Novel Name : The Bad Boy And The Mermaid

The Bad Boy And The Mermaid Chapter 20

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Leslie jumped on Blue as soon as we stepped through the threshold. He was so happy to see her, he

literally couldn’t stop going around in circles and then sprawled on the floor for belly-rubs.

“You’re such a good boy.” Blue cooed. “I missed you too, Les.”

Leslie was indeed a lucky dog. Any man would be more than happy to have Leslie’s place just for an

hour. She hugged the little traitor close, burying her nose in his fur.

“I’m so glad to be back.” She whispered.

“Yeah, me too. I missed you, Blue.” I said, “I thought I was doing the right thing by sending you away

but I was obviously wrong. I shouldn’t have—”

I didn’t find a chance to finish the sentence as Blue’s lips were possessively and deliciously crushed

against mine in a hard kiss. She held onto my neck in a firm grip so I had to bend all the way down to

her height. She stood on her heels; the lack of height didn’t stop her from completely dominating the

situation, or me. I moaned into her mouth, she hadn’t even given me enough time to act shocked. What

I was actually surprised about was how the mermaid had me pinned against the wall. She held my face

in her hands, tilting it so her tongue was sucking on mine, unapologetically. I could taste the tequila

mixed with some other fruit flavor. I could smell the familiar scent of her shampoo and instantly went

hard. She bit my lower lip a little harder than usual, and in a husky voice she whispered, “I hate how

other women stare at you. I don’t want them to; you’re only mine, Hunter.”

Stunned even wasn’t the word for how I was feeling at the moment. I couldn’t even get a word out. “I

missed kissing you like this.” Her hands had slid beneath my shirt, her finger scraping my chest, her

mouth continuing the onslaught like a hungry lioness ravaging a piece of meat. “Promise me.” She

looked so fucking amazing in all her drunken glory, with her Blue hair like a halo and her mouth looking

tempting like hell.

Maybe I should get her drunk often if this is how she was going to act after.

“Promise you what?” I managed to whisper back between kisses.

“Promise me you won’t kiss another woman.” She said. “I’ll give you what you want.”

Without even thinking of what I was agreeing to, I said yes. I may as well be agreeing to be beheaded

soon after sunrise. “I promise you no other woman, sweetheart. Just you. Only you.”

She sighed in satisfaction, kissing me open mouthed and desperately. My eyes flew open when I felt

her hand slip to my ass, her fingers squeezed and her front grinding against my front. She was literally

brushing her front to mine in desperate strokes, her Blue head bobbing up and down. Her mouth

sighing and making soft moaning sounds. And then I heard her whisper. “Fuck me hard.”

What the hell? Where had she heard that from?

Her blue eyes were dilated into a darker shade, filled with desire. I couldn’t let this happen. I caught her

shoulders and pulled her away from me. Rejection registered her face.

Trying to control my breathing, I asked her. “Blue, what are you doing?”

“I don’t know. I just felt like trying it with you.”

An ugly thought crossed my mind, and I was afraid to ask her. Like a strict parent asking their child how

they had learned dirty words, I asked her. “Who taught you to say that?”

Her cheeks went red. “No one.”

I was going to fucking punch this wall if I heard her say that Alec, Phoenix or someone else had taught

her those words, or tried it. Her pure little innocent mouth didn’t have to spout those words and while

she’d stayed with me, I’d made sure to keep my use of the crude language limited and now she’d

literally asked me to ‘fuck her hard.’

I folded my arms across my chest and I could see that I was making her nervous why my raging

attitude. “I won’t get angry. Just tell me the truth.”

She shrugged. “Well, I was serving drinks in one lounge and a man and woman were pressed against

a wall and she was making these sounds and she wasn’t wearing anything below, and he was doing

something to her, going inside her. I think. And, it seemed like she was enjoying it a lot. I thought I

wanted to try doing it too.” She said and then she quickly added. “With you, I mean.”

She’d just explained a couple having sex, the man being buck naked, and her desire to try that with

me. All that while keeping a straight face. I was partly shocked, yet amused but also relieved that the

boys hadn’t taught her the words.

