Novel Name : Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman Chapter 1589 1589: Misunderstood, Government Secret Project

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Chapter 1589 1589: Misunderstood, Government Secret Project

Right after Yu Qi mentioned that the screen turned on by itself. It began to show a young girl smiling at them.

"Hi, Mr Zhao... I am Neko-chan. The one who wants to meet you." Neko-chan introduced herself.

·ƈθm Zhao Yongzhung was stunned when he saw Neko-chan. Then he turned back at Yu Qi, then at Neko-chan several times. Why? That was because Yu Qi and Neko-chan were quite similar.

"Doctor Yu Qi... Is she your relative?" Zhao Yongzhung asked.

"Huh... Oh... Yeah... She is one of the distant relatives." Yu Qi stated.

"Distant relative? It is more like a close relative if you compare the look. She is very similar to you." Zhao Yongzhung said.

"Well, we heard that a lot... I am also planning to be like her. Beautiful, smart and independent." Neko-chan praised herself as well as her master.

"Let's move to our main topic, shall we?" Yu Qi said.

"Yes. That is why I am here." Zhao Yongzhung nodded.

Yu Qi looked at Neko-chan and nodded. Neko-chan began to show another part of the blueprint of the robot drawing that she had. It was different from what Zhao Yongzhung had seen before. It was the first part.

"This is another part of the blueprint," Neko-chan said.

"Hmm... It is very good." Zhao Yongzhung went close to the screen. "Is this really your drawing?"

"Of course, I drew it. I am a genius after all." Neko-chan lifted her chin proudly.

"So, you are planning to ask me to build this robot for you?" Zhao Yongzhung wanted confirmation.

"Yeah." Neko-chan nodded. "As you know, I am Doctor Yu Qi's patient. I could not leave my ward. Otherwise, I might die."

"I agree. I will build it for you." Zhao Yongzhung was interested to see the whole blueprint. But there were other problems.

Yu Qi seemed to notice it from Zhao Yongzhung's expression.

"Is there any problem?" Yu Qi asked.

"Well, building the robot required other people, money and place." Zhao Yongzhung said.

"As for money and place, I can arrange it for you. But you have to arrange the people. I assume you probably want to work with the people that you know and have knowledge about robots." Yu Qi stated.

"Yes. As you said." Zhao Yongzhung nodded. "I would like to work with them."

Since Neko-chan already ran a background check on Zhao Yongzhung, they knew that Zhao Yongzhung had several friends who also had knowledge about robots.

"It is okay. But same as you, they need to sign the confidentiality agreement. You must not leak this secret to others." Yu Qi stated.

Zhao Yongzhung fell silent. It seemed this project was not a normal one. It almost looked like a secret project from the government.

Zhao Yongzhung remembered that President Hai and his wife invited Long Hui and Yu Qi over to their house. It was probably related to this secret project. He was now convinced that this project was one of the government's secret projects.

Yu Qi did not know what Zhao Yongzhung thought about. If she knew it, she would be vomiting blood.

Well, she could not blame Zhao Yongzhung for thinking such a thing. After all, something like this project somehow did look like a government project.

Zhao Yongzhung needed to discuss this with his friends first. He could not agree on their behalf.

"I will ask my friends first if they want to join this project." Zhao Yongzhung stated.

"How many friends you ask?" Yu Qi asked back.

"Hmm... Around 6 people. Why? Does this project has a limit of people that can join?" Zhao Yongzhung asked.

"No... I want to know the number to prepare the contract. So, I will prepare seven contracts in total then." Yu Qi explained.

"Oh, I see." Zhao Yongzhung nodded.

"Our research centre still has space. You can use the space." Yu Qi said.

"Huh? So, I will work here?" Zhao Yongzhung was surprised.

"Yes. Don't worry about the identification. We will settle that later." Yu Qi nodded.

"Yes, I will have my robot later." Neko-chan was so happy that her dream would come true.

The dream was that she could run around by Yu Qi's side in the real world. She could not wait for that.


"What do you say?" Grandpa Wei asked.

"Dad, Mum is changing. But she is not in good health recently. I am worried about her living alone there. So, I am thinking to stay over at her house for a while." Wei Zichen said.

Grandpa Wei was silent. After a while, he began to speak. "Up to you."

"You don't have to worry. I will come here from time to time." Wei Zichen said.

Wei Zichen made this decision after consulting his wife about this. His wife also felt worried about their mother after thinking about that day.

So, his wife suggested that they should go and live over there for a while to accompany their mother to prevent something horrible happened.

As for their father, Wei Yan would stay here taking care of their father.

"Is she sick?" Grandpa Wei asked.

Hearing that she was not in good health, he could not help to worry about her. She was his wife for such a long time.

"I already ask the doctor to check her. She is okay for the time being. But her mood is not good. It might affect her body in the long run." Wei Zichen stated.

***This novel is a contracted work with If you do not read this novel on, that means it has been stolen. It breaks my heart when someone steals my hard work. Can you consider reading it on the original website for those who read my novel on another website besides, as your support to me? Thank you, from, your shameless author, ZerahNeko***


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