hands, and his safeguarding was paramount.

Indeed, events would subsequently confirm the wisdom of Xu Ziqing’s cautious approach.

Upon venturing onto a side passage, Xu Ziqing had barely taken a few steps when an abrupt blast of scorching air assailed him from the side. The pungent, fishy odor nearly overwhelmed his senses—a truly repulsive encounter.

This entity was unmistakably non-human.

Without the luxury of identification, Xu Ziqing reacted swiftly, brandishing his sword. In an opportune swing, a sizable skull was shattered, tumbling away as a lifeless body crashed to the ground with a resounding thud.

His consciousness expanded, growing more vigilant. Proceeding with greater care, he methodically scoured every nook and cranny, confirming the absence of further threats. He then “inspected” the lifeless form once more.

What lay before him measured five feet in length, adorned in green-hued skin. Its humanoid resemblance was grotesque, characterized by claw-like extremities of razor-sharp aspect. Two minuscule, pointed horns crowned its head, while its blue-hued visage bore a grimace of jagged fangs.

This visage evoked a sense of familiarity in Xu Ziqing’s memory. Upon contemplation, he recollected encountering such appearances within ghost stories from his prior life. Regrettably, this being’s resemblance to a rare, nostalgic object from Xu Ziqing’s homeland did not warrant favorable sentiments.

The entity had initially eluded his awareness, lurking within the shadows before lunging forth from a concealed corner—an apparent attempt to make him its meal. Confronted with such aggression, Xu Ziqing had no choice but to retaliate.

Having identified the entity, Xu Ziqing disregarded it, pressing onward.

Contemplating the creature’s elusive behavior, Xu Ziqing mused on the possibility of other malevolent entities inhabiting this subterranean expanse. How could there exist an entrance to this place within the sword cave? An air of peculiarity surrounded the entire situation.

Curiosities aside, Xu Ziqing maintained his determination to press onward, striving to retrace his steps. With merely three days until his appointed meeting with Senior Brother Yun, any delay in his return might spark unwarranted concern.

Approximately thirty minutes of progress yielded a tally of four or five defeated adversaries. Gradually, a subtle illumination began permeating the surroundings. Surveying his environment, Xu Ziqing noted an array of red-hued plants clinging to the stone walls on either side. Emitting a subdued radiance, they cast a gentle glow.

His curiosity was piqued, and Xu Ziqing gradually approached the stone wall. If the luminescent plants thriving underground held any value, he mused, it might be worthwhile to collect some seeds and cultivate them into trees upon his return.

Since arriving in Qingyun Great World, Xu Ziqing has encountered a procession of spiritual herbs and plants. Nevertheless, only now did he recognize the gaps in his knowledge, even after poring over countless ancient texts within the Herb Garden. Continuing down this path could eventually impede his cultivation progress. Thus, if he were to safely return from this venture, his best course of action would entail perusing the Shifang Pavilion’s collection of botanical tomes and committing their contents to memory for future reference.

Closing in on the stone wall, Xu Ziqing placed a protective barrier around himself.

Considering how malicious entities had lunged at him from the shadows on multiple occasions, he had garnered some insight. Such prudence was now his habit.

He then regarded the red-hued plant with a measure of tranquility.

The cluster of leaves resembled minuscule pearls, circular and no larger than a fingernail. However, upon closer examination, Xu Ziqing’s initial assumptions wavered.

The plant’s vibrant crimson hue was disconcertingly reminiscent of flowing blood. This realization prompted Xu Ziqing to take several steps backward in alarm.

In a sudden turn of events, a fine net materialized, composed of interwoven red leaves that collided with his protective barrier.

This was a living organism, launching an assault!

The delicate net encased the protective barrier, stretching and contracting. Each leaf’s vein mirrored the intricacy of meridians, while the crimson leaves atop them seemed to pulse like a heartbeat, ceaselessly.

Abruptly, Xu Ziqing’s pupils constricted as he observed the barrier undergoing gradual corrosion, on the verge of perforation.

… Something was amiss; this plant harbored danger!

Deep within his dantian, another ominous plant stirred.

Fragments of Bloodthirsty Demon Vine’s consciousness emerged: “Mother, I want to go out…”

A surge of realization prompted Xu Ziqing to ask, “Does Rongjin favor it?”

Rongjin’s elation was palpable: “Yes, I want to eat.”

Xu Ziqing extended his left hand.

Within the confines of his palm, a vine as pristine as jade rapidly extended, elongating its form and arching upward.

Meanwhile, the crimson, rapacious net that had lunged for his protective barrier now quivered as if trembling with trepidation.

Subsequently, Xu Ziqing observed Rongjin bursting forth in delight. Twisting the fine net, Rongjin effortlessly navigated through it, surging towards the red plants clinging to the stone walls.

