Novel Name : My Baby's Daddy

My Baby's Daddy Chapter 509

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“Well, how do you know she isn’t just a wolf in sheep’s clothing? Do you know her better than we do?”

Erica bit out angrily.

“Miss Tillman will have an insurmountable fortune to her name once she becomes Mrs. Presgrave, so

why would she come after Tillman Constructions? The both of you, however, are acting highly

suspicious right now,” Rey pointed out sardonically. He was Elliot’s assistant, and being demanding

aside, the job also required a sharp and analytical mind.

Naomi gaped at Rey speechlessly, and jealousy flashed in Erica’s eyes. When did Anastasia gain

superiority over us?

Just then, Rey’s phone rang, and he quickly picked up after glancing at the caller ID.

“Yes, President Presgrave?”

“Throw those women out of the premises right now. I don’t want them making a scene there,” came

Elliot’s curt reply. While he was not at the hospital, he had gotten word about Naomi and Erica being

there and causing a scene in the main lobby. He was admittedly bearing a grudge against them,

especially after Naomi had slapped Anastasia in the face last night. That alone was enough to make

him want to ruin their lives.

Rey answered solemnly, “Yes, sir.”

Then, he shot the security guards a look and instructed, “Escort them out of the hospital at once and do

not let them come back in again.”

The security guards leaped into action at once. Before Naomi and Erica knew what was happening,

they were held by the arms and frog-marched toward the lobby exit.

“Hey! What are you doing? Let me go right now!” Naomi hollered.

However, no one heeded her warning, and just like that, the mother-daughter duo was thrown out the

door. Following this, the security guards fell into formation and stood in a line of six. effectively blocking

the women’s way into the building.

“How dare that useless little wench treat us like this! If she thinks she’s so great, then why doesn’t she

just kill me already?” Naomi seethed.

Humiliated and not wanting to turn into the butt of the joke now that she was thrown out of a hospital,

Erica quickly grabbed her arm and urged, “Mom, we should go.”

Naomi had no choice but to leave with her daughter. Once they burrowed into their car, Erica pulled out

her phone and called Alex.


“Alex, Anastasia had Dad transferred to Presgrave Hospital! We tried to bring him back, but security

threw us out. What do we do now?”

“What? How could you have let her take him away in the first place?”

“We didn’t let her!” Erica argued.

“She signed the transfer paperwork this morning while Mom and I were away from the hospital. What if

the medical team at Presgrave Hospital manages to save him from his comatose state?”

“I’d only just switched out the old will. It’ll be the end of us if President Tillman wakes up, so you have to

make sure he never does!” Alex ground out icily.

“What the hell do I do now?”

“Continue pressing them until they hand over President Tillman, and you have to find out his current

condition no matter what,” Alex urged.

“Okay.” Erica hung up and glanced at Naomi, saying, “Mom, I think I have a way that might just work.

We could call the press and have them expose Anastasia. We’ll make it sound like she has taken Dad

away so that she could kill him and claim Tillman Constructions all for herself. Then, we’ll use the

subsequent public discourse to force her into handing Dad over.”

Naomi pondered on this and decided that. it was a viable option. Now that Anastasia had Elliot to

protect her, she was untouchable. Calling the press on her and painting her as some greedy spawn

who only wanted to take the company for herself would undoubtedly disrupt her life to some extent.

“Alright then. We’ll just use the press and have her facing backlash afterward,” Naomi said, agreeing

with her daughter.

Erica knew a couple of reporters from various media companies, and she decided to have the

powerhouse among them cover the news.

In the guest lounge of the press company, Erica and Naomi explained to the person they were meeting

about how Anastasia was after Francis’ fortune.

The man who had joined them in the lounge was the editor-in-chief. He did not care about the truth,

only about the buzz that such news would bring. The issue would become a subject of dispute among

the public, which was the most valuable outcome.

But neither Naomi nor Erica told the editor-in-chief a vital piece of information, which was that of

Anastasia and Elliot’s engagement. They had only painted her as a scheming no-good wench who had

been vying for Tillman Constructions.

“Very well. We’ll be more than happy to expose this woman for you. It’s a matter of life and death, after

all. I’ll head on to write the article right now, and we’ll feed it to the public. Once the backlash starts

kicking in, she’ll cave under the pressure and return your sick and comatose husband and father.”


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