Novel Name : The Runaway Groom

The Runaway Groom Chapter 1018

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Chapter 1018Chapter 1018

Sheryl was upset at that. "How's Tommy or Baby lacking?"

"No-they're just too young to be talking about marriage," Zachary quickly explained.

He seemed to remember Irene mentioning that Isaac wanted a daughter, but Isaac probably had no

hopes for that in this life.

It was time for Zachary to show off his daughter when Isaac came back.

Sheryl could read that smugness from his face. "Sons are a blessing for parents too."

"Of course." Zachary grinned. "He’s just a little too blessed."

Sheryl could not say anything to that.

Irene stayed with Isaac at the hospital ward.

It was huge enough for them, and there were no unconcerned people around.

The day before they returned to Franconia, she received a call from Erin, who was pleased to hear that

Isaac made a full recovery after asking about it.

Then, Erin asked when they could return.

Irene said, "We've booked a flight for tomorrow..."

Erin became silent for a long while at that and appeared hesitant to speak.

"What is it? You can tell me," Irene told her."I've decided to marry James here. Can you come over here again?" Erin asked.

Irene looked up at Isaac, whose eyes were still recovering.

They definitely had to attend Erin and James's wedding, but...

"When is it?"

"Next Saturday," Erin replied.

Irene checked the date.

It was just Wednesday, and there were still ten days until next Saturday.

"We'll definitely be there," Irene promised-it was still early, and they could go back to Franconia to

check on the children.


They spoke a little more before Irene walked up to Isaac and massaged his eyes. "Call from Erin."

Isaac kept his eyes closed as he listened to her.

"She's getting married to James," Irene said, knowing that Isaac would understand if she mentioned

that much.

Moreover, Irene was happy for James and Erin-they agreed to get married early on, but too much

happened and they had to put it off.

Now that they were finally going to be together, it was worth congratulating."So, you're attending as Erin's brother? We should prepare something more valuable, right?" she


"Yeah," Isaac replied. "I'll make the arrangements."

"Okay," Irene replied.

They flew back to Franconia the next day, and Irene called Sheryl ahead of time, who in turn asked

them when they would get home.

She waited with both children when it was almost time.

While Tommy was fine with standing still to wait, Baby insisted on walking around.

He had just begun to walk steadily and preferred to walk on his own now instead of being carried


Sheryl had to keep an eye on him while waiting.

Zachary was with them-Jean had just fallen asleep, and he was still free for a while or he would have to

carry her too.

When both Irene and Isaac touched down, their chauffeur and Pierre received them at the airport.

Irene had just gotten out of her car when Tommy ran up, hugging her leg.

"Mommy," he purred as he nuzzled against her thigh. "I missed you."

Irene picked him up. "I missed you too."

He was getting taller, and carrying him was much more strenuous.Sheryl turned toward Isaac and asked in concern, "Have you recovered now?"

Isaac nodded. "Yeah."

"That's good to hear," Zachary said, walking up and wasting no time in bragging. "I have a daughter

now, Isaac."

Isaac was not surprised since Irene had already told him.

Nonetheless, Zachary was grinning smugly. "Don't you envy me?"

Isaac scooped Baby up in his arms and shot him a cool look. "Envy you?"

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