Upon contact, the spot Rongjin touched swiftly transitioned from red to a subdued azure, radiating a gentle luminescence that contrasted favorably with the ground’s illumination.

In due course, all the formerly crimson leaves on the facing stone wall adopted a blue hue. With evident reluctance, Rongjin withdrew. At present, its jade-white form bore a faint crimson sheen, adding a touch of dizziness to its already endearing appearance.

Originally laden with concerns, Xu Ziqing’s mood somewhat lifted upon witnessing Rongjin’s guileless expression. With a wave of his hand, he signaled for Rongjin to return.

Yet, Rongjin emitted a cheery “shoo,” abruptly extending over ten feet, pivoting, and dashing in the opposite direction. A muffled sound ensued, followed by Rongjin’s swift return, trailing a demon vine laden with a freshly acquired prize.

Raising his gaze, Xu Ziqing beheld a green-skinned creature skewered by Rongjin’s lead, contentedly siphoning its blood. By the time it reached him, only skin and skeletal remnants remained.

“Rongjin, you truly…” Words failed Xu Ziqing; he had been tempted to say “gluttonous,” but considering how long he had denied Rongjin its blood-based sustenance, a hint of guilt surfaced.

Rongjin relied heavily on him, being his natal tree. Its advancement necessitated a steady intake of blood. Initially obscured, this truth became apparent to Xu Ziqing as his cultivation ascended. Despite this, Rongjin exhibited no progress. If this continued, Xu Ziqing’s access to advanced formulas within the “Ten Thousand Woods Great Heart Planting Technique” would remain barred, inhibiting his realm’s ascent.

Contemplating this, Xu Ziqing’s brow furrowed, only to soon relax once more.

While he could not permit Rongjin to indiscriminately consume humans, the subterranean monsters offered a viable source of sustenance for the entity.

As his heart lightened, Xu Ziqing permitted Rongjin to coil around his arm, proceeding forward.

Facing countless unknown dangers and impending challenges, Xu Ziqing contemplated the benefits of having Rongjin lead the way. This would alleviate his constant vigilance and the subsequent drain on his true energy.

Sensitive to its surroundings, Rongjin had evolved to possess two vines, both of which now extended freely, twining around Xu Ziqing’s form. As Xu Ziqing advanced, the number of nefarious entities he encountered steadily increased. Rongjin responded with exuberance, darting left and right with lively agility.

Together, the pair navigated the path with little hindrance—distinctly different from their prior struggles.

However, with each step deeper into the abyss, the illumination grew more intense.

The subterranean expanse was now bathed in a sinister, blood-red glow, casting an eerie ambiance.

Perplexed by the transformation, Xu Ziqing was inclined to speculate, but each indication cautioned against indulging such thoughts. Should his conjectures prove accurate… the journey ahead would be even bleaker. Pondering these unsettling prospects, he quickened his pace.

As they ventured further, the scent of blood began to pervade the air, accompanied by a disconcerting, peculiar odor that sent shivers down the spine. The oppressive atmosphere weighed heavily, unsettling Xu Ziqing. Struggling to maintain his composure, he endeavored to placate Rongjin and establish communication, a task that soon left him weary.

Abruptly, sounds resonated from the distance.

Xu Ziqing’s expression underwent a swift transformation, with a glimmer of hope illuminating his eyes.

It was a human voice!

With this auditory cue, he held the prospect of gathering information. His pace quickened, nearing impatience.

Yet, after covering a short distance, Xu Ziqing’s haste yielded to caution.

In this enigmatic underground realm, how could he be certain that the sound ahead wasn’t a trap designed to ensnare wanderers? He could ill afford reckless impulsivity. To fall into such a scheme would be a disservice to the teachings imparted by his senior brother over countless years.

Considering this, Xu Ziqing came to a halt, extending the scope of his consciousness.

His consciousness extended and diffused in all directions. Before long, the diverse nooks and crannies of his surroundings materialized in his mental canvas, rendering a remarkably vivid panorama. Though he disregarded the concealed, green-skinned monsters for the moment, he steered his focus toward the origin of the sound. Swiftly, he initiated a thorough search, homing in until he was in close proximity.

Approximately one hundred feet ahead, several figures indeed surged and ebbed in motion. Judging by their silhouettes, a battle was unfolding. While one figure bore human semblance, the other appeared slightly unconventional.

Eager to perceive more details, Xu Ziqing’s sight seemed inexplicably obstructed, hindering him from gaining deeper insights.


The presence of individuals suggested potential communication. Regardless of whether they were foes or allies, their existence outweighed the menace posed by the green-skinned adversaries.

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