Novel Name : My Baby's Daddy

My Baby's Daddy Chapter 913

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For a while, she only focused on walking when a forked branch suddenly caught a strand of her hair.

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“Ah…” She let out a cry in pain and quickly turned her head to see that she had hooked her hair onto a

branch. So, she reached out to untangle it.

Richard, who was behind, picked up his speed. Just as he was about to help her, she stopped him.

“Captain Lloyd, we shouldn’t Ñ.Övel.Ë.book be too close. I can do it.”

His hand stopped abruptly in the air for a few seconds before he retracted it.

Angela held the branch and slowly pulled her hair out, bit by bit. Once she was done, she looked at the

man standing beside her like a statue and pursed her red lips.

“You can go first! I’ll take my time.”

Once he heard her suggestion, he walked past her and actually left..

As for Angela, she slowly took her time to return to the base. The moment she arrived, she went to her

room to wash her face before coming out. Trevor had already brought her breakfast.

“Thank you, Trevor. You’re so nice to me.” She was genuinely grateful. “Miss Meyers, all of us,

including our Captain, are very nice to you.” He did not forget to sing praises about his captain to leave

a good impression.

Although she was caught off guard for a moment, she nodded. “Yeah, you’re all very kind to me. Also,

did you find that lipstick?”

“Not yet,” he answered truthfully.

“I really hope you find it soon, so I won’t have to trouble you to protect me,” she wished aloud.

“In due time, Miss Meyers. Please be patient,” Trevor comforted her.

“Thank you.” And with that, she headed

back into her room with her breakfast.

Once she was done, she took her dishes to the kitchen and passed the cafe. Then, she decided to

make five cups of coffee and brought them on a large tray to the meeting room where Trevor and the

rest worked.

After she knocked on the door, she pushed it open and went in, only to see Richard sitting on the main

chair while the four him.

“I made you guys coffee.” Angela smiled, acting like their assistant who was hard at work.

The other four were a little flattered as they hurriedly got up and took the coffee cups from her. Finally,

she put the last cup in front of Richard. “Captain Lloyd, here’s your coffee.”

“Thanks,” he answered dispassionately.

“Miss Meyers, it smells delicious! Your coffee-making skills are amazing,” Sean praised.

“I learned how to make coffee abroad; I hope you guys don’t mind. If you like my coffee, I’ll make it for

you every day in the future.” Angela had decided to take the initiative to find something to do to make

her days more productive.

“That would be our honor,” Sean said with a smile.

She, too, beamed back at him. “I won’t bother you any longer.”

After she left, Sean was still in a trance, watching her walk away. At this moment, Richard let out a light

cough, and Sean was quickly brought back to his senses, not daring to take another look.

As Richard sipped on his coffee and realized that his other subordinates had it too, he suddenly felt

that the cup of coffee in his hand wasn’t nice anymore.

Angela’s coffee-making skills Ñ.Övel.Ë.book were excellent. Now, this mellow coffee wasn’t limited to

his tastebuds anymore.

As Angela was busy cleaning her room, Trevor handed her an iPad, telling her she could pass the time

by downloading as many movies as she wanted.

This made her think that he was really considerate; although he looked unbothered, he was actually

very thoughtful.

“Thank you, Trevor.”

“No problem. Just make us some coffee whenever you’re free.”

“Okay. As long as I’m here, I’ll make all of you coffee every morning,” Angela said with a smile.


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