I couldn’t help it when I laughed. “I don’t think we should do that, Blue. It may look really good and it

does feel good, I’m not going to lie but if we do it, it also means that you’ve sinned more than you

already have and it could stop you from going back to your world. And I don’t think it’s worth the risk.”

Not when you’re not in love with me and would probably leave in a month.

“Oh.” She said.

I guessed she didn’t understand what it meant for me. To Blue, it was all an experiment. I was still

shocked she’d kissed me after that fight we had over me trying to soil her.

She pressed her hand to her mouth and ran to the bathroom.

Blue was having her first experience being drunk. Hopefully, she never touched it after this.

* * *

After Blue had thrown up all the alcohol from her system, she complained that her head was spinning.

Considering that I’d been in her place more times than I could count on my fingers and toes together, I

instructed her to drink lots of water and handed her an aspirin. Eating sugary food also cured the head-


She tried to loosen the tight corset like thing that she was wearing that looked like a fancy bra, but in

vain. Her fingers were unable to reach the laces. She looked over her shoulder towards me in distress.

“Can you please help me?”

I began unlacing it and if this shit wasn’t complicated as hell. I wondered how women wore difficult

outfits like these that needed like maybe some equipment and an octopus to just untie. The soft skin of

her bare shoulders sent tingles down my body and created certain imagery that Blue wouldn’t

appreciate. Thank god for her hair that was concealing her front.

She had a warm bath, she confessed she’d barely eaten. I informed her that this was the last time she

was drinking unsupervised. She couldn’t drink if I wasn’t with her and she actually agreed. It was nearly

three a.m. in the morning and I was making her a peanut butter sandwich. I sat down on the island with

her and we ate in silence.

She took my hand in hers. I was guessing the alcohol was slowly losing the effect on her. She gave me

a warm smile. “I missed this, too. Just sitting and eating together with you.”

“Likewise. Sweetheart, can you not use the word you used before?”

“What word?” she asked innocently. “You mean the word ‘sitting?’”

“You know what I’m talking about.”

She munched on the sandwich, her eyes watching me, intently; a smear of peanut butter was at the

corner of her lips. “I don’t understand.”

“The word ’Fuck.’” I said finally. “Please don’t use it when I’m not around.”

“What does the word mean?” she asked.

“A crude word for having sex.” I explained.

She nodded in understanding, and then she asked, “Then what does dick mean?”

“Alright, it’s time for bed now.” I cleared the plates. Alec and Phoenix were due for a long lecture.

“But you didn’t answer my question.” She pressed.

“It’s getting late, Blue. I’ll tell you tomorrow.” I said.

And tomorrow she probably won’t even remember this entire conversation.

That night I tucked her into bed. She was wearing a thin pink camisole, no bra and it was seriously so

fucking hard not to stare at her glorious tits, especially since I’d been leading a completely celibate life

after I’d met Blue. I was going back to sleeping on the couch because if I slept with her in that bed, I’d

try to touch her again. The last time it happened, I know how it had turned out to be.

I picked up a pillow and a comforter and started making my way towards the living room couch.

“Hunter.” She called out to me.


She patted the empty space next to her, tilting her head to one side, “sleep with me.”

It wasn’t a question, she was literally demanding it.

“Uh, not a good idea if you’re not planning on adding any more sins to your long list of broken rules

because if I sleep there with you, I can’t guarantee that my hands won’t accidently try to wander

somewhere they shouldn’t.”

She laughed. “It’s okay. I want to talk to you.”

I wasn’t sure if I could concentrate on the talking when my mind wanted to do something else entirely.

Three a.m in the morning wasn’t exactly the best time for just talking.

Still, I caved in. Anything the mermaid wanted, I did it. I sat down beside her and she curled me against

my side naturally as I dimmed the night lamp.

“I wanted to say I’m sorry.” She said, peering at me.

“Sorry for?” I asked.

“You know...”

“No I don’t.” I wanted to tease her.

“I’m sorry for a lot of things. Firstly, I’m sorry that I looked into your past. I shouldn’t have done it, but I

didn’t really mean to, in fact it was kind of accidental. All I wanted to see was...”

“What? What did you want to see?”

She sighed. “I just wanted to see what you think of me as a woman.”

“And did you find out?”

