Novel Name : Barely Breathing

Barely Breathing Chapter 26: Make tomorrow never come

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FLASHBACK (Willow's age 13)

"Make tomorrow never come." Willow prayed each night before she sleeps but her prayer never

answered, her misery never ends.

It had been almost nine years since she was taken captive along with the other children and adults

whose lives were spared. The war had ceased a couple of years ago but they remained as slaves of

Darkwood Pack. No signs of rescuing what was left of their pack on its previous glory.

She however was treated well compared to others if eating three times a day and not working from

sunrise to sunset were the basis.

But fate wasn't so kind to her either. She was Jasper's toy doll, the alpha's son. She was forced to play

with him when she was a child. A broken child with a broken heart.

However, things changed when Jasper grew up and made friends at school, taking home girls as well.

She had to clean their mess, prepare food for him and wash his clothes.

During spare time, she steals one of his books and reads on her bed at the servants’ quarters, but

bringing it back before he went home. It was hard at first because she was never allowed to go to

school yet she patiently read word afterword.

It wasn't until a month before Jasper's first shifting that her world turned into a nightmare. He started to

notice her again. She always caught him staring at her and never taking his eyes away.

She felt nervous each time she saw him staring. Her instinct tells her something was amiss. She had

changed into a young lady of her age at thirteen and tried to hide her figure with the worn-out, shabby

clothes they were graced with.

Willow's pack members too started to notice Jasper's excess kindness to their alpha's only daughter.

They noticed how lovely Willow had become, just like her mother and that bothers them.

It wasn't helping their alpha himself; Mason lives a dead life. He does what he was told like a robot with

eyes that look distant as always. He never talks, never did even spare a glance at her daughter for

years. The death of his chosen had killed his spirit.

A night fated came like a snake with poison when a guard knocked at the servant's quarters in the

middle of the night.

Old Helena hesitantly opened the door, troubled like the others for each knows what it means. Before

the knock, a scream was heard which turned into a growl coming from Jasper's room. The alpha's son

had shifted for the first time.

"Willow, come with me. The new alpha requested your presence."

Gasps and meek cries echoed the plain dull room as all stared at their precious alpha's daughter. They

knew this day would come. Mason was staring at a distance again, no life in his eyes and deaf of his

daughter's pleas of protest as the guards took her by her arms.

Willow was scared for some reason. The look on their faces was enough to tell her this will not go well

on her.

Before she knew it, she was tossed inside the room and stumbled on the floor. The room was dark and

it took her seconds before her sight adjusted. There in the bed sat a shirtless Jasper with a blanket

draped over his lower body.

"Come here Willow don't be shy." Willow could tell he had changed physically. He had gained muscles

and his smile was cynical like he was plotting something bad.

"You-you called for me?" She was nervous and her hands were shaking.

"Sit here." He patted a seat on his side, extending his hands for her to reach.

Jasper never treated her like this, she always makes sure she is out of his way. The oddity of the

situation scares her. A nagging feeling tells her to run instead and never come back.

"N-no" She silently whispered, taking a step back instead until she felt the doorknob. She twisted it but

it was locked.

He chuckled and stood up, making the blanket dropped on the floor. He was wearing a short and

Willow couldn't help but noticed he gained few meters tall, probably past his previous height of 6 foot.

"Fine, if you don't want to then I would." He approached her and caged her with his arms on either side

of her head. She ducked under his arm and tried to open the window but it was locked too.

"I see, you like to play games first." He shook his head, enjoying her discomfort. “I love a good chase."

"Stop this, it's not funny!" She pleaded, she kept looking around the room, finding something that could

protect her.

"But this should be fun."

He lunged at her, trapping her on the wall while holding her hands above her head. She screamed for

help but he slapped her hard, silencing her completely as she felt dizzy at how forceful it was.

A tear fell on her face as she felt his nose on her neck, inhaling her scent. His breath was hot on her

skin which disgusts her and more tears fell from her hopeless situation.

Suddenly the door was broken down from its hinges and she blinked her eyes to clear her sight.

Jasper's body left him as someone threw him on the wall forcefully.

"Papa." She said unbelievingly as more tears blurred her sight. Her papa’s here. He had rescued her.

Mason hugged her daughter as she sobbed. Her screams awaken a part of him that died and his wolf.

He had failed her daughter; he had failed his wife Lily. The guilt was killing him, how can he forget her

little Willow.

"Let's go, before he wakes up."

Jasper was laying on the floor, unconscious. Mason and Willow hurriedly ran outside. Mason's pack

members were already fighting the Darkwood Pack warriors, putting their life at risk for the sake of their

precious Willow.

After all, it is better to die a noble death than to live a life of shame.

"For Willow!" They all shouted, wolves howling, as they bravely fight together against the cruel

Darkwood. Old and young, fiercely protecting her dignity.

And that broke her heart of able to live in exchange for their lives.


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