Novel Name : Barely Breathing

Barely Breathing Chapter 1: I would change my life

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'It will rain tonight’ I thought as a herd of ants lined up in a frenzy, evacuating from their haven to a log

nearby. Living within the walls of endless forests gained me skills and tricks relying everything on

animals' instincts or nature itself. It has been helping me to survive the last two years of solitude.

I unpacked my improvise bag which was in reality an old blanket wrapped around a few times to my

only possessions. All in all, a hair comb missing almost half of its teeth, a pair of clothes I stole from a

house in an old house I came across a few weeks ago, a toothbrush, some candy, a now-empty plastic

bottle, and a few dollars from my previous job. I tried getting into jobs but with little luck because of my


I am wearing a simple blouse paired with washed jeans and an oversized leather duffle coat, both old-

fashioned. My bright red hair was securely tucked under a wide-brimmed black hat. With my 5’9” height

almost as tall as an average man, I could pass as a teenage boy. And me starving almost all the time,

is skinner than usual which perfectly worked to my advantage to hide my curves. But one look at my

face will blow off my disguise completely. My features are 'too soft' to be likened to a man, I heard

others say before.

With a sigh, I put back all my precious belongings, the small amount of cash now in my pocket. I got to

buy food for lunch, the consequence of hunting nothing for hours. I'm in the middle of a meadow. Soft

grass and dried leaves crunched under my faded boots. Hopefully, there’s a nearby town where I could

buy something to eat. I’m starving.

The sun was set high above the sky yet it wasn't hot, the air was cold. I have no idea of where I am or

what country I was in. All I'm sure of was the date. I asked an old woman walking with a crane in her

hand on the sidewalk one day, of what day it was. From then on, I counted the day each time dawn

appears and kiss dusk goodbye. That's why I’m sure today's the 5th of June.

The wind rustled, scattering dried leaves everywhere as leaves started falling from trees. The air was

crisp and cold even with the thickness of my coat, I shivered. I stopped walking when I picked up a faint

foul scent of rotten food in the air. Rogues.

It was faint. But either he was far or near I can't tell. Not shifting gives me slightly enhance senses

compared to humans. I am only fifteen and shifting into your wolf form starts at the age of sixteen.

My body went on full alert, glancing everywhere to see if there's something odd or signs the rogue was

here. I have always been careful not to encounter rogues. Rogues are lone wolves. They are usually

vicious and dangerous. Not belonging to a pack will drive your wolf crazy. Werewolves are designed by

the moon goddess to live in groups.

I am like a rogue now but technically I still belong to my old home, the Storm Forest Pack. I looked for a

safer place to hide but all I can see was the vast grass. There were trees and a long road on the other

side but miles away from where I stood. I calculated the distance from how far I still am from the main

road, it will take about a 15-minute walk. But if I ran with my werewolf speed, it will take me more or

less 5 minutes.

If I ran, I might alert the rogue of my presence (if he hadn't yet seen me of course). Let's say I made it

to the road, I still need to get a free ride to the town. What if there's no car passing by? What if he

catches up with me? What if I die today?

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. Hope was the only thing I got; I won't let them take away what

little hope left in me. I will fight with my last breath. Once again, I reminded myself that it won’t always

be like this forever. The fear, the pain, it will end, SOON. I promised myself 'I WOULD CHANGE MY

LIFE' no matter what.

And with that thought, I took off running faster with all my strength. Adrenaline rushed through me in

waves like hope seeping through my bones, determined to reach the end of trees.

One minute I was running, until someone pushed me so hard. I flew backward and fell on my back. My

breath hitched with such force. The pain was all over me, it felt like I’ve broken some bones. I stared

wide-eyed at the sky, the sun hurting my eyes.

It was extremely painful when I tried to lay on my stomach. A shadow loomed over me and dirty feet

stopped just right in front of me. I closed my eyes for a moment and tried to breathe evenly. Trying to

calm my nerves as the pain gradually subsiding, but fear started to consume my will, to kill the littlest of

hope left.

A callous hand lifted my chin and I came face to face with the rogue. He was ugly in all sense. His one

eye was slightly closed to what seems like a deep old scar. His nose was crooked and he had it

scrunched up while assessing my face. It seems like he hadn't had a bath for so long. I wanted to puke

right on his face.

"Darn old me if ain't got a taste of ehh" He smirked approvingly to which I shuddered in disgust. He was

missing a front tooth and his teeth were so yellowish. "Darn lucky me, yer so pretty ehh! What ehh darn

luck it is!”

I scooted away from him and stood shakily. This is the first time I encountered a rogue much more fight

with one. On instinct, I reached for the blades strapped around both of my legs, ready to pull them

anytime. I might not be skilled when it comes to fighting but I certainly would fight with my



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