Novel Name : Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman Chapter 1233: Interest In Her

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Chapter 1233: Interest In Her š’‡rš™šš™šš“Œš™šš‘š™£š‘œš˜·š—²š‘™.cą«¦m

"We should begin the competition now." The ancestor said.

With that, the MC called Yu Qi and Qiu Wang's name. Qiu Wang and Yu Qi went up to the stage. After bowing to each other, the match began.

Qiu Wang took out his sword. He had been studying hard the manual that Yu Qi gave to him. His skill was increasing. He was grateful to Yu Qi but he needed to win this competition so, he would not hold back when fighting with Yu Qi.

Yu Qi also took out her sword. But not one but two. She was holding two swords with her hands.

Everyone was surprised to see the two-sword technique because it was so difficult to learn it. So, it was rare to see someone with the two-sword technique in this cultivation world.

Qiu Wang was also very surprised. He did not expect Yu Qi with the two-sword technique. As a sword user, he tried to learn the two-sword technique before. However, he gave up because it was so difficult and he did not have any manual.

Yu Qi moved her swords a little. After getting the feeling, she made her first move. She attacked Qiu Wang using her two swords.

Qiu Wang defended the attack by blocking the sword. But the more Yu Qi attack him, the more that he could feel the attack on his sword.

The power that Yu Qi used increased more and more. He wanted to let away from Yu Qi. So, he tried to kick Yu Qi. Yu Qi immediately distanced herself.

Qiu Wang took a relieved breath. But he needed to think to counterattack Yu Qi. He could not let Yu Qi dominate him. Qiu Wang used the skill that he learned from the manual to attack Yu Qi. It was his turn.

It was the fire sword technique. The sword was surrounded by a flame. Qiu Wang swung the sword toward Yu Qi. The small fireballs appeared and flew to Yu Qi.

Yu Qi crossed her swords and a layer of defense protection appeared in front of her, protecting her from the fireballs.

Everyone was very surprised to see both of their techniques. Qiu Wang and Yu Qi were the newcomers. They participated in this martial art competition for the first time.

So, they did not expect that they would be this great. If yesterday they thought these people were just so lucky to enter the final, this time they threw the thought away. They were strong.

Yu Qi formed a white layer around her swords. Then, made the move to Qiu Wang. This time, she used her two swords simultaneously.

Qiu Wang moved to the defense position but still, he ended up kneeling down on his knee because he would not the pressure. When he looked up, he could see that Yu Qi's swords did not even touch his sword.

The pressure increased again. This time, Qiu Wang could not hold anymore. More than this, he was pretty sure that he would be crushed by the pressure.

"I surrender!" Qiu Wang shouted loud and clear.

Hearing that, Yu Qi immediately pulled her swords away. Qiu Wang was very relieved when the pressure that could crush her body went away.

The judge announced Yu Qi won the match.

"Miss Tang is very strong. It is my honor to fight with you." Qiu Wang saluted Yu Qi.

"Thank you." Yu Qi smiled.

"Both of them are pretty strong. Never see them before." The ancestor commented. There was a trace of laziness in his voice.

"It is indeed their first time participating in this competition. Qiu Wang is a solo participant while Tang Yu Qi is from Dian Family's family." Huo Xi answered.

Other than Huo Xi and Great Grandpa Dian, others felt that they did not worth speaking with the ancestor.

"Dian Family?" The ancestor asked.

"Yes, Your Grace, it is my family. My Great Granddaughter." Great Grandpa Dian answered.

"Owh, why does her surname different?" The ancestor asked again.

People could feel that the ancestor seemed to take an interest in Tang Yu Qi.

"Oh, she is from my daughter's family. That is why the surname is different." Great Grandpa Dian said.

Even though some of the people already knew about this, the people who still did not know about that were a little bit surprised by the news. Not many knew that Great Grandpa Dian had a daughter.

"I see." The ancestor did not say much about that and went silent again.

The next fight was between Dian Shu Xian and Huo Jinxi. They went up to the stage. It was rather a quick fight. It was over with Dian Shu Xian's win.

Huo Jinxi was slightly injured. Dian Shu Xian helped her to go down. This act made someone jealous. Jiang Hani gritted her teeth when seeing the man who refused her to help another woman.

"Why does he act like this to another woman but not to me?" Jiang Hani mumbled. Then she turned to her brother who sat beside her. "Why does he act like that to another woman but not to me?"

Jiang Nan Shu was stunned for a moment, and could not understand what Jiang Hani tried to say to him.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Jiang Nan Shu asked.

"Just forget." Jiang Hani felt annoyed when Jiang Nan Shu did not understand him.

Jiang Nan Shu nodded. He could see that Jiang Hani seemed to be moody. But he did not think much about that and assumed that she was in her one-month situation. That's all.

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