Novel Name : Can't Get Away With You

Can't Get Away With You Chapter 44 Excited Schoolmates.

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Kent looked at Joey in confusion, as if he didn't understand what he meant.

Joey wasn't in the mood to play dumb with him. "I remember that Mr. Kent majored in management at

that time, right? Do you have any pursuit of the financial industry? "

Kent was stunned and said, "no!"

After the meeting was over, everyone left the meeting room for some activities.

Joey picked up the coffee in front of him and reminded Kent seemingly unintentionally, "as the general

manager of HN Group, I advise you not to ignore the identity of the general manager of HN Group for

personal interests."

Kent nodded and said, "of course."

His answer was pretty, but he did deny it in his heart.

Since most of the company's funds had flowed into the research project of B University, Lois had spent

most of her time in the research project of B University, because of the advice and help of experts. In

addition, Kent had prepared sufficient information, and the early stage of the new project was very


Looking at the crystal mold in front of her, Lois turned her head and looked at the professional people

who were not much older than her. She asked as usual ten times a day, "is that all? Can it be used as a

laser lamp? "

"That's it!" The young man was not impatient at all, and there was no doubt in Lois's eyes, but full of

interest and curiosity.

"How many can we prepare in the early stage?" Lois asked again.

"Maybe... Twenty thousand or thirty thousand. It will last for more than a month after it is put into the

market. "

Lois nodded, "can we apply for a patent?"

The young man turned his head to look at Lois, neither sad nor happy. After a while, he said excitedly,

"of course!"

"Why didn't I think of it! Take it all by ourselves! This is the way to make money! " The man held the

crystal doll in his hand excitedly and told it his feelings.

Lois touched her nose and wondered if she was invisible?

Luoning turned around and left, but kept the patent in mind.

When Lois returned to the company, she looked at the neat documents on the table which would be

needed to be used in the future. She lowered her head and began to deal with them. The excessive

documents all day long made her even more exhausted. But when she thought of her hope, her dream

every night for Maggie, no matter how tired she was, she had to resist it. As long as she resisted it, she

could take back her child.

In the CEO's office of Gu Consortium, a young man in blue, black trousers and flaxen short hair took

out a thick envelope from his inner pocket. He lowered his voice and said, "this is what she has been

doing in the past week. She generally spent time on home, company, and B University. These are three

main areas."

Joey nodded and winked at Steve. Steve nodded and left the CEO's office with the private detective.

Joey looked through the photos and saw what Lois had done.

Looking at the photo in which Lois had lost a lot of weight, Joey felt very uncomfortable. He touched

her face, which had become thinner and thinner day by day. But when he thought that Lois had

cooperated with another man behind his back, and that the other man Kent might have other intentions

on Lois, his idea of helping Lois was gradually suppressed by jealousy.

Anyway, she wouldn't think of him when she was in trouble. Why did he always have to help her.

Joey picked up the phone and dialed Steve's number. After a while, the phone was connected. "Send

someone to keep an eye on Kent. Be careful not to be discovered by him!"

After hanging up the phone, Joey thought of the way Kent looked at Lois. His eyes turned cold. If the

mysterious partner was really Kent, then don't blame him for not giving face to him!

After giving the order, Joey put the phone back. He thought of his former family, the gentle Lois and the

lovely Maggie... 'When will my family come back to the original?' He couldn't wait anymore.

Compared with the helplessness and disappointment Joey got in the relationship with Lois, Kent was

able to easily integrate into Lois's life and work.

The two of them had dinner together occasionally some time ago. Although they were talking about

business, the relationship between the two of them had become closer and closer. While Joey was

getting farther and farther away from Lois, Kent had the advantage that he could get the moonlight first

in a favorable position.

However, Lois didn't notice Kent's intention at all. In her eyes, his investment was driven by a man's

ambition, and she happened to be the foot on the back of the horse, and what she took was the return

from Kent.

Every time Kent made the appointment because of the handover of the contract. Except for having

dinner together, the two of them had no other contact point, so they had no choice but to have dinner


She had always been a good young man with clear relationship. She wouldn't take advantage of Kent

when she cooperated with him, and she didn't want Kent to interfere in the company's other projects as

a schoolmate.

The relationship between her and Kent was only Kent as an investor invested a large amount of money

into the development of Solar energy.

Facing the clear-minded Lois, Tania felt a little depressed. Everyone could see what was on Kent's

mind, except Lois who was so dull about love. It was because she had been in a daze with Joey for five

years that she could not figure it out!

However, Tania, who had been busy recently, had no time to explain to Lois. She felt that Lois had a lot

of things to do recently as well, and it was inconvenient to delay the two of them. So Tania just gave her

a simple advice, "it's obvious to all that your Kent is a man of action. If you follow him, you will have

meat to eat!"

The simple meeting ended in Lois's "reasonable" expression. The two of them hurried back to their

positions and continued to work.

The cooperation between Gu Consortium and HN Group was up again, and more than half of the

cooperation had been smoothly negotiated. During this process, the reputation of Kent was greatly

heard.. The former schoolmates suddenly became active in the circle. It was unknown who posted the

photos of Kent and Joey shaking hands with each other with a smile.

For a moment, the schoolmates' circle was boiling with excitement. This man was the famous Kent!

Several of his classmates who had been famous in the University contacted Kent directly. Kent was

surprised but happy. No matter what, the college period was the good memory of all the young people

who graduated and worked hard, and Kent was no exception.

Occasionally, he thought of the bitterness when he had a crush on Lois, and the sweetness and

sadness when he was alone in his childhood. He felt funny but would miss more or less. What he

missed more was the memory with Lois, which was beautiful but bitter, like a cup of coffee.

After discussion with Kent, they finally decided the date of the party. Next Saturday, they could just stay


Of course, Lois also received an invitation to the party. When she set up her company, she didn't

change her e-mail, so the invitation was directly sent to her work e-mail.

She didn't pay much attention to the welcome meeting for Kent. She had already had several meals

with him, and there were several important projects to be dealt with in the company that day as well, so

she didn't have time to attend.


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