Novel Name : Barely Breathing

Barely Breathing Chapter 8: My name is not red

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I ducked just in time before a low-hanging branch hit my head, this place is littered with boughs, twigs,

and leaves. The forest is huge and appears endless. But there were no caves or any sort of hiding

place, nothing but trees and more trees.

I haven’t stopped running for a good ten minutes now. Anytime soon, they will release the men and the

thought kept me pushing deeper into the forest. Suddenly, a brilliant idea crossed my mind. I removed

my coat and hide it under a bush. They will surely smell my coat first and I’m long gone before they

even realize my trick.

My brilliant idea will buy me more time before any male catches up on me. I headed in a different

direction from where I came from. A girl was running towards me and a wolf on her trail. I remembered

her; it was Isla! That means the men were already out and here with us.

Crap! I must have lost track of time.

I didn’t look back as I headed east. Each step felt heavier than the last, my heart’s beating wild. All the

while, Violet was growling and howling in my mind. Her anxiousness crawling in my insides, blending

with my anxiety. Something felt amiss, I just can’t figure it out.

I stopped at a tree nearby and reached for the supply bag hanging on a branch and drank the water

until its last drop. I felt so thirsty. From my view here, I can see the expanse of giant brick walls

signifying Moon Valley’s boundary. I couldn’t go further anymore.

These walls enclosing in, I felt more trapped than ever. If I can’t run, I will fight. I sat beside a tree and

closed my eyes. I need to take a rest as much as I can and reserve my energy.

My ears perked up as I heard hasty footsteps coming my way. No, not just one. I listened more, two

footsteps. Three. And they were heading in my direction. ‘Maybe other girls are hiding not far from

here.' I thought.

I tried to sense other ladies around the area and my eyes grew big at the sudden realization. I am all

alone. Violet was now restless; I can feel her anger and panic. ‘Violet, tell me, are they coming for us?'

Violet roared. I felt a sudden rush of blood, my whole body shaking.

The wind rustled and a soft humming of bugs could be heard somewhere nearby. You can hear small

creatures running away from intruders. The full moon was regal. Sitting high up at the sky, as if

watching us creatures of the moon.

At first, it was a shadow roaming behind trees, then it stopped right in front of me, revealing a man. The

darkness eating half of his face but thanks to my werewolf sight I can clearly see the man. He has

brown curly hair and attractive brown eyes. His nose was slightly broken but added perfectly to his dark

aura. He eyed me up and down, his eyes raking over my body.

"Beautiful. I like you." A cynical smile appeared on his lips. A sickening feeling in the stomach washed

over me.

"Sorry to burst your bubble but, get lost!" I said full of venom in each word.

He emitted power, must be an alpha and definitely an arrogant one. He laughed at my rudeness. Cliche

much, finding it funny. "Who says I care whatever you have to say?"

Oh boy, he's helpless!

"You should… stranger. Now back off!" I growled.

"Is that how you talk to your mate honey?" He raised a brow, crossing his arms on his chest. The more

I talked to him, the more I am convinced he is bad news.

“Mate? Ha-ha. No way! Over my dead body.” I countered, sarcastically.

“Feisty.” He said approvingly. “I would have a good time taming you.”

"The girl is mine, Troy!" An angry man emerged from the trees. He has a tanned complexion with blond

hair and pale blue eyes. His nose was flaring and he was growling at the man in front of me. His stance

was slightly bent, ready to pounce any minute.

"Alpha Ken." The man named Troy acknowledged the newcomer.

“Two Alphas?” I blurted out of confusion. How's that possible? Yes, I have alpha blood but two Alphas

claiming one girl was a rare occasion. The last time I heard of it; it didn't quite end up well.

"Good evening guys, well, well, well, what did I miss?"

We all snapped our attention at the next man who appeared. He has a silly smile and a playful vibe. His

hair was black paired with dark brown eyes. His features were a charming one compared to the two.

"Alpha Lance," Troy said with his signature evil grin.

"Alpha Troy. Alpha Ken." He bowed his head to greet the two and then he faced me. "Good evening

miss red. You are more beautiful than when I saw you in the hall. Such a lovely… lovely warrior. I like

your eyes, feisty. We could make a good pair.”

He flashed a friendly smile to me. He’s a cool guy and talks a lot. If this was a different situation, I might

consider befriending him.

"Keep your thoughts to yourself. And my names not red." I snapped.

"Then mind telling us beautiful? What is your name?" I was about to retort at him again when

somebody beat me to it.

"Her name's Willow Mcintosh.

Finally, Xyrus showed up. He has this undecipherable aura surrounding him but he has eyes that could

kill. Just looking at him gives me goosebumps. I could sense so much power rolling off him in waves.

He truly lives up to his image.

"Alpha Xyrus Mcintosh." Alpha Troy greeted him uneasily. He seems troubled by Xyrus. His jaw

tightened and you could see his knuckles turned white.

"Alpha Xyrus, what a great surprise, I didn't know you have a sister?" It was Alpha Lance. Out of the

three, he was the more collected after Xyrus's sudden appearance.

Xyrus let out a humorless chuckle. "Willow's not my sister, she is my chosen."


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