Novel Name : The Runaway Groom

The Runaway Groom Chapter 1034

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Chapter 1034Chapter 1034

The bridal suite was decorated in lively fashion with rose petals, ribbons and balloons.

James, however, was frowning as Erin rummaged through everything. "What are you doing?"

It was almost as if she had forgotten that she was a bride that day.

In fact, she did not even turn around to look at her bridegroom as she smiled. "Irene told me that she

left a gift here. I want to see what she prepared for me."

"Alright, you keep searching," James said. 'TH take a shower."

Erin waved him off, still facing away from him. "Let's go."

James was speechless-was the gift more important than him? It was as if she did not care about him


Walking up to her, he asked, "What, am I less precious than a gift?"

Erin looked up, staring at him for almost a minute in shock, leaving James a little embarrassed.

"W-What are you looking at?" James asked, touching his cheek. "What, is there dirt on my face?"

Erin shook her head seriously. "No, but there's something else."

"What?" James asked.

"Your skin is as thick as a wall."

Then, before James could reply, Erin added, "Of course it's the gift. Did you forget what Isaac gave

me? That's worth more than you!"She could spend all that money for the rest of her life, even waste it!

She was not stupid enough to not know how nice it was to be rich!

The affection of men might change, but money never betrayed anyone.

What was more practical than money in this day and age?

James was speechless. He cleared his throat as he reminded her, "You should remember that Irene

isn't as rich as Isaac, and she can't give you so much money."

"Well, she told me it's special, so it definitely isn't anything so mundane," Erin replied. "Now go take

your shower-l'll find it myself."

James was speechless again.

It was as if everything he said today was wrong!

It was their first night, so how did things turn out unpleasant like this? It was so infuriating!

"Fine, you go look,” he got up, before pausing to look at her continuing to rummage through everything.

"You sure you don't want to look in the bedroom?"

"Oh, right!”

With that, Erin lifted her dress and headed straight to the bedroom.

She opened the door to find it all red, as celebratory as it was romantic.

It was obvious the people who decorated it gave it thorough thought.

Just then, James said from outside, "Zachary and Irene worked hard to prepare everything. You like it?"Erin nodded repeatedly. "Yeah."

She grew up in Minerva, but she was a Zidonian at heart, inheriting the country's culture and tradition in

her bones, so the traditional decorations struck her fancy.

"They came all the way from Zidonia to attend our wedding. Let's treat them to a nice dinner some

other day."

Erin nodded repeatedly. "Yeah, good idea."

They had been busy for a while because of their wedding, but they would have time afterward.

They could return to Franconia soon.

Erin soon heard splashing from the bathroom-James was taking a shower.

Erin then spotted a box on a desk, and she walked over, picking up the card attached to it which read: [

Congratulations on your wedding!]

She pursed her lips ever so slightly, put down the card, and untied the gift wrapping, opening the box

with much anticipation.

Her cheeks blushed when she saw what was inside, at once embarrassed and happy as she carefully

picked it up!

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