Novel Name : The Runaway Groom

The Runaway Groom Chapter 1051

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Chapter 1051Chapter 1051

"The patient's injuries are extensive,” the doctor replied. ’We need further examinations before surgery

and plan the surgery accordingly.”

It was certainly better to be safe than sorry.

"Thank you," Irene said.

‘Til do my best to treat her since I took her in as a patient.” The doctor smiled. "I'm a perfectionist-l don't

know what she looked like before or whether I can restore her face to the way it was, but I'll definitely

make her look good."

Irene agreed-it was fine not to reconstruct Lulu's original appearance as long as the plastic surgery was

a success.

After Lulu stayed at the hospital, it was medical examinations and planning the surgery over the next

few days.

Plastic surgery was not Irene’s speciality, but she was allowed to be present and judge the success

rate of the surgery with her own knowledge.

After days of discussion, they planned over a dozen surgeries, both major and minor.

It was possible for changes too, and Irene understood that.

When she told Lulu about the procedures, however, Lulu remained silent.

Unsure if she was actually agreeing to it, Irene tried to persuade her. "You'd look good even if you can't

restore your original looks. Just think about- it's a new face, a fresh start. Not a bad choice at all."Lulu understood what Irene meant, and it was not as if she disagreed, but...

"Alright, let's go with that!"

Still, she had already agreed to live on for her child, even if she had to do it pitifully.

Irene's heart ached for her. "I'm staying here with you. You won't have to be afraid about being alone."

"But you just said there'll be over a dozen surgeries. That would take a while, and it's not as if I don't

know a thing about medical procedures. I'm mentally prepared as well, so you don't have to stay here

with me-you have a family, or are you abandoning them for me, staying here all this while?"

"Isaac would understand,” Irene said, holding her hand. "And you don't have to worry about me-my

mother will take care of my sons very well in my absence. On the other hand, I'm the only one who can

keep you company, so how could I abandon you?’

"I know you're being kind to me, but you should go home for a while before coming back. You don't

have to stay,” Lulu insisted.

She did not want Irene to neglect her own family for her. After all, women had many things to attend to

after marriage, and freedom was nonexistent when they had a husband and children. They would

always have to think fortheir family's sake.

"Yeah, but not now," Irene said. "We just came-you're probably not used to this place, but I'll go back

once your first surgery is successfully completed. N

Irene was certainly considerate for Lulu's sake, as if it was not until six days after Lulu was moved to

Minerva that Lulu had her first surgery.

It took four hours, but thankfully went smoothly.Irene stayed by Lulu's bed while the latter was still asleep with sedatives.

"You can rest now that the surgery is over, ma'am," Eagle told Irene. "I'll keep an eye on her."

After all, Irene had been standing outside ever since Lulu was wheeled into the operating room, never

stepping away once.

And now that the surgery was over and Lulu was taken back to her ward, Irene was still glued to her-it

would definitely be wearing Irene out.

"I'm fine," Irene told him. "I'll only have peace of mind when I see her wake up—I'm all she has left

without anyone else around her. I won't let her feel lonely and helpless now."

"Yes, ma'am," Eagle said, lowering his head.

Lulu woke up in the middle of the night, with Irene having fallen asleep beside her bed.


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