Novel Name : My Baby's Daddy

My Baby's Daddy Chapter 564

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Anastasia crossed her arms while sneering, exuding apathy. “I’ve come bearing news, Naomi. It’s about

your daughter.”

“What?! What about Erica? Has she done anything wrong?” Naomi turned glum.

“Your daughter is charged with attempted murder.”

“Impossible! My Erica doesn’t have the guts to do that. How dare she kill a human when she can’t even

kill an animal? Don’t slander my daughter, Anastasia Tillman. You’re bullying her behind my back, aren’t

you?!” Naomi blew a fuse.

“You’re right, she didn’t dare to murder in the past, but you’ve fattened up her ambition and courage so

much that she can do anything for money now.” Anastasia snorted disdainfully.

“Anastasia, Erica’s still your sister, no matter what she has done. Please forgive

her, seeing that both of you have Francis’ blood running in your veins.” Naomi thought kinship could

persuade Anastasia to overlook Erica’s faults.

However, the frost beneath Anastasia’s eyes only thickened after she heard Naomi’s plea. “I do have

good news for you, though. My dad has regained consciousness.”

“What?! Francis has regained consciousness?! That’s great; I’ve missed him so much!” Naomi instantly

feigned adoration.

Naomi had thought it through. If Francis had regained consciousness, he would definitely forgive her for

even manipulating his will, seeing that they shared a daughter, or at least she thought So.

“But my dad doesn’t want to see you, much less forgive you for what you’ve done. Don’t get too excited

just yet.” Anastasia crushed her hopes unambiguously.

Naomi turned grim in response.

“Anastasia, you’ve said nothing but. terrible things about me to your father, haven’t you? But don’t go

thinking you can drive a wedge between us. Besides, Erica is Francis’ daughter too! He won’t sit back

and watch me go to jail.”

Anastasia was so livid that she was beginning to sneer. How could Naomi continue to act so


“Naomi, are you sure you’re right to call Erica my father’s daughter?” Anastasia decided to drop the

bomb on her.

Naomi panicked in response and shrieked, “How dare you, Anastasia. You can hate Erica, but I won’t

allow you to question her parentage!”

“Then do you know who your daughter attempted to murder?”

“Who?” Panic filled Naomi’s eyes. “Mrs. Wanda Garner. Erica first tried to kill her by pushing her off a cliff

into the sea. But because Mrs. Garner survived, Erica allied with a man to wound her with a machete,

Wanna guess his name?

Newman. Patrick Newman. I’m sure you’re familiar with it.” Anastasia smirked as she fixed her gaze on


Naomi, seated on her chair, suddenly jolted and nearly fell over. Luckily she held a tight grip on the table.

“I don’t know any Patrick Newman.”

“Erica has nothing to do with the Tillman Family. She’s your daughter with Patrick Newman. Mrs. Garner

discovered his identity when he went to Tillman Residence a month ago, and Erica, worried that her

parentage would be exposed, lured Mrs. Garner to the coast and mercilessly pushed her down. After

Mrs. Garner was saved, Erica then sought help from her birth father, Patrick. They lured Mrs. Garner to

an abandoned warehouse this time and made another murder attempt. Mrs. Garner has already pressed

charges, so you’ll have company very soon.”

Naomi began heaving upon hearing Anastasia’s words. Shrieked dramatically, she seemed to be left with

no choice. “Spare my daughter, Anastasia! I’ll kneel. Please, spare Erica…”

“You married my father with a daughter that has no blood relation to him whatsoever and used my blood

to trick my father into thinking Erica is indeed a descendent of the Tillman Family. All these years, your

daughter was treated with nothing but love and affection while I-there’s nothing any one of you can do to

salvage all that I’ve lost. I want to see you pay the price for your wickedness.”

With that, Anastasia turned and left, leaving Naomi to hold a death grip on the bars and scream, “Spare

my daughter, Anastasia! She’s still so young… Please have mercy on her, please, I beg of you…”

Anastasia sneered to herself. Spare Erica? Never.

The police successfully tracked Erica to a high-end restaurant. She was enjoying a plate of perfectly

cooked steak like she was still a socialite until the police walked in, where she turned fearful, causing the

cutleries in her hands to slip and drop onto the floor.


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