Novel Name : Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman Chapter 1624 1624: She Is On 'Not To Offend' List

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Chapter 1624 1624: She Is On 'Not To Offend' List

"Okay... Okay... I will ask someone to go to settle the medical bills." The man nodded and glanced to his men to go and settle the medical bills.

His client told him to take away Tian Xiu. Since they would be paid only after Tian Xiu was sent over to his client, he needed to bring Tian Xiu with him.

"Good. Let's take here, shall we?" Yu Qi still pointed the gun at the man.

"No, you can not let this man take me away. He will kill me." Tian Xiu protested.

"We will not kill you. You should know what did you do. Sleeping with someone's else husband, the wife wants to sue you. You can not run away." The man responded.

With the statement, people around changed their look on Tian Xiu. No wonder they wanted to take her away.

The man observed Yu Qi. From her action, he knew that she was familiar with the gun. He seemed to see this woman before.

"Are you Tang Yu Qi?" The man asked.

"Yes." Yu Qi nodded.

"I see." The man nodded several times.

Not long after the people who went to settle the medical bills returned. They showed the receipt to Yu Qi.

"You can take her away, then." Yu Qi said.

"No... No... You can do that." Tian Xiu shouted.

The man ordered his men to close her mouth not let her voice be heard.

"Here." Yu Qi handed over the gun to the man back.

The man was stunned. He did not expect to get his gun back. Everyone was shocked too.

The man slowly took the gun. He put it away.

"Thank you." The man nodded and left the hospital.

Everyone was relieved that the men finally left. They thought the man would do something to Yu Qi after Yu Qi handed over the gun to the man.

The man seemed to recognize her from somewhere. If they recognised her, they might be considered to offend her. If they offended her, they might offend Long Hui.

But Yu Qi did not expect that these men were from Liang Mo Han. Liang Mo Han already put Yu Qi on the list 'not to offend this person'.

They did not dare to offend Yu Qi because anyone on the list was a dangerous person. That was why the man wanted to leave as soon as possible without offending Yu Qi.


After Long Hui returned from his mission, it was almost one month. He had not been seeing Yu Qi for one month. He missed her badly.

To surprise Yu Qi about his return, Long Hui went to the research centre after calling Neko-chan and asking Yu Qi's whereabouts.

Neko-chan told him that Yu Qi was at the research centre doing her experiments. Yu Qi already registered Long Hui's data. So, it was easy for Long Hui to enter the research centre.

"You are here?" Dian Shu Xian was surprised to see Long Hui here.

"Hmm... I just returned from my mission and want to see my fiance." Long Hui explained.

"Oh, she is here. She is in the middle of an experiment. Don't disturb her yet." Dian Shu Xian reminded.

"Sure." Long Hui nodded.

Dian Shu Xian left. Long Hui walked to Yu Qi's resting room. Yu Qi was doing her experiment in another room.

"Master's fiancee... Master will be here in 20 minutes," Neko-chan informed Long Hui.

"Thank you." Long Hui said.

Yu Qi's room did not have any decoration. It was a very simple design. Only a few pictures were set on Yu Qi's table.

His picture, Tang Family, her picture with the twin and their picture together when they went to see the aurora.

He heard the click door sound. The door was opened. He could see that Yu Qi was stunned by his presence.

"Brother Hui? What? Am I dreaming? I must be tired from working so hard." Yu Qi mumbled.

"I am not your imagination." Long Hui responded.

Yu Qi was shocked. Yeah. Her imagination would not answer her like that. She realized that it was the real Long Hui.

She rushed and hugged Long Hui. Long Hui also did the same.

"When do you arrive here?" Yu Qi asked.

"Just now." Long Hui said.

"You should call me." Yu Qi pouted.

"I just want to surprise you." Long Hui touched Yu Qi's nose.

"Yeah. I am really surprised right now." Yu Qi laughed.

"I miss you a lot." Long Hui said.

After the sentence, Long Hui kissed Yu Qi. He deepened the kiss as he wanted to express his thought through the kiss.

Yu Qi could not help to moan. After a while, Long Hui finally let Yu Qi go.

"You bad boy." Yu Qi threw a hit on Long Hui's chest. "You deliberately want to set me on fire right now, did you?"

Long Hui laughed. "What? I can't?"

"Of course, you can not." Yu Qi said.

"But, we already have a bed over there." Long Hui pointed at the bed.

"That bed is for rest only. Not to do something like that." Yu Qi's face was red.

"Really? Then, we should use it for resting." Long Hui grinned.

"No no no... Let's go home." Yu Qi suggested.

"Oh... I never thought that Qi Qi will be so aggressive about this." Long Hui teased Yu Qi.

"You twisted my words." Yu Qi was embarrassed.

Long Hui laughed again. "Well, let's go home, shall we?"

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