She shook her head. “As I said, I had a glimpse into your past.” She placed her hand at the side of my

face and tear grazed her cheek. “What your mother did to you, wasn’t your fault, okay? You were a

child. If she left you, there was something wrong with her.”

“Blue, please. Let’s not talk about this, okay?”

She was now kneeling beside me, pressing close. “Talk to me. Tell me how I can make the pain go


“You can’t. That’s the problem. Nothing ever can.” I told her.

“I’m worried about you, Hunter. If you wish, I can take the bad part of the memories and you won’t have

to feel any remorse or pain. You won’t remember the bad things about your mother, or what she did.

Just the good will remain. Do you want me to do that?”

I looked at her, straight into her eyes and all I saw was sincerity. She really could take the pain away,

the pain I felt about abandonment and about how I’d been a bad son. I knew what I wanted, and I

definitely didn’t want her to take anything. “No, Blue. I’m good. It’s a part of me, and I think I should

start coming to terms with the fact that it wasn’t my fault. She was young and didn’t want me, that’s

that. There’s no glorifying the truth.”

“Okay, but if you ever need me to help you, all you have to do is ask.” I said.


* * *


I noticed that Hunter was restless that night. I’d held his hand and tried to understand why his energy

was so off. Maybe it was something that I said again? Maybe I’d offended him by asking to take away

his pain. There was no other reason to explain why he was back to sleeping on the couch. I had the

bed to myself now and Leslie had climbed onto Hunter’s side of the bed. I petted his fur, it was

soothing. There was the loud sound of thunder outside the window, and the thumping of a tree branch

against the glass windows. Leslie hid inside my covers, obviously hating the sounds of the rumbling


“I’m scared of thunder.” Leslie said.

“You don’t have anything to worry about.” I said kissing his head.

Hunter had left the window open. I climbed out of bed and went to the window to shut it. I noticed

Hunter’s form in the moonlight. He wasn’t wearing any shirt and the tattoos on his bicep and arms were

visible. I kneeled down beside his couch and traced the designs with my hands. Feeling a little daring, I

kissed his tattoos. He mumbled something coherent and turned his face the other side.

The rumbling intensified outside followed by the aggressive pelting of the rain. He said something again

so I leaned in to hear him better. He said ‘don’t leave me.’

And I knew he was probably having another bad dream about his childhood, and it was my fault

because I was the one who’d dug up that old subject which he’d so desperately tried to avoid, and now

he was having a nightmare.

Why did I always hurt him?

I heard him mumble again, but this time he’d been clear. He said, ‘don’t leave me, Blue.’

So it wasn’t his mother after-all. It was me. The realization hit me. I was going to leave him soon and he

didn’t want me to. I’d been so selfish and used to constantly think about going back to the ocean, but

I’d never realized how much I’d been hurting him.

All he’d done for me is give me care, and love and I’d foolishly taken everything. I’d led him on, as

Hannah put it. I climbed into the little space on the couch beside him; my back was to his front. His

strong arm slid around my waist.

‘Blue, stay with me…’

“I’m not going anywhere.” I said. “I’ll stay here with you.” My words were starting to sound foreign even

to my own lips.

“Hmmm…” He sighed in his sleep. “Stay…”

“I love you, Hunter.” I whispered, even though I knew he couldn’t hear me.

The rain smashed furiously towards the window this time and I had to go back to the window and close


A moment caught my eye on the road so I stopped and looked. I saw the man across the street,

standing on the wet pavement, completely drenched in the rain. He was tall, muscular and blonde.

Those icy emerald eyes stared right at me.

My breath hitched in my throat.


The man who had been my best friend, the I was supposed to marry, and had walked away from the

marriage as I surfaced on the land. My breath came in erratic pants.

This couldn’t be happening.

A car zoomed past and the man disappeared. My gaze darted around the road, and there was no sign

of him. I sighed in relief. I’d just imagined him after-all. I latched the window tightly, pulled the curtains

close and took my spot beside Hunter, letting him wrap his arms tightly around me in a cocoon.

It was just my imagination surely, Adrian couldn’t be here. He wouldn’t be able to find me. I told myself

repeatedly until I drifted off to sleep.


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