Novel Name : Can't Get Away With You

Can't Get Away With You Chapter 32 Confrontation

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Steve walked to Joey and reminded her, "boss, Mr. Kent is here. Those women also... "

Steve's shyness made Joey unresponsive. He stubbed out the cigarette and asked, "done?"


"Let's go." Joey walked towards Kent and took a glass of wine from the tray in the waiter's hand.

Raising the glass of wine in his hand, Joey glanced at the hall of the party and said, "Mr. Ken is finally

here. You have to punish yourself by drinking three glasses of alcohol today!"

Kent smiled helplessly. His eyes under the gold rimmed glasses were full of apology. "I'm indeed late.

Three glasses are not too many."

Joey cast a sidelong glance at Steve, then Steve came to propose a toast to Kent.

Looking at the glass in which was liquor in front of him, the smile in Kent's eyes slowly sank, but the

corners of his mouth were still beautiful.

Kent drank three glasses of liquor without any expression on his face. Joey took the lead to applaud for

Kent. All the ladies present knew that Joey was deliberately making things difficult for Kent, but he was

in a high position!

While belittling Joey in his heart, they also started at Kent with admiration.

"Mr. Kent, you are so readily!" Joey patted Kent's shoulder and showed a trace of admiration. "I'm sure

to be your friend!"

Kent just smiled and said nothing.

Joey changed the topic, "I heard that Mr. Kent doesn't have a girlfriend yet?"

Kent paused and smiled, "not yet."

"It's normal that you can't find a girl together abroad. After all, we have different contacts with them

since childhood, and when we grow up, we will have different ideas, but..."Joey raised his glass and

said, "but there are many good girls in our country. Mr. Kent, you should hurry up!"

Kent replied with a smile, "of course!"

Joey patted Kent on the shoulder and said, "there are so many beautiful women in Gu Consortium. If

you like someone, I can give you a clue!"

"Thank you, Mr. Joey." Kent took out a glass of red wine from the tray of the waiter and clinked glasses

with Joey.

The two of them laughed out loud and their eyes were filled with killing intent.

Joey raised his glass and took a sip of the wine. The mellow scent of the wine brought his good mood

into his heart.

Steve lowered his head and didn't dare to say anything. If his boss didn't like Kent, he would punish

him to death!

Three glasses of spirits, a glass of brandy, a cup of vodka, and a cup of double headed soup. If he was

a normal person, he would have drunk!

During the whole party, Joey talked with Kent about the characteristics of the girl he liked in a friendly

manner. Kent felt a little dizzy but didn't get drunk.

The two of them talked back and forth with wine glasses in their hands. In the blink of an eye, they had

drunk a few glasses of wine.

Those who knew Joey had never seen him so approachable to someone. They thought that Kent was

right about him.

Although Kent was displeased, he couldn't turn against Joey. He came to represent HN Group this

time. No matter what he did wrong, it would indirectly affect the cooperation of HN Group.

He had no choice but to take Joey's scheming as a joke and endure the ridicule.

"I think our HR manager is good. She is just twenty-five years old this year. She is gentle, kind,

beautiful and conservative, and her family is simple." Speaking of this, Joey suddenly thought of

something and his eyes lit up. "It's not bad for the Gu Consortium and HN Group to get a relation in


The girls who were looking at them from time to time all looked at Joey in disbelief. Didn't they invite

them this time to see the moral quality of Kent! Why did he start to introduce Kent girlfriend again!

"You must be kidding, Mr. Joey. I have someone I like," said Kent indifferently, looking at Joey with his

misty eyes

Joey gasped and smiled apologetically, "I was too sudden. Kent, I hope you don't mind."

Kent still smiled calmly. Of course he didn't care. It was just a group of crazy women.

The ladies around softened their faces. No one would think that Kent was telling the truth. As soon as

he entered the room, he said that he was single. Now he was just annoyed by Joey.

It occurred to Kent that Joey had set a trap for him, but he never thought that the women at the party

thought so much which could even scare aliens away.

The women around him were even more happy to see that he didn't give in to the evil force.

Seeing that the fire was almost ready, Joey winked at Steve.

Steve understood and turned away.

With a glass of wine in his hand, Joey continued to talk with Kent, but from his girlfriend stuff to the

cooperation between the two sides.

People around came to toast from time to time, and Joey didn't mind introducing to Kent the merchants

that might cooperate with HN Group in the future.

Steve came in a hurry, "Mr. Joey!"

Many people turned their attention to Joey. Steve walked up to him and said, "Mrs. Gu asked you to go

back. Miss Maggie..."

Joey raised his hand to stop him.

Joey forced a smile and looked at Kent, "Kent, I'm really sorry. Something happened to my family, so I

have to leave now." He pointed at his secretary and said, "Steve knows most of the people here. Let

him introduce them to you."

Kent was very happy, he still looked gentle. "Mr. Joey, please go. Family is more important."

Joey couldn't smile anymore. He handed the glass to Steve, turned around and left the party in a hurry.

While driving, Joey thought of the words of Kent, "Mr. Joey, please go. Family is more important.".

He looked at the traffic with cold eyes. He knew clearly that Kent was mocking him for losing his family

as a successful man.

Joey's mouth twitched. Somehow, when he saw Kent, he had a sense of crisis. He knew very well that

Lois didn't have an improper desire for Kent, but when he saw Kent, he couldn't help but tighten his

body to guard against the man who seemed to be powerless.

He didn't dare to admit that if Lois and Kent had been together at the beginning, they would have been

much happier than now. At least, they would take good care of each other and even share sweet love

that most women pursued.

He couldn't give these to Lois, not only because of Sally, but also because he was a cold faced person.

He didn't like to smile or care about others since childhood, and also because he was good at saying

something bad.

Depressed, Joey turned the steering wheel and drove into the villa.

Joey stopped the car, but he didn't get off. He thought that except for the fever of Maggie yesterday,

Lois hadn't contacted him for a long time. He was a little depressed. She stayed in the hospital all day

long, but she didn't even call him. She didn't even have this husband in her heart!

He remembered that when he went to the hospital yesterday, Lois was busy with work on an

intravenous drip. He felt sorry for her but also blamed her.

If she wanted a job, she could tell him. He could help her arrange a position. In a big company like Gu

Consortium, even if she was only a leader at the medium level or above, she would get more

knowledgeable than the boss of a small company like a studio!

Joey sighed in his heart. She was always so stubborn and strong. Even if he had arranged something

for her in Gu Consortium, she would probably ignore his kindness.

Maggie had already fallen asleep. Joey went to the study to finish his work and then he went back to

his room to rest as well.


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